The committees of the DKFZ play a key role in the strategic management and advisory processes of the center. They support goal-setting, oversee research activities, and promote scientific exchange. Together, they ensure that the DKFZ fulfills its tasks efficiently and with a forward-looking approach.

Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees monitors the legality, expediency and economic efficiency of the Foundation's activities. It decides on the Foundation's general research objectives as well as its research policy and financial matters. In addition, the Board of Trustees adopts principles for management and performance review and draws up multi-year financial plans. These include expansion and investment programs. The Board of Trustees usually meets twice a year.
- Representatives of the Federal Government, the State of Baden-Württemberg and Heidelberg University
- Employees of the German Cancer Research Center Foundation
- Representatives from the Scientific Committee
Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee is made up of external experts. It prepares the decisions of the Board of Trustees in all scientific matters. The committee is also responsible for the ongoing evaluation of the results of the research focus areas and departments by scientific experts.
Scientific Council
The Scientific Council is a body of the German Cancer Research Center Foundation. It advises the Board of Trustees and the Foundation's Board of Directors on all important scientific matters. In a number of important matters, decisions by the Board of Trustees require prior consultation with the Scientific Council.
These include in particular
- Research programs and research priorities
- appointments
- economic plans
- Expansion and investment programs
- performance review
- Cooperation with universities and other research institutions
- Promoting the flow of scientific information
The Scientific Council is made up of the spokespersons for the key research areas and an equal number of elected representatives of the scientific staff. As a rule, the Council meets once a month; its term of office is three years. Specialist committees and a permanent secretariat support the Scientific Council in its work.