Strategies to balance the increasing cancer problem
Ulrik Ringborg - Karolinska Institute
June, 06, 2016
Main Auditorium
Short Bio: Ulrik Ringborg is currently Senior Physician, Professor of Oncology, and Director of the Cancer Center Karolinska. As Director, he coordinates the formation of a Comprehensive Cancer Center of all cancer activities at the Karolinska University Hospital and the Karolinska Institute. He has published over 273 papers in international journals and books on malignant melanoma.
He has served as Member on countless Boards and Assemblies including the Research Boards/Governing Bodies of the Stockholm Cancer Society, the King Gustaf V Jubilee Fund, the Nobel Assembly, the Swedish Cancer Society. Ulrik Rinborg is also Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of EORTC and the Steering Group of NOCI, EORTC.
He is Past-President of the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI), Chairman of the Advisory Board for UV-protection, Swedish Radiation Protection Authority, Honorary Member of the Radiological Society of North America and Board Member of ECCO – the European CanCer Organisation.
Nominated by the DKFZ, Ulrik Ringborg has received the Helmholtz International Fellow Award 2015.