Major Cancer Biology News
> Major Cancer Biology on LinkedIn
We are pleased to announce that the DKFZ Career Service has launched a group on LInkedIn especially for Major Cancer Biology alumni, so current and former students of the program can get and stay in touch, for the exchange of career advise, first-hand information and peer mentoring.
The group is steadily growing and if you are a former or present student of Major Cancer Biology simply request to join (the above picture is a weblink) and see who's there already!
> Call for Applications: "Major Cancer Biology 2016"
On 1. February the Application period for the October intake will start - go to 'Application and Admission' to learn all details.
> 2. February 2016: Public Presentation of the Master Program 'Molecular Biosciences'
Introduction to Molecular Biosciences
The Faculty of Biosciences of the University of Heidelberg invites all interested applicants to a public information event where the Master program and the application process will be presented.
Representatives of each Major are there to give an overview of their specific study program and are ready to answer your individual questions.
Date: Tuesday, 2. February 2016, 2 p.m.
Location (to be confirmed): Im Neuenheimer Feld 230, Grand Lecture Hall of COS
> DKFZ Graduation Ceremony on 6. November 2015
Congratulations to all DKFZ PhD and MSc-Major Cancer Biology Students who have successfully finished their studies and received their DKFZ Graduation Certificate & Congratulations!!
*****Have a look at the picture gallery from a very entertaining afternoon here*****
> The students of Major Cancer Biology 2015 have arrived at the DKFZ - Welcome!
> 1. Retreat of Major Cancer Biology in Weil der Stadt - 20./21. June 2015
"How to make young scientists think about their career?"
In June 2015 the DKFZ Cancer Biology students dedicated a week-end to their first retreat in Weil der Stadt. The event was jointly organized by the senior and junior students and it was a great success!
How to make young scientists think about their career? - Read their answers here …