Major Cancer Biology News
> Preview: DKFZ Graduation Ceremony on 15. November 2013
> Major Cancer Biology 2013
In October the next students will begin their studies in the Master Program Molecular Biosciences with Major Cancer Biology at the DKFZ.
This is the schedule of the Introduction and Welcome Events:
- Personal enrollment at the University is between 12. September and 11. October
- Orientation Days for new international students (organized by the University of Heidelberg International Office)
- General Master Program introduction: 14. October, 10:00-12:00
- First lecture: 15. October, 8:15-9:45
- Major Cancer Biology and DKFZ introduction events: 15.-17. October
- Descriptions of the practical courses offered in the first semester can be found under "Study Program". On Tuesday, 15. October, the practical courses will be presented by the various organizers, and places will be distributed
Program start: 14. October 2013
> Major Cancer Biology 2013: Selection completed
During the application period in in spring 2013, more than 250 applications with a preference for Major Cancer Biology had been received and were evaluated. Of these, almost 70 candidates were personally interviewed. The top-24 successful candidates were admitted to the program and will begin their studies at the University of Heidelberg and the German Cancer Research Center in October.
We would like to thank all applicants for their interest in our program! It can be said that competition was extremely hard this year, so many fine candidates could unfortunately not be considered. We wish them all the best for their future plans hoping they will be able to pursue their academic careers in equally interesting programs.