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Timeline of Events and Highlights of Major Cancer Biology

--- Year 2024 ----------

> Nations unite at DKFZ - welcome to the students of Major Cancer Bioloy 2024!

24 students from all around the world have joined the Heidelberg University international masters program Molecular Biosciences for their studies in Major Cancer Biology at DKFZ Heidelberg. The new students were officially welcomed and introduced to the DKFZ on 14th October 2024 by the Director of the Cancer Research Academy, Prof. Duncan Odom, and by the Scientific Coordinator, Prof. Ilse Hofmann.

> Award for Outstanding Heidelberg Master’s Student

Preisträgerin mit einem „herausragenden Profil"

Die Biowissenschaftlerin Eleni Zimmer wurde mit dem Marie-Luise Jung-Preis ausgezeichnet

Als herausragende Masterabsolventin der Universität Heidelberg ist Eleni Zimmer ausgezeichnet worden: Für ihr wissenschaftliches Potential im Hinblick auf ihre inzwischen begonnene Promotionsphase und eine anschließende Karriere in der akademischen Forschung hat sie den Marie-Luise Jung-Preis erhalten.

read full Heidelberg University Newsroom article (available in German only)

© Uwe Anspach (Quelle: Newsroom Universität Heidelberg)

© privat

Bioscientist Eleni Zimmer receives the Marie-Luise Jung Prize

Eleni Zimmer [Major Cancer Biology Class of 2021] is to be honoured as an outstanding master's graduate of Heidelberg University: in recognition of her scientific potential regarding her doctoral phase, which has now begun, and a subsequent career in academic research, she has been selected to receive the Marie-Luise Jung Prize.

read full Press Release 33/2024 of Heidelberg University [12 April 2024]

--- Year 2023 ----------

> Ph.inisheD and Master'ed: DKFZ Graduation Ceremony on 24 November!

The DKFZ International PhD Program Office, Lindsay Murrells and her fantastic team, invite all to celebrate the achievements of this year's DKFZ PhD and Master graduates.

12 Happy Master Graduates in the house receiving their Certificates, and more attending online via Zoom

Congratulations to the successful MSc graduates of Major Cancer Biology: Lea Vogt, Sara Placke, Gizem Altun, Sarah Baiker, Mislav Basic, Yuliia Borysovych, Julie Haenlin, Linda Hammann, David Palmero, Alina Paul, Iratxe Ugarte, Maria-Luisa Wiesinger (from left to right, with Coordinator Ilse Hofmann and Master of Ceremonies Mark Ladd)

DKFZ MSc Fellowship Awards

Awardees of the 2023 DKFZ MSc Fellowships: Gaia Oldfield (U.K.), Alara Gaye Dogru (Turkey), Evgeniya Nikolaeva (Russia), Maria Solivellas Pieras (Spain)

Ph.inisheD and Master'ed - and ready to party!


The Wild Types - the legendary one and only Heidelberg Campus students / scientists band!!!

vocals by Major Cancer Biology: Tony (class of 2013) & Iffa (class of 2022)

The Wild Types - science, party, rock'n'roll



> Well-deserved, Max! -

Maximilian Schönung, Major Cancer Biology Class of 2016, wins prize for his outstanding PhD thesis work in the field of hematology and internal oncology.

> Happily landed...


... at DKFZ! - Welcome to the Students of Major Cancer Biology 2023

The new students were officially welcomed and introduced to the DKFZ on 16th October 2023 by the Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council, Prof. Duncan Odom, and by the Scientific Coordinator, Prof. Ilse Hofmann

> "Informed Guidance, Homegrown"

It's really rewarding, and also a bit emotional, to see how the Major Cancer Biology family of
former-students-now-faculty-members is growing over the generations!


course instructor Aoife Gahlawat (class of 2007) with her students (class of 2022)
© Aoife Gahlawat on LinkedIn

> Major Cancer Biology students can make it anywhere!

Congratulations to Alexandra Schnell, Major Cancer Biology student class of 2013, for winning a prestigious Harold M. Weintraub Graduate Student Award - read more [here]

© Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Call for Applications - Online Application starting 1. February!


3. February: Introduction to Molecular Biosciences

The Faculty of Biosciences of the University of Heidelberg invites all interested applicants to a public online information event where the Master program and the application process will be presented.

Representatives of all Majors are there to give an overview of their specific study program and are ready to answer your individual questions, for example about their selection criteria.

Date: Friday, 3. February 2023, 2 p.m. - Zoom link: expired

"Why Cancer Biology?" - presentation slides of Major Coordinator Professor Ilse Hofmann [view]



--- Year 2022 ----------

To DKFZ from all around the world! Here they are:

The new students were officially welcomed and introduced to the DKFZ on 17th October by the Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council, Prof. Duncan Odom, and by the Scientific Coordinator, Prof. Ilse Hofmann

... and that's some of their expectations:





We'll do our very best to help fulfill them!

> 17.-21./28. October 2022: Welcome Week for Students of Major Cancer Biology 2022


In October the next 24 students will begin their studies in the Master Program Molecular Biosciences with Major Cancer Biology at the DKFZ.

This is the schedule of the Introduction and Welcome Events:

  • Personal enrollment at the University is between 15. September and 17. October
  • Orientation Days for new international students (organized by the University of Heidelberg International Office)
  • Central Welcome Event "Introduction to Molecular Biosciences":
    Monday, 17. October, 10:00-11:00 (Zoom)
  • First lecture: Wednesday, 19. October, 8:15-9:45 (hybrid mode)
  • Major Cancer Biology and DKFZ introduction events: 17.-21./28. October
    (official welcome and DKFZ intro, group picture, DKFZ administrative matters, DKFZ Campus Tour, Safety Instructions, Special Workshops on Careers&Networking, Scientific Writing, Good Scientific Practice, Library Services)
  • Descriptions of the practical courses offered in the first semester can be found under "Study Program". On Tuesday, 19. October, the practical courses will be presented by the various organizers, and places will be distributed
  • Study Buddy Welcome Program

Download 1-page schedule of Major Cancer Biology 2022 Welcome Events here...

June 2022: Alumna's post on LinkedIn

Amira Metwaly (class of 2008) - we like!

Amira's post on LinkedIn (June 2022)

May 2022: Helmholtz Doctoral Award to Selina Jansky (class of 2014)



Selection for October 2022 intake - completed!

Application Portal closed now - go to 'Application and Admission' to learn all details.

Call for Applications - Online Application starting 1. February!


9. February: Introduction to Molecular Biosciences

The Faculty of Biosciences of the University of Heidelberg invites all interested applicants to a public information event via Zoom webinar where the Master program and the application process will be presented. Representatives of each Major are there to give an overview of their specific study program and selection criteria.

Date: Wednesday, 9th February 2022, 2 p.m. (Heidelberg time)

Meeting Link: closed


followed by Student Q&A on the Master Molecular Biosciences

Current students from all majors of Molecular Biosciences will be open for an informal Q&A session. Anyone interested in the Master can join and ask things about the programme from the students perspectives in a relaxed atmosphere. Each major will be discussed in a separate breakout room. The basic information concerning the Master programme WILL NOT be presented here in detail; for this please participate in the official event with the Coordinators at 2 pm.

Date: Wednesday, 9th February 2022, 8 p.m. (Heidelberg time)

Meeting Link: closed

--- Year 2021 ----------

A very warm Welcome to our new students!


Where do they come from?


18.-22. October: Welcome Week for Major Cancer Biology 2021


DKFZ is preparing to welcome the new class of master students!

Live and Online events:

Welcome Address and Introduction to DKFZ with presentations of Career Development & Networking, Good Scientific Practice, Safety Instructions, Central Library Services, Scientific Writing Workshop

Meet and Greet with Senior Students, including DKFZ Campus Tour

Presentation of the 1st Semester Practical Courses and Distribution of the Places

29. September - 1. October: MolBio Students' Symposium "Science Outside the Box!"

"Science Outside the Box!"

  • will take place from 29th September to 1st October 2021
  • online & in Heidelberg
  • listen to expert keynote speakers on Science in Extremes, Synthetic Biology, Astrobiology, Climate Change, and AI in Science
  • participate in exciting workshops

for more information visit

  • read up some background information on all of our keynote speakers and workshops holders 
  • registration is open from 6th to 27th of July 2021
  • registration fee is only 6.00€/participant

Apart from awesome science, we have planned a rich social program every evening of the Symposium for you to network, exchange opinions, knowledge, and experiences.

Don't miss out!

Your Symposium Organization Committee 2020/2021


Major Cancer Biology in the "Corona crisis"

Major Cancer Biology is affected by the Corona pandemic in the following way:

  • Selection for October 2021 intake: all evaluation will be done online, personal interviews by telephone/video call only, for details see 'Application and Admission'
  • Courses and Lectures:
    hybrid mode of online teaching by video conference for lecture series, theoretical parts, seminars,
    and practical parts in physical presence following the safety and hygiene concept of DKFZ and Heidelberg University

[update: 20. January 2021]

--- Year 2020 ----------

Major Cancer Biology Class of 2020

Welcome Week at the DKFZ: 26.-30. October 2020

A bit more distance than usual had to be kept for the traditional group picture shooting on the first welcome day at DKFZ.

>Where do the new students come from?




get to know the 2020 Students here

>A Warm Welcome also from the Major Cancer Biology Family on LinkedIn


Major Cancer Biology is affected by the Corona pandemic in the following way:

  • Selection for October 2020 intake: all evaluation was done online, personal interviews by telephone/video call only
  • Courses in the current summer term and upcoming winter term:
    hybrid mode of online teaching by video conference for lecture series, theoretical parts, seminars,
    and practical parts in physical presence following the safety and hygiene concept of DKFZ
  • Start of Winter Term 2020/2021: postponed to 2nd November

[update: 7. September 2020]

> Retreat temporarily cancelled!


Restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic force us to cancel the retreat, at least for 6./7. June - hopefully  we can have it later this year.

> Save the date! Major Cancer Biology Retreat 2020 (6.-7. June)

All junior and senior and guest students are invited, mentors are also welcome! - registration opening 1st March


--- Year 2019 ----------

> DKFZ Graduation Ceremony on 22. November 2019

Come celebrate with us!


> 15. October 2019: Welcome to the new students from the Major Cancer Biology family


> 14.-21. October 2019: Welcome Week for Students of Major Cancer Biology 2019

who will be the next students...?

In October the next 24 students will begin their studies in the Master Program Molecular Biosciences with Major Cancer Biology at the DKFZ.

This is the schedule of the Introduction and Welcome Events:

  • Personal enrollment at the University is between 2. September and 11. October
  • Orientation Days for new international students (organized by the University of Heidelberg International Office)
  • Central Welcome Event "Introduction to Molecular Biosciences": Monday, 14. October, 10:00-12:00
  • First lecture: Wednesday, 16. October, 8:15-9:45
  • Major Cancer Biology and DKFZ introduction events: 15.-21. October
    (official welcome and DKFZ intro, group picture, DKFZ administrative matters, DKFZ Campus Tour, Safety Instructions, Special Workshops, etc.)
  • Descriptions of the practical courses offered in the first semester can be found under "Study Program". On Tuesday, 15. October, the practical courses will be presented by the various organizers, and places will be distributed
  • Study Buddy Welcome Program: pub crawl, barbecue, etc.

Download 1-page schedule of Major Cancer Biology 2019 Welcome Events here...


> 26./27. July 2019: MolBio Symposium on Science Communication

© MolBio Alumni Heidelberg

We proudly present the first ever MolBio Symposium on Science Communication organized by the Master students of Molecular Biosciences!

The symposium will take place on Saturday, 27th July, preceded by a kick-off event in the evening of 26th July. We created an interesting program with various workshops on different aspects of science communication. On top of that, we also invited inspiring keynote speakers that will give you a broad perspective of different aspects of science communication and why it is important for your scientific career. These sessions include:

                  • Increasing impact: How to communicate science to non-specialist audiences​ (Dr. Tobias Maier, NaWik)
                  • Better Presentations – TED style (Rebecca Alvarado, MoBi/TEDx)
                  • The Sounds of Science: Using Podcasts for Outreach ​ (Dr. Caitlin Kight, University of Exeter)
                  • From Lab to Fame in 3 Minutes – How to Pitch to Everyone (Dr. Veli Vural Uslu, COS/FameLab)

You will find everything you need to know on our webpage ( and for questions please contact us ( Registration deadline is July 14.

We are very much looking forward to having a great time with all of you!


Your Organizing Committee of the MolBio Symposium 2019

> 31. January 2019: Public Presentation of the Master Program 'Molecular Biosciences'

© MolBio at Heidelberg University

Introduction to MSc Molecular Biosciences

The Faculty of Biosciences of Heidelberg University invites all interested applicants to a public information event where the Master program and the application process will be presented. Representatives of each Major are there to give an overview of their specific study program and are ready to answer your individual questions.

Date: Thursday, 31. January 2019, 2 p.m.
Location: COS (Center for Organismal Studies) Auditorium, Im Neuenheimer Feld 230

--- Year 2018 ----------

> 16. November 2018: DKFZ Graduation Ceremony for all PhD and Master students


Ph.inisheD and Master'ed! Congratulations to the graduates of the year 2018 who received their certificates during the Ceremony (left: Professor Ilse Hofmann, Coordinator of Major Cancer Biology; right: Dr. Lindsay Murrells, Manager of the Graduate School, HIGS)

Congratulations to the successful graduates of Major Cancer Biology from classes of 2015 and 2016: Julia Messmer, Lopamudra Sadhu, Maja Starostecka, Gemma Pidelaserra, Pavle Boskovic, Jeyan Jayarajan, Yasmin Demerdash, Maximilian Schönung, Md Saiful Islam, Zhivka Hristova, Ikra Gizem Yildiz (from left to right, with Master of Ceremonies Aurelio Teleman)

Awardees of the 2018 HIGS MSc Fellowships: Alina Bollhagen (Germany), Sanjana Balaji (India), Lasse Meyer (Germany), Öykü Ece Tosun (Turkey)

> 9.-11. October 2018: "Frontiers in Cancer Research" Conference at DKFZ

incoming students of Major Cancer Biology 2018 meeting for the first time at the FCR Conference

all current and future students of Major Cancer Biology were invited to attend this exciting conference presenting the hottest topics in cancer research, with lots of opportunities to meet the speakers, interaction and networking

> 30. June/1. July 2018: Retreat in Seidenbuch


> June 2018: 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

© private

Gintvile Valinciute, Major Cancer Biology class of 2014, was selected to attend the 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting at Lake Constance where 39 laureates met 600 young scientists from 84 nations. 

read more:

"Women in Research at #LINO18: Gintvile Valinciute from Lithuania" (interview)

"A cancer researcher devoted to the youngest patients" in the July 2018 BMBF newsletter Research in Germany (portrait)

> June 2018: Otto Schmeil Prize for Simon Haas and Lars Velten

© Foto: privat/HAdW

The Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (HAdW) has awarded the 2018 Otto Schmeil Prize to Simon Haas and Lars Velten, both Major Cancer Biology class of 2010, for their joint work „Revising classical models of hematopoietic stem cell commitment by single cell analyses“ (more info here).

--- Year 2017 ----------

> 24.-25. November 2017: Anniversary Weekend

+ DKFZ Graduation Ceremony (Friday, 5-7 pm)
+ PhD Happy Hour (Friday night)
+ 10-Year Anniversary of Master Program Molecular Biosciences (Saturday morning)
+ 10 Years of Major Cancer Biology (Saturday afternoon)



> 24./25. June 2017: Retreat in Burg Liebenzell


--- Year 2013 ----------

> 15th November 2013: DKFZ-HIGS Graduation Ceremony


Student graduations, Fellowship awards, a Nobel laureate, PhD Hat competition, Student talk, Poster presentation awards, PhD Council  farewell and welcome, Science Slam,  Music from the "The Wild Types" - this year's annual DKFZ-HIGS Graduation Ceremony was a firework of events, lively and entertaining, but most of all a time to congratulate and celebrate the students who have sucessfully earned their University degrees, PhD or MSc, during the last year.

On Friday afternoon all DKFZ was invited to the Grand Lecture Hall, guided through the program by the Scientific Director of the DKFZ Board, Prof. Dr. Otmar D. Wiestler.

For a picture gallery of the event please go to the 2011 Students' page.

Major Cancer Biology proudly presents: Students from our first class of master students, 2007, have successfully completed their PhD at the DKFZ - Congratulations!


All happy faces: Here are some of our successful graduates from the 2010 and 2011 Major Cancer Biology classes - Congratulations!


> 15. October 2013: 24 new students have arrived at the DKFZ


--- Year 2010 ----------

> New in 2010: Scholarships for MSc students

New! - The Helmholtz International Graduate School for Cancer Research (HIGS), the Hartmut Hoffmann-Berling International Graduate School of Molecular and Cellular Biology (HBIGS) and the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der molekularbiologischen Forschung in Heidelberg e.V. (GFM) jointly offer competitive MSc/PhD fellowships to outstanding applicants from all over the world, enabling them to enroll in the MSc/PhD programs Molecular Biosciences.

Application procedure for scholarship program

> Do you have questions?

If you did not find the desired information on our websites please send an e-mail with your specific inquiry.

contact the Administrative Office

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