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Group leader

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schölch

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schölch


Dr. Lei Zhu

Dr. Lei Zhu

Clinician / Surgeon Scientists

Alida Finze

Alida Finze

Katharina Peer

Katharina Peer

PhD students

Ting Jiang

Ting Jiang

Jianxin Tao

Jianxin Tao

Yugeng Gao

Yugeng Gao

Shaoqian Du

Shaoqian Du


Louisa Channon

Louisa Channon

Student Assistant

Lena Lemmer

Lena Lemmer

Tim Leitolf

Tim Leitolf


Dr. Mina Gadelrab Botros Yakoub

Dr. Mina Gadelrab Botros Yakoub

Dr. Alexander Betzler

Dr. Christopher Maier

Jan Herrmann

Daniel Kühn

Maria Kaiser

Maria Kaiser

Alessandro De Santis

Alessandro De Santis

Ana-Marija Kulis

Ana-Marija Kulis

Milena Sarkowicz

Milena Sarkowicz

Maksym Lynnik

Maksym Lynnik

Dr. Johanna Betzler

Dr. Johanna Betzler

Dr. Emmanouil Tzatzarakis

Dr. Emmanouil Tzatzarakis

Maike Hermann

Maike Hermann

Lea Elfinger

Wiebke Fahlbusch

Luca Pilerci

Luca Pilerci

Carl Stichweh

Carl Stichweh

Lukas Schmitt

Lukas Schmitt

Fukang Jin

Fukang Jin

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