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HIRO: News


Jul. 24: Two Guest Lectures from Chilean Researchers

Rosario Astaburuaga-García (left) & Prof. Beatriz Sánchez Nieto (right)
© Rosario Astaburuaga-García & Beatriz Sánchez Nieto

In June 2024 we welcomed two Chilean researchers to DKFZ. Thanks to the financial support of the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim Prof. Beatriz Sánchez Nieto from our partner university, the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (UC), could visit the DKFZ for one week. During her stay, Prof. Sánchez Nieto could chair Session 6 about "In-vitro and in-vivo FLASH studies" which took place on June 19th 2024 as part of the FLASH Workshop 2024, organized by Prof. Seco (Head of the Division Biomedical Physics in Radiation Oncology). She was also invited to speak at the hybrid Medical Physics Seminar with a talk on Analytical model for personalized photon peripheral dose calculation in radiotherapy: second cancer estimation and impact on the immune system can now be considered in a clinical setting. Click here for more pictures on the website of UC. 

On June 26th 2024, Rosario Astaburuaga-García (Alumna in Medical Physics of UC and Heidelberg University and the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology) presented her current PhD project about Single-cell analysis of radiation resistance in head-and-neck tumors: unraveling heterogeneity and molecular mechanisms during our hybrid Medical Physics Seminar.Rosario is a PhD student at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Jun. 24: Registrations are open!


The registration for the following courses in German are open until Sep. 19th 2024:

Course in German: Virtuelle Aktualisierungskurse zum Erhalt der Fachkunde im Strahlenschutz nach § 48 StrlSchV (Oktober 2024):

8-Std. Aktualisierungskurs, Anwendungsgebiet: Röntgendiagnostik

12-Std. Aktualisierungskurs, Anwendungsgebiete: Röntgendiagnostik und Nuklearmedizin / Strahlentherapie

More information is available here.

Jun. 24: Visiting Scientist from Chile at DKFZ

Prof. Sánchez-Nieto
© Prof. Sánchez-Nieto

Prof. Dr. Beatriz Sánchez-Nieto (Professor for Medical Physics at the Physics Faculty of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile) is going to visit the German Cancer Research Center in June 2024. She is invited by Prof. Dr. Joao Seco (Head of the Division of Biomedical Physics in Radiation Oncology) as visiting scientist. Her visit is funded by the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim as part of their "Alliance Visitor Program". 

Thanks to this funds, Prof. Sánchez-Nieto can chair Session 6 about "In-vitro and in-vivo FLASH studies" taking place on June 19th 2024 as part of the FLASH Workshop, organized by Prof. Seco. Furthermore, she is invited for a talk about "Analytical model for personalized photon peripheral dose calculation in radiotherapy: second cancer estimation and impact on the immune system can now be considered in a clinical setting" on June 19th 2024 in the Medical Physics Seminar, which is organized by Prof. Seco's division as well as the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology (head: Prof. Jäkel).

We are very happy to welcome Prof. Sánchez-Nieto to Heidelberg to further develop the long-lasting cooperation in Medical Physics between DKFZ and Chile (click here for more information). 

May 24: Celebrating the Cooperation in Medical Physics with Chile

Group Picture after the Ceremony at HCLA

In April 2024 the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology at DKFZ celebrated its long-lasting Cooperation in Medical Physics with several events in Chile. On April 23rd 2024, they started with a hybrid workshop on the topic of Radioresistance, hosted at the Heidelberg Center Latin America (HCLA) in Chile. After the workshop, they celebrated their 15-years funding given by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with a ceremony with all people involved from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (UC) and from Clínica Alemana de Santiago de Chile (CAS).

The 20-years cooperation with CAS was celebrated by a special grand round on April 24th 2024 and a hybrid symposium on Radioresistance, both events taking place at CAS.

More details and photos of all events are available here

May 24: Computational Patient Models group joins Helmholtz Imaging Initiative

CLARITY funded by Helmholtz Imaging

From May 14th to 15th, the team members Dr. Kristina Giske and Richard Häcker from the research group Computational Patient Models, presented the medical physicist's perspectives of the newly initiated interdisciplinary research project, CLARITY, at the Helmholtz Imaging Conference 2024. Together with our collaborators, Dr. Daniel Lang and Prof. Julia Schnabel, we kicked-off the project in the historic setting of Alte Frauenbad in Heidelberg.

CLARITY is a collaborative research project between the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology (E040) and the Institute of Machine Learning in Biomedical Imaging led by Prof. Julia Schnabel (HMGU). This project, competitively selected in the Helmholtz Imaging Call 2023, aims to enhance anomaly detection and generative AI capabilities for predicting 4D respiratory motion trajectories in MR-guided, respiratory-gated lung tumor treatments. Supported by high-quality data and expertise of our clinical partners at Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD), we aim to test modern AI technologies in radiation therapy with the goal of improving patient outcomes in the future.

May 24: 6th Summer School 2024: Registration is open!


The registration of our 6th Summer School in Medical Physics 2024 about the topic Radiation Detector Concepts for Medical Physics is now open! The course is divided into an online phase from Aug. 26th to Sep. 22nd 2024 and a hybrid attendance phase from Sep. 23rd to Sep. 27th 2024 in Heidelberg. All sessions of the hybrid attendance phase are available as Live Online Phase via Zoom. Participants can decide to attend the course 100% virtually or online and on-site in Heidelberg.

The summer school is designed for students on different levels (BSc, MSc or PhD students) as well as young scientists with a background in Physics, Medical Physics, Medical Engineering or similar. A science slam and a poster session with prizes are part of the course to encourage participants to present their own research.

More information (e.g. program, fees and application) is available here.

Apr. 24: Recording is online.


The recording of the lecture "Modern developments in radiotherapy" (in German) is available online. The lecture was given live via Zoom by Prof. Dr. Oliver Jäkel (Head of the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology) on April 8th 2024 as part of the Dialogue Week: "Innovation, Transfer and Research in Health and the Medical Industry - New Perspectives in Dialogue" of the further education platform

You can find more information in German about the dialog week on the website.

The recording in German is available here

Apr. 24: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship


Interested in a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship as part of the DKFZ Marie Curie MasterClasses? Prof. Oliver Jäkel (Head of the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology) – one of the DKFZ Principal Investigators – could be your future host.

If you are interested? For information how to apply, please follow the link: Application Deadline is May 13th 2024! Additional information is also available on the following website: 

Apr. 24: Registration for hybrid events on "Radioresistance"


The Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology (Head: Prof. Oliver Jäkel) celebrates the successful cooperation with local partners in Chile with two hybrid events in April 2024: 

Both events are free of charge, thanks to the financial support by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Don't miss the change and register for free!

Mar. 24: Successful End of ARTEMIS Sub-Projects at DKFZ

ARTEMIS Sub-Projects

At the end of 2023, the sub-projects (SP) at DKFZ within the ARTEMIS Project (Adaptive RadioThErapy with MR guided Ion beamS) have been finalized. The focus was on the following topics:

  • Development of a rotatable patient capsule for positioning the patient in the MR scanner and in front of the horizontal beam-line as well as its test with volunteers;
  • Algorithms for data analysis, image registration and generation of stopping power maps from the MRI data, to be used for plan adaption;
  • Development of MR-compatible, anthropomorphic phantoms and automated optimization of MR-sequences for the study protocols;
  • Development of a quality assurance protocol as well as investigations on the long-term stability of the MR scanner.

More information about the sub-projects is available here.

The ARTEMIS Project is a collaboration between the Department of Radiation Oncology and Radiotherapy (Head: Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Debus) at Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD) and the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology (Head: Prof. Dr. Oliver Jäkel) at DKFZ. The funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (FMER, grant number: 13GW0436B) ran at the DKFZ from August 2019 to August 2023. The funding at the UKHD (grant number 13GW0436A) ends in 2024.

Mar. 24: Patient Trials with CERN Detector

Mária Martišíková (left), the project leader from UKHD and DKFZ, and DKFZ researcher Laurent Kelleter
© UKHD/H. Schroeder

A new imaging device, based on the CERN technology Timepix, is now being used on cancer patients. Scientists from the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg, the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center (HIT) at University Hospital Heidelberg (UKHD) are now conducting the first patient trials to help target cancer cells more accurately in ion radiotherapy of head and neck tumours.

The project is lead by Dr. Mária Martišíková, Research Group Leader of the Group Novel Detection Techniques for Ion Beams of the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology at DKFZ. Read on here.

Dr. Martišíková was also interviewed live on Czech TV as part of the International Women's Day on March 8th 2024. The interview in Czech is available online here.

Mar. 24: Registration is open.


The registration for the Hybrid Courses in the Field of Particle Therapy is open until September 25th 2024. The courses are aimed to physicians and Medical Physics Experts who want to gain the "Fachkunde Partikeltherapie". Furthermore, national and international students and young scientists are welcome to register as well.

We are very happy to offer free course participations to a limited number of participants. More information about the courses, the registration and the free course participation is available here.

Feb. 24: Online Lecture by Prof. Jäkel on April 8th 2024


As part of the virtual discussion forum of the further education platform, Prof. Jäkel (Head of the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology) will give an online lecture on April 8, 2024 from 2:00 to 2:30 p.m. on the topic "Modern developments in radiotherapy" (lecture language is German). The lecture is aimed at anyone interested in the topic. Of course, experts from the fields of medicine, medical technology, medical physics and health are also cordially invited. As a provider of various further and advanced training courses in the field of medical physics and radiotherapy, HIRO is happy to be part of the Health Week to provide information on current topics in the field. 

Further information on the lecture and registration can be found here. You can find an overview of current courses in Medical Physics and Radiotherapy at

Feb. 24: FLASH Workshop: Registration is open!


The registration for the FLASH Workshop 2024 about "The Role of Oxygen in FLASH Radiation Therapy" taking place on June 17th until June 19th 2024 Heidelberg at the German Cancer Research Center is open. 

This event is aimed at medical physicists, biologists, clinicians, bioengineers and students in the respective fields. You are welcome to submit your abstract for presentation during this workshop.

Abstract deadline: April 8th 2024

Registration deadline: June 1st 2024.

Further information:

Feb. 24: Save the Date: 6th Summer School in Medical Physics


We are very happy to announce our 6th Summer School in Medical Physics about Radiation Detector Concepts for Medical Physics. The school is subdivided into an online phase from Aug. 26th until Sep. 22nd 2024, followed by the hybrid attendance phase in Heidelberg and on Zoom from Sep. 23rd until Sep. 27th 2024. We also accept abstracts for our science slam and the poster session. 

More information follows soon on the course website here

Feb. 24: Young Scientist and Audience Award for Christina Stengl

The winners of the Young Scientists Award, together with Prof. Veronika von Messling, Head of the Life Sciences Division at the BMBF (far right) and jury member and laudator Prof. Michael Hallek (2nd from left): Daniel Michaeli, Dr. Othman Al-Sawaf, Tilman Hölting, Dr. Nezha Suzanne Benabdallah, Dr. María Paula Roberti and Christina Stengl (from left to right).
© National Decade against Cancer / Thilo Schoch

Christina Stengl, a doctoral student in the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology, won the National Decade Against Cancer's Young Scientist Award for her doctoral thesis. She also received the Audience Award, which was presented at the ceremony on 2 February 2024 in Berlin.


Further information is available here (in German only)

Jan. 24: Save the Date


The German Cancer Research Center and the Division of Medical Physics in Radiotherapy have been cooperating successfully with the Clínica Alemana de Santiago de Chile (CAS) and the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (UC) for many years. The first joint summer schools date back to 2004 and were the beginning of a very successful cooperation, which since 2009 has been funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) since 2009 as a sub-project "Medical Physics" of the "Center of Excellence in Research and Teaching at the Heidelberg Center Latin America (HCLA)" of Heidelberg University in Santiago de Chile.

This very successful collaboration will be celebrated with two hybrid events on the topic of "Radioresistance" in April 2024. Further information can be found on the following websites:

Hybrid Workshop on "Radioresistance from an experimental/preclinical point of view" on April 23rd 2024

Hybrid Symposium on "Radioresistance?" on April 25th 2024

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