Your donation makes a difference
Not everyone can do research. But you can support it! Our scientists are very grateful for your support. Your donation will make a real difference: you can help advance cancer research and prevention research as well as achieve new breakthroughs.

What happens to my donation?

Your donation will be invested by us with the greatest care in promising research projects at the DKFZ. In particular, we support junior research groups that are developing innovative approaches to fighting cancer. These young researchers are working on the ideas and technologies of tomorrow to further improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. In addition, your donations go towards urgently needed resources, such as state-of-the-art laboratory equipment and technical devices, which are essential for pioneering research.
Become part of our research story and join us in shaping the future of cancer research. By making regular donations, you will help us to make decisive progress in the prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Achieving sustainable results in cancer research and successfully translating them into clinical practice requires perseverance.
With your donation, you are helping to ensure that the results from our laboratories find their way to patients more quickly. You are helping us to ensure that the DKFZ remains a world leader in cancer research.
It is important to us that you know how your donation is being used. That is why we regularly report to you on the progress of various projects and the results achieved. If you have any questions about funding and donations for the DKFZ, please contact us at spende(at) or by telephone on +49 6221 42-5447.