Major Cancer Biology News
> 22. January 2013: Public Presentation of the Master Program 'Molecular Biosciences'
Introduction to Molecular Biosciences
The Faculty of Biosciences of the University of Heidelberg invites all interested applicants to a public information event where the Master program and the application process will be presented.
Representatives of each Major are there to give an overview of their specific study program and are ready to answer your individual questions.
Date: 22. January 2013, 2 pm
Location: Im Neuenheimer Feld 230, Grand Lecture Hall of COS
> Call for Applications 2013
(for more details read also 'Admission' and 'Study Program' in left navigation bar)
Major Cancer Biology welcomes applications from all over the world!
> Provisional Schedule of 2013 Selection Procedure
1. February - 15. March 2013: University Online Application Gateway is open
April: Pre-Selection within Major Cancer Biology
End of April: Top candidates are invited for personal interview at DKFZ Heidelberg
(overseas or otherwise not available candidates will be interviewed by telephone/Skype)
Mid-May: Personal interviews at DKFZ Heidelberg
After the interviews have taken place, the ranking and admission list is set up and the top-24 successful candidates are informed. The remaining potential candidates are placed on a wait-list and will be informed accordingly.
Admissions must be accepted by 31. July.
Places which are declined are continuously offered to candidates from the wait-list.
> Scholarships for MSc students
As in previous years, the Helmholtz International Graduate School for Cancer Research (HIGS) of the German Cancer Research Center is again able to sponsor a limited number of competitive MSc fellowships to outstanding applicants from all over the world, enabling them to enroll in the 2013 MSc program Molecular Biosciences with Major Cancer Biology.
The stipends cover the following:
Amount: 8000 € per year
Duration: Fellowship for a total of 18 months
Associate Member status at the Helmholtz International Graduate School for Cancer Research (HIGS) of the German Cancer Research Center during the time of your MSc program. This includes:
- Access to advanced PhD training courses offered by HIGS
- Access to extracurricular and extramural activities offered by HIGS
- Access to the DKFZ-HIGS Career Service
In order to apply for a HIGS-sponsored MSc fellowship you must have completed your application with the University's online system for the Master Program Molecular Biosciences, with a preference for Major Cancer Biology (you will be asked for your Application Number; fellowship application forms will be posted here soon).
As only a very limited number of fellowships can be awarded to the most outstanding applicants, candidates are strongly encouraged to apply to other funding agencies, for example DAAD, in parallel.