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* mandatory

Personal details
Abstract submission for posters and selected talks

Abstracts submitted for presentation at HoSC will be reviewed and judged solely on the data submitted for poster sessions and some selected talks. The final decision on the presentation format of all selected abstracts lies at the sole discretion of the HoSC Organising Committee. The presenting author will receive an email with the result of the review and the Committee’s decision on the abstract by the end of September 2017.

  • All abstracts must be written in English.

  • It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact in the abstract text will be reproduced as typed by the author.

  • Abstract titles will be subject to a spell check if the abstract is selected for presentation.

Yes No

Travel grants

We are offering a limited number of travel grants to selected short talk speakers. In case you wish to apply for a travel grant (500 Euro), please provide us with your CV and a letter of motivation (upload together as one PDF-file, max. 3 MB).

Yes No

Upload as pdf max. 3 MB.

Social Events: Will you attend
Yes No
Yes No

We are offering a limited number of spaces for “Meet the speakers lunch” on Wednesday , 8 November 2017.

Yes No
Data protection

Regarding images, film- and audio- recordings: Please note that during the event, recordings will be made to be used for public relations purposes if need be. By registering you agree to the release of photographs, films where you are depicted and, if necessary, sound recordings where your voice appears. You can withdraw your consent in writing at any time. Such a cancellation or withdrawal of your consent however, excludes your right to participate in the given event.

After submitting the registration form, a confirmation email will be sent to you shortly. In the case of questions or problems, please contact us at

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