Major Cancer Biology News
> Preview: DKFZ Graduation Ceremony on 21. November 2014
Save the date: the annual DKFZ HIGS Graduation Ceremony for PhD and MSc-Major Cancer Biology students will be on Friday, 21. November.
(for program and picture gallery of last year's Ceremony go to 'Students 2011')
> Major Cancer Biology 2014
In October the next students will begin their studies in the Master Program Molecular Biosciences with Major Cancer Biology at the DKFZ.
This is the provisional schedule of the Introduction and Welcome Events:
- Personal/online enrollment with the University is between 2. September and 11. October
- Orientation Days for new international students from 7. to 9. October
- General Master Program introduction: 13. October
- First lecture: 14. October
- Major Cancer Biology and DKFZ introduction events: 14.-17. October
- Descriptions of the practical courses offered in the first semester can be found under "Study Program". On Tuesday, 14. October, the practical courses will be presented by the various organizers, and places will be distributed
Program start: 13. October 2014
> 15th November 2013: DKFZ-HIGS Graduation Ceremony
Student graduations, Fellowship awards, a Nobel laureate, PhD Hat competition, Student talk, Poster presentation awards, PhD Council farewell and welcome, Science Slam, Music from the "The Wild Types" - this year's annual DKFZ-HIGS Graduation Ceremony was a firework of events, lively and entertaining, but most of all a time to congratulate and celebrate the students who have sucessfully earned their University degrees, PhD or MSc, during the last year.
On Friday afternoon all DKFZ was invited to the Grand Lecture Hall, guided through the program by the Scientific Director of the DKFZ Board, Prof. Dr. Otmar D. Wiestler.
For a picture gallery of the event please go to the 2011 Students' page.