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Awards 2024

Best PhD Talk Award


The Best PhD Talk Award

was awarded to

Tom Rix

for his talk

Quantitative Photoacoustic Imaging with Deep Learning

at the DKFZ PhD Retreat, Weil der Stadt, 1st-3rd July 2024

Deutscher Krebspreis 2024


The German Cancer Award 2024

was awarded to 

Prof. Dr. Lena Maier-Hein


Outstanding scientific achievements in translational cancer research

June 21st 2024, Berlin

IPCAI 2024 - CASCINATION & Zeiss Machine Learning in CAI Award


The CASCINATION & Zeiss Machine Learning in CAI Award

was awarded to

Ahmad Bin Qasim and Alessandro Motta, Alexander Studier-Fischer, Jan Sellner, Leonardo Ayala, Marco Hübner,  Marc Bressan, Berkin Özdemir, Karl Friedrich Kowalewski, Felix Nickel, Silvia Seidlitz and Lena Maier-Hein

for the paper titled

Test-time Augmentation with Synthetic Data Addresses Distribution Shifts in Spectral Imaging

June 19th 2024, Barcelona

Helmholtz Promotionspreis


The Helmholtz Promotionspreis 2023

was awarded to

Dr. Leonardo Ayala


"Outstanding achievements during the doctorate"

April 29th 2024, Berlin

BVM Award 2024 for Best Master Thesis


The BVM Award 2024

was awarded to

Christoph Julien Bender

for his master thesis

"Hardware-Related Biases in Machine Learning Algorithms for Photoacoustic Image Analysis"

March 12th 2024, Erlangen

Awards 2023

PhD Poster Prize 2023


PhD Poster Prize 2023

was awarded to

Tom Rix


"Photoacoustic Image Synthesis with Deep Learning"

December 15th 2023 in Heidelberg

Helmholtz AI - Best Digital Resource


Best Digital Resource Award

was awarded to

Annika Reinke, Emre Kavur, Minu Tizabi, Paul Jäger and Lena Maier-Hein


"Metrics Reloaded - A framework for problem-aware metric recommendations for image analysis"

December 13th 2023

Richtzenhain Doctoral Prize 2023


Richtzenhain Doctoral Prize 2023

was awarded to

Dr. rer. nat. Annika Reinke

for her outstanding doctoral thesis entitled

"Eliminating Flaws in Biomedical Image Analysis Validation"

November 24th 2023 in Heidelberg

Best Flash Talk Award


Best Flash Talk Award was awarded to

Tim Rädsch


"HelmholtzNet - A large-scale imaging benchmark for the grand challenges of our time"

in the "Opportunities" Category

from the

ELLIS and AIHealth AI inScide Out (Un-)Conference

October 16-17th in Heidelberg

Young Scientist Award


Young Scientist Award was awarded to

Silvia Seidlitz, Jan Sellner, Alexander Studier-Fischer, Alessandro Motta, Berkin Özdemir, Beat Peter Müller-Stich, Felix Nickel and Lena Maier-Hein


"Semantic segmentation of surgical hyperspectral images under geometrical domain shifts"

from the

Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society

October 11th in Vancouver, Canada

Young Scientist Award


Young Scientist Award was awarded to

Jan Sellner, Silvia Seidlitz, Alexander Studier-Fischer, Alessandro Motta, Berkin Özdemir, Beat Peter Müller-Stich, Felix Nickel and Lena Maier-Hein


"Semantic segmentation of surgical hyperspectral images under geometrical domain shifts"

from the

Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society

October 11th in Vancouver, Canada

2nd Place Best Challenge Reviewer Award


Patrick Godau

was awarded the

2nd Place

Best Challenge Reviewer Award

26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions

held on October 8th to 12th 2023 in Vancouver, Canada

1st Place Endoscopic Vision Challenge


1st Place was awarded to

Amine Yamlahi, Antoine Jund, Finn-Henri Smidt, Patrick Godau and Lena Maier-Hein

in the Endoscopic Vision Challenge

26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions

held on October 8th to 12th 2023 in Vancouver, Canada

Best PhD Talk Award

Kris Dreher

was awarded the

Best PhD Talk Award

for the best talk at the DKFZ PhD Retreat held at Evangelische Tagungsstätte Löwenstein from 17th-19th July 2023 for the talk entitled "Unsupervised sim2real transfer of spectral images with conditional invertible neural networks".

3rd Place Winner JBO/Neurophotonics 3-Minute Poster Competition

3rd place was awarded to

Niklas Holzwarth

at the JBO/Neurophotonics 3-Minute Poster Competition


Clinical tattoo tomography

April, 2023

MICCAI Student-Author Registration (STAR) Award

Silvia Seidlitz & Jan Sellner

were granted the

MICCAI Student-Author Registration (STAR) Award


Semantic segmentation of surgical hyperspectral images under geometric domain shifts

March, 2023

'Beste Wissenschaftliche Arbeit' (Best scientific work)


Tim Rädsch

was awarded the

Anton Fink Wissenschaftspreis für Künstliche Intelligenz


'Beste Wissenschaftliche Arbeit' (Best scientific work)

February, 2023

Awards 2022

'Bester Vortrag der Sektion' (Best talk of the topic area)


Edgar Santos, Juan-Manuel Lopez-Navarro, Marco-Alejandro Suarez-Gutierrez, Pablo Albina Palmarola, Niklas Holzwarth, Lena Maier-Hein, Renán Sánchez-Porras, Johannes Woitzik


were awarded with the


'Bester Vortrag der Sektion' (Best talk of the topic area)




"Sichtbarmachung der vertikalen Ausbreitung von Spreading Depolarizations und unterschiedlicher regionaler Sauerstoffsättigungsmuster durch photoakustische Bildgebung in der Tiefe des gyrenzephalen Kortex"

from the 


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie


Leipzig, October 27th-29st, 2022

IHU Surgical Action Triplet Award


1st Place was awarded to

Amine Yamlahi, Finn-Henri Smidt, Melanie Schellenberg, Patrick Godau, Thuy Nuong Tran, Jan-Hinrich Nölke and Lena Maier-Hein

in the CholecTriplet2022 Endoscopic Vision Challenge

Category: Presence Detection & Classification


25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions

held on September 18th-22nd 2022, Singapore

IHU Surgical Action Triplet Award


2nd Place was awarded to

Amine Yamlahi, Finn-Henri Smidt, Melanie Schellenberg, Patrick Godau, Thuy Nuong Tran, Jan-Hinrich Nölke and Lena Maier-Hein

in the CholecTriplet2022 Endoscopic Vision Challenge

Category: Spatial Localization


25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions

held on September 18th-22nd 2022, Singapore

1st Place Polyp Detection In Endocv'22 Challenge


1st Place awarded to


Amine ElYamlahi, Patrick Godau, Thuy Nuong Tran, Lucas-Raphael Müller, Tim Adler, Minu Dietlinde Tizabi, Michael Baumgartner, Paul Jäger and Lena Maier-Hein

in the Polyp Detection in Endocv'22 Challenge


4th International Workshop on EndoscopicComputerVision in conjuction with 19th IEEE International Symposium Biomedical Imaging, IEEE ISBI 2022

Awards 2021

1st Place - GIANA Polyp Classification Challenge

Amine Yamlahi, Thuy Nuong Tran, Tobias Ross, Patrick Godau, Jan Sellner, Tim Adler, Silvia Seidlitz and Lena Maier-Hein

for the outstanding participation at


held on October 1st 2021.

1st Place - MICCAI Educational Challenge


Annika Reinke, Minu D. Tizabi & Carol H. Sudre

won the 1st place in the

MICCAI Educational Challenge 2021


MICCAI September 30, 2021



IPCAI Audience Awards for Best Innovation: Runner-up


Niklas Holzwarth, Melanie Schellenberg, Janek Gröhl, Kris Dreher, Jan-Hinrich Nölke,
Alexander Seitel, Minu D Tizabi, Beat P Müller-Stich, Lena Maier-Hein

were awarded with the

Audience Award for Best Innovation: Runner-up


Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions
IPCAI 2021 June 22-23, 2021 Munich, Germany

IPCAI Distinguished Reviewer Award


Tobias Roß

was awarded with the

IPCAI 2021: Distinguished Reviewer Award

The 12th International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions IPCAI 2021 June 22-23, 2021 Munich, Germany

Best PhD Talk Award


Annika Reinke

was awarded with the

Best PhD Talk Award

for reiceiving the best PhD Talk prize at the DKFZ PhD Retreat held virtually from 5-6 July 2021 for the talk entitled "Maximizing the impact of bimedical image analysis competitions".


DKFZ International PhD Program, PhD Retreat 2021



Audience Award - Best short oral presentation


Annika Reinke, Matthias Eisenmann, Minu Dietlinde Tizabi, Carole H. Sudre, Tim Rädsch, Michaela Antonelli, Tal Arbel, Spyridon Bakas, M. Jorge Cardoso, Veronika Cheplygina, Keyvan Farahani, Ben Glocker, Doreen Heckmann-Nötzel, Fabian Isensee, Pierre Jannin, Charles Kahn, Jens Kleesiek, Tahsin Kurc, Michal Kozubek, Bennett A. Landman, Geert Litjens, Klaus Maier-Hein, Anne Lousise Martel, Bjoern Menze, Henning Müller, Jens Petersen, Maricio Reyes, Nicola Rieke, Bram Stieltjes, Ronals M. Summers, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris, Bram van Ginneken, Annette Kopp-Schneider, Paul Jäger, Lena Maier-Hein

were awarded with the

Audience Award - Best short oral presentation

for the paper


Common limitations of performance metrics in biomedical image analysis


MIDL Lübeck 2021



Awards 2020

Winner of the Datathon for Grand Challenges on Climate Change


Melanie Schellenberg

was awarded

for winning the




Organized by the

Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy

Berlin, November 5th-6th 2020


Winner of the Datathon for Grand Challenges on Climate Change


Patrick Scholz

was awarded

for winning the




Organized by the

Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy

Berlin, November 5th-6th 2020

MICCAI Educational Challenge

Annika Reinke, Matthias Eisenmann, Laura Aguilera Saiz, Sinan Onogur, Leonardo Antonio Ayala Menjivar and Peter Maximilian Full

won the

3rd Place MICCAI Educational Challenge

23rd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions, 4-8 Ocotber 2020 Lima Peru

MICCAI 2020 - Best Challenge Reviewer Award


Patrick Scholz

was awarded with the

MICCAI 2020 Best Challenge Reviewer Award

23rd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions, 4-8 October 2020 Lima Peru (VIRTUAL)

3rd Place DMEA-Nachwuchspreis 2020


Benjamin Mittmann


was awarded

with the


DMEA-Nachwuchspreis (3. Platz)


for his master thesis


Mulit-Modality Fiducial Marker For Image Registration in Navigated Medical Interventions



Berlin, July 20th, 2020

Awards 2019

Thomas-Behr Förderpreis der MGN 2019

D. Gröner, A. Seitel, M. Eisenmann, B. Pekdemir, L. Aguilera Saiz, P. Sridharan, CT. Nguyen, C. Happel, A. Sabet, A. Franz, L. Maier-Hein and F. Grüwald


were awarded

with the


Thomas-Behr Förderpreis der MGN 2019


for the poster


"Fine Needle Aspiration in a Thyroid-like Ultrasound Phantom:
Can Electromagnetic Guidance Pave the Way to Multiangle Out-ofplane Approuches?"


Mittelrheinische Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin e. V.
Fulda, November 9th 2019

Young Investigator Award


L. Ayala, S. Wirkert, J. Gröhl, M. Herrera, A. Hernandez-Aguilera, A. Vermuri, E. Santos and L. Maier-Hein


were awarded

with the


Young Investigator Award

during the 31st International Conference SMIT 2019


for the outstanding contribution:

Deep Learning Approach to live Monitoring of Hemodynamic Changes with Multispectral Image Analysis

Heilbronn, October 11th 2019

Certificate of Award


Leonardo Ayala, Janek Groehl, Adrian Hernandez, Edgar Santos, Sebastian Wirkert, Anant Vermuri, Mildred Herrera and Lena Maier-Hein


received the

Certificate of Award for


Bench to Bedside: "Life Monitoring of Hemodynamic Changes with Multispectral Image Analysis"


MICCAI Conference, Shenzhen, China, October 14th, 2019



MICCAI Fellow 2019


Lena Maier-Hein

was elected a Fellow of the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society at MICCAI

Shenzhen, China, October 14th, 2019

Third Prize Science Slam SMIT


Laura Aguilera, Patmaa Sridharan and Matthias Eisenmann

won the third prize of the Science Slam

during the 31st SMIT Conference 2019 in Heilbronn, October 11th, 2019

First Prize Science Slam SMIT


Kris Dreher and Niklas Holzwarth

won the first prize of the Science Slam

during the 31st SMIT Conference 2019 in Heilbronn, October 11th, 2019

Awards 2018

Best Presentation Award Runner-up


T. Ross, D. Zimmerer, A. Vemuri, F. Isensee, S. Bodenstedt, F. Both, P. Kessler, M. Wagner, B. Müller-Stich, H. Kenngott, S. Speidel, K. Maier-Hein and L. Maier-Hein


are awarded the


Best Presentation Award Runner-up IPCAI 2018


for the presentation


"Exploiting the potential of unlabeled endoscopic video data with self-supervised learning"

June, 20th-21st, 2018​

Medical Image Analysis/MICCAI Best Paper Award


 Lena Maier-Hein, PhD


is awarded the


Medical Image Analysis/MICCAI Best Paper Award


for the paper


"Dual-modality endoscopic probe for tissue surface shape renconstruction and hyperspectral imaging enabled by deep neural networks"​

Awards 2017

Preis der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaft


Die Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften




Professor Dr.-Ing. Lena Maier-Hein


Für herausragende Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Krebsforschung




Preis der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Berlin, December 1st, 2017

Best pitch at the Science Sparks Startup event


Sebastian Wirkert, Anant S. Vemuri and Lena Maier-Hein


are awarded the


Best pitch at the Science Sparks Startups event


for the presentation on


"Rainbow Surgery"​

Heidelberg, September 19th, 2017

Young Investigator Best Paper Award


E. Stenau, T. Simpfendörfer, M. Azizian, W. P. Liu, K. K. Anderson, D. Bergman, O. Mohareri, J. M. Sorger, D. Teber, L. Maier-Hein

 are granted the

ISCAS Koh Young Young Investigator Best Paper Award

 for the presentation on

“In vivo robustness analyses of intraoperative registration with fluorecent markers."

Barcelona, Spain, June 20th-24th, 2017

2017 Henry N. Wagner Jr, MD, Image of the Year award


A. C. Baranski, M. Schaefer, U. Bauder-Wuest, M. Roscher, J. Schmidt, E. Stenau, T. Simpfendoerfer, L. Maier-Hein, B. Hadaschik, U. Haberkorn, M. Eder, K. Kopka

 are granted the

2017 Henry N. Wagner, Jr, MD, Image of the Year Award

 for the abstract image used in

“Preclinical evaluation of dual-labeled PSMA-inhibitors for the diagnosis and therapy of prostata cancer."



Janek Gröhl  (Master Thesis) and Dominique Cheray (Bachelor Thesis)
are granted the
the conhiT- Nachwuchspreis 2017
for the best Master and Bachelor Thesis.

IPCAI Bench to Bedside Award 2017


A. Franz, A. Seitel, N. Bopp, C. Erbelding, S. Delorme, D. Cheray, F. Grünwald, H. Korkusuz, L. Maier-Hein

 are granted the

Bench to Bedside Award

 for the paper

“First clinical use of the EchoTrack guidance approach for radiofrequency ablation of thyroid gland nodules."

Barcelona, Spain, JUne 20th-21st, 2017

BVM-Award 2017 for the best PhD dissertation


The dissertation with the title


Computer-Assisted Quantitative Mitral Valve Surgery




Dr. sc. hum. Sandy Engelhardt


has been awarded the


BVM-Award 2017 for the best PhD thesis


on the Workshop „Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin“ in Heidelberg, March 12th-14th, 2017.


The prize is sponsored with 500 Euro by the Chili GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany.


Awards 2016

KUKA IJCASRS Best Paper Award 2016 3rd Prize


M. Ganz, D. Kondermann, J. Andrula, G. M. Knubben and L. Maier-Hein

 are granted the

KUKA IJCASRS Best Paper Award 2016 3rd Prize

 for the Paper

“Crowdsouring for error detection in cortical surface delineatiions."

Dr. Emil Salzer-Prize 2016


PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Lena Maier-Hein

is granted


the Dr. Emil Salzer-Prize 2016


form the German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, December 13th, 2016

2. Presentationprize


T. Simpfendörfer, A. Franz, C. Gasch, L. Maier-Hein, M. Hohenfellner and D. Teber

 are granted the

2. Presentationprize - experimentally from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie e. V.

 for the scientific work

“Sonographisch navigierte Nierenpunktion unter Verwendung eines mobilen elektromagnetischen Trackingsystems."

PhD Poster Presentation Award


Esther Stenau

 is granted the

2016 PhD Poster Presentation Award

 for the Poster

“Robust augmented reality guidance with fluorescent markers in laparoscopic surgery”

Best Paper Award IPCAI 2016


Esther Wild, Dogu Teber, Daniel Schmid, Tobias Simpfendörfer, Michael Müller, Ann-Christin Baranski, Hannes Kenngott, Klaus Kopka und Lena Maier-Hein

 are granted the

Best Paper Award – Audience IPCAI 2016

 for the project

“Robust Augmented Reality Guidance with Fluorescent Markers in Laparoscopic Surgery”

BVM-Price 2016


Tobias Norajitra, Sandy Engelhardt, Thomas Held, Sameer Al-Maisary, Ivo Wolf, Raffaele de Simone, Hans-Peter Meinzer und Klaus Maier-Hein

are granted the

BVM Pirce 2014 for the best Scientific Work

for the presentation

“3D Statistische Formmodelle mit verteilter Erscheinungsmodellierung: Segmentierung per Abstimmung”

Posterprice Junge Wissenschaft 2016


Lena Maier-Hein

is granted the Posterprice 

IV. Interdisziplinären Kongresses Junge Wissenschaft und Praxis

for the Poster

"Von Eminenz-basierter zu Evidenz-basierter Medizin".

IT Hackathon


Christoph Kolb, Matthias Eisenmann, Christian Weber and Jens Petersen

participated in the {Life Science} meets IT Hackathon ( and won both the audience award and the award for "Best Business Case".

Together with their colleagues from the surgical department of the Heidelberg University Hospital they developed a system that greatly simplifies teaching of minimally invasive/laparoscopic surgery. The system allows experienced surgeons to virtually interact with the instruments of a learning surgeon and to guide them similar to classical surgery. The awards include participation in a Europe-wide startup contest and a comprehensive founding package.

Awards 2015

European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) - Techno-College Innovation Award


Raffaele De Simone, Sandy Engelhardt, Sameer Al-Maisary, Jörg Rodian, Hans-Peter Meinzer, Matthias Karck und Ivo Wolf

are granted the

EACTS Techno-College Innovation Award

for the paper

“From intraoperative empirical mitral valve inspection towards quantitative analysis using optical tracking”

Friedrich Wingert Scholarship 2015

Our students Silvio Kolb and Nico Riecker received a scholarship from the Friedrich Wingert Foundation (5,000€) . The scholarship is dedicated to young academics in the field of medical informatics and linguistics.

Thomas-Gessmann-Förderpize 2015


Justin Iszatt

is granted the

Thomas-Gessmann-Förderprize 2015


the Bachelorthesis

"Multispektrale Bildgebung in der Medizin - Entwicklung eines multispektralen Laparoskops zur Schätzung des Sauerstoffgehalts in Geweben"

Curac Best Paper Award 2015


Eric Heim, Tobias Ross, Tobias Norajitra, Marco Nolden, Keno März, Daniel Kondermann, Stefanie Speidel, Klaus Maier-Hein and Lena Maier-Hein

are granted the

Curac Best Paper Award 2015

for the paper

“Crowdgestützte Organsegmentierung: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen”

IPCAI Philips Best Presentation Award


Keno März, Mophammedreza Hafezi, Tobias Weller, Marco Nolden, Nassim Fard, Ali Majlesara, Sascha Zelzer, Maria Maleshkova, Mykola Volovyk, Negin Gharabaghi, Martin Wagner, Golnaz Emami, Sandy Engelhardt, Andreas Fetzer, Hannes Kenngott, Nahid Rezai, Achim Rettinger, Rudi Studer, Arianeb Mehrabi und Lena Maier-Hein

are granted the

Philips / IPCAI Audience Best Presentation Award

for the presentation of the paper

“Towards Knowledge-Based Liver Surgery - Holistic Information Processing for Surgical Decision Support”



A. Franz, T. Simpfendörfer, C. Garoussi, A. Majlesara, K. März, H. Meinzer, A. Mehrabi, D. Teber und L. Maier-Hein

are granted the


for the paper

“Echotrack for simultaneous EM tracking and US imaging: initial experience in ventilated swine cadaver” 

conhIT Young Academics Award 2015


Silvio Kolb was decorated with the runner-up young academics award at the IT healthcare trade fair conhIT in Berlin 2015 for his bachelor thesis with the title "Surgical suture tracking for automatic prostheses selection to assist mitral valve reconstructions". The thesis was supervised by Prof. Ivo Wolf (University of Applied Sciences Mannheim) and Sandy Engelhardt (DKFZ) in close cooperation with Prof. Raffaele De Simone (Cardiac Surgery, University Hospital Heidelberg).

Awards 2014

Fachbereichspreis Adrian Winterstein


Adrian Winterstein

is granted the

Fachbereichspreis for the best Master Thesis 


"Ein ultraschallbasiertes Computerassistenzsystem mit integriertem elektromagnetischem Feldgenerator für die Leberchirurgie: Konzeption und Realisierung im Rahmen von MITK

MICCAI Award 2014


Sebastian Wirkert, Neil T. Clancy, Danail Stoyanov, Shobhit Arya, George B. Hanna, Heinz-Peter Schlemmer, Peter Sauer, Daniel S. Elson and Lena Maier-Hein

are granted the

KUKA Best Paper Award MICCAI 2014

for the paper

Endoscopic Sheffield Index for Unsuspervised In Vivo Spectral Band Selection



Sandy Engelhardt, Raffaele De Simone, Norbert Zimmermann, Sameer Al Maisary, Diana Nabers, Matthias Karck, Hans-Peter Meinzer und Ivo Wolf

are granted the

MICCAI-Augmented Environments Best Paper Award 2014

for the paper

Augmented Reality-Enhanced Endoscopic Images for Annuloplasty Ring Sizing

More information here.

BVM Price 2014 for the best Scientific Work


Thomas Köhler, Sven Haase, Sebastian Bauer, Jakob Wasza, Thomas Kilgus, Lena Maier-Hein, Hubertus Feußner and Joachim Hornegger

is granted the

BVM Pirce 2014 for the best Scientific Work

for the presentation

Outlier Detection for Multi-Sensor Super-Resolution in Hybrid 3D Endoscopy.

BVM Price 2014 for the best Talk


Sandy Engelhardt, Bastian Graser, Raffaele De Simone, Nobert Zimmermann, Matthias Karck, Hans-Peter Meinzer, Diana Nabers and Ivo Wolf

is granted the

BVM Pirce 2014 for the best talk

for the Porject

Vermessung des Mitralapparats mit einem optisch getrackten Zeigeinstrument für die virtuelle Annuloplastie

Awards before 2014

Awards 2013

Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Price 2013


Lena Maier-Hein

is granted the

Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Price 2013

Prinz von Hohenzollern Inovationprice 2013


Medical Embedded System

is granted the

Prinz von Hohenzollern Inovationprice 2013

Thomas-Gessmann-Förderprize 2013


Keno März

is granted the

Thomas-Gessmann-Förderprize 2013


the Masterthesis

"Computer-Assistierte Punktionen unter Ultraschallführung mit einem mobilen elektromagnetischen Feldgenerator"

EAU Hans Marberger Award 2013

EAU Award

J. Rassweiler, M. Müller, M. Fangerau, J. Klein, A. Goezen, P. Pereira, H.-P. Meinzer and D. Teber

is granted the

EAU Hans Marberger Award 2013


the best European paper

iPad-Assisted Percutaneous Access to the Kidney Using Marker-Based Navigation: Initial Clinical Experience

BVM Award for the best Poster

BVM Award for the best Poster

Alfred Franz

is granted the

BVM Award for the best Poster


MITK-US: Echtzeitverarbeitung von Ultraschallbildern in MITK

BVM Award for the best Scientific work

BVM Award for the best Scientific work

Keno März, Alfred Franz, Bram Stieltjes, Alexandra Zahn, Alexander Seitel, Justin Iszatt, Boris Radeleff, Hans-Peter Meinzer, Lena Maier-Hein

is granted the

BVM Award for the best Scientific work

for the project

Navigierte ultraschallgeführte Leberpunktion mit integriertem EM Feldgenerator

Awards 2012

GRAKO Best Graduate Award 2012

Alfred Franz

is granted the

GRAKO Best Graduate Award

MFG Talente-Preis, MFG Stiftung Baden Württemberg, 2012
MFG Preis


Alfred Franz

is granted the

MFG Talente Preis 2012

for the project

A navigational system for minimally-invasive tumor therapy

Awards 2011

German High Tech Champions (GHTC) Award für MITK pocket - Live the Mobile Dream 2011



German High Tech Champions AWARD

has been awarded to

Markus Fangerau and team

for the Business Case entitled

MITK pocket - Live the Mobile Dream

The Award is endowered with a price money of 10.000 €.

Oral Presentation Second Prize der Society for Medical Innovation and Technology 2011


The Society for Medical Innovation and Technology


Lena Meier-Hein and team

with the


for the outstanding contribution:

Markerless augmented Reality (AR) Guidance with optical Techniques for 3D Surface Reconstruction

Awards 2010

Ingrid zu Solms Science Award 2009/2010


Ingrid zu Solms Science Award 2009/2010

in the amount of 3,000 €uro has been awarded to

Mrs. Dr. Ing. Lena Maier-Hein
Division Medical and Biological Informatics

Awards 2008

Waltraud-Lewenz Price 2008


The German Cancer Research Center

has on the basis of the decision of the Scientific Council awarded the

Waltraud Lewenz Price 2008

in the amount of 7,500 €uro to

Mrs. Dr. Ing. Lena Maier-Hein
Division Medical and Biological Informatics

BVM Award 2008 for best presentation
BVM-Preis 2008

BVM Award 2008

Berlin, April 8, 2008

The BVM Award 2008 for best presentation

has been awarded to

Lena Maier-Hein

for the paper

In vivo Targeting of Liver Lesions with a Navigation System based on Fiducial Needles.

The prize is sponsored with 500 Euros.

Awards 2007

Best Graduate Award of the Research Training Group 1126


Heidelberg, Dezember 1st, 2007

The Best Graduate Award of the Research Training Group 1126 of the year 2007

has been awarded to

Lena Maier-Hein

The prize is sponsored with 500 Euros.

BVM Award 2007 for best poster

Poster Award BVM 2007

Munich, Germany, March 27, 2007:

The BVM Award 2007 for best poster

has been awarded to

Lena Maier-Hein, Fank Pianka, Sascha Müller, Alexander Seitel,Urte Rietdorf, Ivo Wolf, Bruno Schmied, Hans-Peter Meinzer

for the contribution

Atembewebungssimulator für die in-vitro Evaluation von
Weichteilgewebe-Navigationssystemen in der Leber

The prize is sponsored with 250 Euros.

SPIE Medical Imaging Symposium 2007: Nomination for Best Student Paper Award

Nomination for SPIE-Student Paper Award

San Diego, USA, 22. Februar 2007:

Lena Maier-Hein

has been nominated for the

SPIE The Michael B Merickel Best Student Paper Award

for the contribution

In-vitro evaluation of a novel needle-based soft tissue navigationsystem with a respiratory liver motion simulator

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