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D400 open positions

Clinical and Postdoctoral Scientists

Interested candidates should apply for the DKFZ Clinician Scientist Fellowships or for the DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowships or other funding agencies and programs.

Additional available positions will be advertised though the DKFZ official webpage, the DKFZ LinkedIn account and on this page.

Candidates with their own funding can directly contact the group leader, Prof. Delecluse.

PhD Students

We are hiring! We have one PhD position funded through the BEHIND-MS project! Apply now!


Interested candidates should apply for the DKFZ International PhD Program or via separate funding agencies.

Additional available positions will be advertised through the DKFZ official webpage, the DKFZ LinkedIn account and on this page.

Spontaneous candidatures (including a CV and a cover letter) or inquiries can be directed to the Research Project Leaders.

Chinese Scholarship Council scholarship

Many recipients of the prestigious Chinese Scholarship Council scholarship, coming from the top Chinese universities, have joined our group and successfully concluded their doctoral degrees.

Candidates interested in receiving support for their CSC scholarship application should contact Prof. Dr. Delecluse.

Internship and Thesis in our lab

We accept excellent Bachelor and Master students from Germany and abroad for rotations and thesis projects. For inquiries, please contact the relevant Research Project Leaders.

MD students interested in doing their MD thesis in our lab can contact Dr. Susanne Delecluse.

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