Novel Detection Techniques for Ion Beams - E0406
previously: "2-dimensional detectors for ion beam radiotherapy" within the Heavy Ion Therapy Project at DKFZ.
Main research topics
- Specialisation on development of new measurement methods for:
- ion spectroscopy: investigation of nuclear interactions of ion beams with the patient
- ion radiography: high resolution imaging with ion beams
- monitoring of therapy delivery: visualisation of the ion beam in the patient
- development of quality assurance measurements for ion beams including verifications of patient treatment plans
- Transfer of the new methods into clinical application at the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Facility
Group members
Group leader
Dr. Mária Martišíková
more information
Tel.: 06221 - 42 2441
PhD students
- Giulia Arico
Tel.: 06221 - 42 3480
- Tim Gehrke
Tel.: 06221 - 42 2566
Master students
- Raya Gallas
Tel.: 06221 - 42 3480
- Kathrin Spindeldreier
- Bernadette Hartmann
- Merle Reinhart
- Tanja Gaa
- Juan Carlos Leal
- Sonja Schellhammer
- Klaus Gwosch
- Julia Engelke, geb. Telsemeyer
- Lucas Huber
- Jan Eric Meissner
Scientific theses
PhD theses
- 07/2009 - 07/2012 Julia Telsemeyer: "Investigation of an Amorphous Silicon Flat-Panel Detector for Ion Radiography"
- 08/2010 - 11/2013 Bernadette Hartmann, " A Novel Approach to Ion Spectroscopy of Therapeutic Ion Beams Using a Pixelated Semiconductor Detector"
- since 02/2013 Giulia Arico
- since 03/2014 Tim Gehrke
Diploma and Master theses
- 05/2009 - 06/2010 Bernadette Hartmann: "Quality Assurance in Ion Beam Therapy: Investigations towards New Detectors"
- 10/2010 - 10/2011 Lucas Huber: "Patient Position Verification in Ion Beam Therapy Using Silicon Detectors And Ion Beams"
- 09/2011 - 09/2012 Klaus Gwosch: "Non-Invasive Monitoring of Carbon Ion Beam Therapy by Tracking of Secondary Ions - An Initial Study"
- 08/2013 - 01/2014 Juan-Carlos Leal: "First investigations on a new method for monitoring of basic parameters of therapeutic carbon ion beams using a flat panel EPID"
- 04/2013 - 06/2014 Merle Reinhart: "Monitoring Of Therapeutic Ion Beams - Secondary Particle Track Yield Measurements and 3D Reconstruction Techniques"
- 05/2013 - 06/2014 Tanja Gaa: "Visualization of inhomogeneities in a phantom irradiated by carbon ion beams using prompt secondary ions"
- 10/2013 - 09/2014 Katharina Spindeldreier: "Enhanced Studies of Energy Loss, Fragmentation and Beam Monitoring in Therapeutic Ion Beams"
- since 01/2015 Raya Gallas
Bachelor theses
- 04 - 07/2011 Jan-Eric Meissner, "Untersuchung zur Auswertung von EBT2-Filmen nach Photonen- und Ionenbestrahlung"
- 04 - 08/2013 Sonja Schellhammer, "Ion spectroscopy in proton beams"
- 09/2010 Young Scientist Award - The Best Oral Presentation at the 16th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry in Sydney, Australia
02/2012 Admission to the 'Olympia Morata Programm' within the framework of the Excellence Initiative of the Heidelberg University, Germany
- 02/2013 Awarded as one of the Top 20 Referees (from 1283 active referees) of the journal Physics in Medicine and Biology in 2012
06/2013 Klaus-Georg und Sigrid Hengstberger Prize for Young Scientists at the Heidelberg University
Project funding
- 2006&2007 DKFZ 'Intramural Funding Program' 85500€
- 2008-2012 DFG Förderprogramm "Eigene Stelle" 236100€
- 2012 Heidelberg University Olympia Morata Program 60600€
- 2012 DAAD Travel Grant (M.M.) 2300€
- 2012 DFG within the Clinical Research Group 'Heavy Ion Therapy' 72750€
- 06/2013 Hengstberger Foundation Prize to host a Symposium 12500€
- 08/2014 Heidelberg University Hospital Bonus Program 'Third Party Funding' 2872€
Granted in total: 788762 €
Cooperation partners
- GSI - Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research, Darmstadt, Germany
- RISO - Danish National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Roskilde, Denmark
- Institute for Experimental and Applied Physics of the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
- Centre for Medical Radiation Physics, University of Wollongong, Australia
- Ludwig Maximillian University in Munich/Garchin, Germany
- Department of Medical Physics, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Institute of Nuclear Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
- National Institution for Radiological Sciences (NIRS), Chiba, Japan
- Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies, Johann Wolfgang University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
in peer reviewed journals
M. Martišíková, B. Ackermann, O. Jäkel: Analysis of uncertainties in Gafchromic EBT film dosimetry of photon beams, Phys. Med. Biol. 53 7013-27 (2008) Belonged to the 3% of the most downloaded papers among all IOP journals in the first half of 2009
M. Martišíková, B. Ackermann, S.Klemm, O. Jäkel: Use of Gafchromic films in heavy ion therapy, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 591 171-3 (2008)
M. Martišíková: Introduction to ion beam therapy, Proceedings of the 5th International Summer School on Nuclear Physics Methods and Accelerators in Biology and Medicine, American Institute of Physics Conf. Proc. 1204 103-10 (2009)
- M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Study of Gafchromic EBT film response over a large dose range, Phys. Med. Biol. 55 N281-90 (2010)
M. Martišíková, B. M. Hesse, O. Jäkel: Test of an amorphous silicon detector in medical proton beams, Nucl. Instrum. Meth A 633 Supplement 1 S259-61 (2010)
B. Hartmann, M. Martišíková, O. Jäkel: Homogeneity of Gafchromic EBT2 film, Technical note in Med. Phys. 37 1753-6 (2010)
M. Martišíková, O. Jäkel: Gafchromic EBT films for ion dosimetry, Radiation Measurements 45 1268-70 (2010)
M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Dosimetric properties of Gafchromic EBT films in monoenergetic medical ion beams, Phys. Med. Biol. 55 3741-51 (2010)
M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Dosimetric properties of Gafchromic EBT films in medical carbon ion beams, Phys. Med. Biol. 55 5557-67 (2010)
M. Martišíková, J. Jakubek, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, L. Opálka, S. Pospíšil and O. Jäkel: Measurement of secondary radiation during ion beam therapy with the pixel detector Timepix, Journal of Instrumentation 6 C11014 (2011)
L. Huber, J. Telsemeyer, M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Patient position verification in ion-beam therapy using ion-beam radiography and fiducial markers, Journal of Instrumentation 6 C11008 (2011)
J. Jakubek, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková, L. Opalka and S. Pospisil: Selective Detection of Secondary Particles and Neutrons Produced during Ion Beam Therapy with 3D Sensitive Voxel Detector, Journal of Instrumentation 6 C12010 (2011)
L.Opalka, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková, S. Pospisil and J.Solc: 3D measurement of the radiation distribution in a water-phantom in a hadron therapy beam, Journal of Instrumentation 7 C01085 (2012)
B. Hartmann, J. Telsemeyer, L. Huber, B. Ackermann, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Investigations of a flat-panel detector for quality assurance measurements in ion beam therapy, Phys. Med. Biol. 57 51-68 (2012)
M. Martišíková, B. Hartmann, B.M. Hesse, S. Brons, B. Ackermann and O. Jäkel: Characterization of a flat-panel detector for ion beam spot measurements, Phys. Med. Biol. 57 485-497 (2012)
J. Telsemeyer, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Quantitative carbon ion beam radiography and tomography with a flat-panel detector, Phys. Med. Biol. 57 7957-7971 (2012) One of the 19 PMB highlights in 2012 .Medical Physics Web:
M. Martišíková, S. Brons, B.M. Hesse and O. Jäkel: High-resolution fluence verification for treatment plan specific QA in ion beam radiotherapy, Phys. Med. Biol. 58 (2013) 1725-1738
L. Opalka, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková, S. Pospisil and J. Solc: Linear energy transfer and track pattern recognition of secondary radiation generated in hadron therapy beam in a PMMA target, Journal of Instrumentation 8 (2013) C02047
K. Gwosch, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, C. Granja, P. Soukup, O Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Noninvasivemonitoring of therapeutic carbon ion beams in a homogeneous phantom by tracking of secondary ions, Phys. Med. Biol. 58 (2013) 3755-3773 Medical Physics Web:
J. Telsemeyer, B. Ackermann, S. Ecker, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Experimental verification of ion range calculation in a treatment planning system using a flat-panel detector, Phys. Med. Biol. 59 (2014) p. 3737
B. Hartmann, P. Soukup, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Distortion of the Per-Pixel Signal in the Timepix detector observed in high energy carbon ion beams, Journal of Instrumentation 9 P09006 (2014)
conference contributions
Oral presentations
M. Martišíková, B. Ackermann, S. Klemm, O. Jäkel: Use of Gafchromic films in heavy ion therapy, Abstract book of the 10th Workshop on radiation imaging detectors, Erlangen, Germany (2007)
M. Martišíková: Gafchromic EBT films: Dosimetry accuracy and use in heavy ion therapy, 3rdDanish Workshop on Proton and Heavy Ion Dosimetry, Aarhus (2008)
M. Martišíková: Introduction to ion beam therapy, 5th International Summer School on Nuclear Physics Methods and Accelerators in Biology and Medicine, Bratislava, Slovakia (2009)
M. Martišíková, O. Jäkel: Gafchromic EBT films for ion dosimetry, Program and Abstracts of Heavy Ions in Therapy and Space Symposium, Cologne, Germany (2009) p. 60
M. Martišíková: 2D detectors for ion beam therapy, 4rd Danish Workshop on Proton and Heavy Ion Dosimetry, Aarhus, Denmark (2009)
B. Hartmann: Performance of Gafchromic EBT2 films in photon and carbon ion beams, 4rd Danish Workshop on Proton and Heavy Ion Dosimetry, Aarhus, Denmark (2009)
J. Engelke, M. Martišíková, B. Hesse and O. Jäkel: Investigation of an Amorphous Silicon Detector for Ion Radiography, Abstract book of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group meeting, Gunma, Japan (2010) p. 17
B. Hartmann, M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: 2D detectors for quality assurance in ion beam therapy a comparative study, Abstract book of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group meeting, Gunma, Japan (2010) p. 18
J. Engelke, M. Martišíková, B. Hesse and O. Jäkel: Investigation of an Amorphous Silicon Detector for Ion Radiography, 11th international workshop on portal imaging, Leuven, Belgium (2010) (invited talk , Young Investigator Award)
M. Martišíková, S. Brons, B. Hesse and O. Jäkel: Novel 2D Dose Imaging for Ion Beam Therapy, Abstract book of the 16th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry, Sydney, Australia (2010) p. 29 (Young Scientist Award – Best Oral Presentation)
M. Martišíková, B. Hartmann, S. Brons, B. Ackermann, B. Hesse and O. Jäkel: Improving QA in ion beams using a flat-panel detector, 41. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Medizinische Physik, Freiburg, Germany (2010)
M. Martišíková, B. Hartmann, S. Brons, B. Hesse and O. Jäkel: Improving the safety of ion beam therapy by flat-panel imaging, Nuclear Science Symposium, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA (2010)
M. Martišíková, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann, O. Jäkel and S. Pospíšil: Micro-Scale Visualization and Real-Time 3D Imaging of Dose Deposition of Proton and Carbon Ion Beams for Hadron Therapy, Presentation at the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA (2010)
J. Jakubek, C. Granja, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková and S. Pospíšil: Detection and Track Visualization of Primary and Secondary Radiation in Hadron Therapy Beams with the Pixel Detector Timepix, Conf. Record of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA (2010)
M. Martišíková, S. Brons, B. Hesse, and O. Jäkel: Two-dimensional fluence measurements for ion beam therapy plan verification, Abstract book of the the Particle Therapy Cooperative Group Meeting, Philadelphia, USA (2011) p. 1
L. Huber, J, Telsemeyer, M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Patient position verification in ion beam therapy using ion-beam radiography and fiducial markers, Abstract book of the 13th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Zürich, Switzerland (2011)
M. Martišíková, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann, L. Huber and O. Jäkel: Perspectives of the Pixel Detector Timepix for Needs of Ion Beam Therapy, Abstract book of the 13th International Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics and Detectors for Physics Applications, Como, Italy (2011) p. 63 (invited talk )
J. Telsemeyer, M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Measurement of Tissue Specific Parameter for Ion Beam Therapy with a Flat-Panel Detector, 12th EPI2KX conference in Sydney, Australia (2012) (Student Award)
M. Martišíková, J. Jakubek, C. Granja, K. Gwosch, B. Hartmann, S. Pospisil and O. Jäkel: Investigation of the Timepix detector for beam range verification in ion beam therapy, Physics for Health in Europe Conference in Geneva (2012), abstract published in Radiotherapy and Oncology 102 p. S128
M. Martišíková, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann, J. Telsemeyer, L. Huber, S. Brons, S. Pospíšil and O. Jäkel: Two-dimensional silicon-based detectors for ion beam therapy, IX Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications, Quito, Ecuador (2011) (invited talk )
J. Telsemeyer, L. Huber, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Ion Radiography: Measuring High Soft Tissue Contrast and WEPL with An Amorphous Silicon Detector, Abstract book of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Vancouver, Canada (2011), p. 3341
M. Martišíková, J. Jakubek, K. Gwosch, B. Hartmann, J. Telsemeyer, P. Soukup, C. Granja, S., Pospisil and O. Jäkel: First Experimental Test of Secondary Ion Tracking for the Assessment of Beam Range in a Patient-Like Phantom, Annual meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Charlotte, USA (2012), abstract published in Medical Physics 39 p. 3885
B. Hartmann, K. Gwosch, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Fragmentation Analysis in Heavy Ion Therapy: A Novel Experimental Approach to Measure Lateral Distributions of Secondary Charged Particles, Annual meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Charlotte, USA (2012), abstract published in Medical Physics 39 p. 3885
M. Martišíková, J. Jakubek, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, K. Gwosch, J. Telsemeyer, P. Soukup, S. Pospisil and O. Jäkel: New measurement techniques for ion beam therapy purposes, International Conference on Nucleus Nucleus Collisions, San Antonio, Texas, USA (2012) (invited talk )
M. Martišíková, J. Jakubek, K. Gwosch, B. Hartmann, J. Telsemeyer, P. Soukup, C. Granja, L. Opalka, S. Pospisil and O. Jäkel: Monitoring of Ion Beam Therapy Delivery by Tracking of Secondary Ions: First Measurements in a Patient-like Phantom, Conference record of IEEE NSS/MIC, Anaheim, California, USA (2012)
M. Martišíková, B. Hartmann, K. Gwosch, J. Jakubek, C. Granja, and O. Jäkel: Study of the Capabilities of the Timepix Detector for Carbon Ion Beam Radiotherapy Applications, Conference record of IEEE NSS/MIC, Anaheim, California, USA (2012)
B. Hartmann, K. Gwosch, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M.Martišíková: Towards fragment distinction in therapeutic carbon ion beams: A novel experimental approach using the Timepix detector, Conference record of IEEE NSS/MIC, Anaheim, California, USA (2012) (First place 'Student Paper Award', Nuclear Science Symposium)
B. Hartmann, J. Telsemeyer, B. Ackermann, S. Brons, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Meeting the Demands of Highly Precise Ion Beam Therapy - How a Flat-Panel Detector can Improve Conformance Tests, Conference record of IEEE NSS/MIC, Anaheim, California, USA (2012)
M. Martišíková: Schneller, genauer, flexibler: Neue Techniken zur Strahlungsdetektion in der Ionenstrahltherapie, Physics Colloquium of the University in Dortmund, Germany (2013) (invited talk )
B. Hartmann, K. Gwosch, C. Granja, P. Soukup, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková, A novel experimental approach to fragment distinction in therapeutic carbon ion beams, Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group meeting, Essen, Germany (2013)
M. Martišíková, J. Jakubek, K. Gwosch, B. Hartmann, C. Granja, P. Soukup and O. Jäkel: The Timepix Detector for Ion Beam Radiotherapy Applications, Development of High-Resolution Pixel Detectors and their Use in Science and Society, Bad Honef, Germany (2013) (invited talk)
M. Martišíková, K. Gwosch, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann and O. Jäkel: Experimental investigation of secondary ions for carbon ion therapy monitoring, Heavy Ion in Therapy and Space Radiation Symposium, Chiba, Japan (2013)
B. Hartmann, C. Granja, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková, Study of carbon ion fragmentation in different materials using a highly flexible set-up, Heavy Ion in Therapy and Space Radiation Symposium, Chiba, Japan (2013)
M. Martišíková, K. Gwosch, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann and O. Jäkel: Non-invasive monitoring of carbon ion radiotherapy using secondary ions, DGMP Symposium, Cologne, Germany (2013)
M. Martišíková, K. Gwosch, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann, T. Gaa, M. Reinhardt and O. Jäkel: Timepix detector for ion beam imaging in patients, Workshop on physics instrumentation on cancer diagnostics and therapy, Heidelberg, (2013) (invited talk)
G. Arico, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Analysis of carbon ion fragmentation and angular fragment distribution using Timepix detectors, Abstract book of the 53th PTCOG meeting, Shanghai, China (2014)
C. K. Spindeldreier, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: First energy loss and fragmentation measurements of therapeutic 4He ion beams with a small detector, Abstract book of the 53th PTCOG meeting, Shanghai, China (2014) p.47
C. K. Spindeldreier, B. Hartmann, M. Reinhart, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: An enhanced approach to beam delivery verification in 12C ion beam therapy based on secondary ion direction and energy loss information, to be presented at DGMP 3-Ländertagung, Zürich (2014)
M. Martišíková, B. Ackermann, S. Klemm, O. Jäkel: Use of Gafchromic films in heavy ion therapy, Abstract book of ESTRO meeting on Physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiation Therapy, Barcelona, Spain (2007) p. 234
M. Martišíková, B. Ackermann, O. Jäkel: Use of Gafchromic films in heavy ion therapy, Abstract book of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group meeting, Jacksonville, Florida, USA (2008) p. 155
M. Martišíková, B.M. Hesse and O. Jäkel: Test of an amorphous silicon detector in medical proton beams, Abstract book of the 11th International Workshop on Imaging Detectors, Prague, Czech Republic (2009)
M. Martišíková, B. Hesse, O. Nairz, O. Jäkel: Performance of a flat-panel detector in scanned ion beams, Abstract book of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group meeting, Heidelberg, Germany (2009) p. 132
B. Hartmann, M. Martišíková, O. Jäkel: Comparison of GafchromicTM EBT and EBT2 film in photon and carbon ion beams. Abstract book of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group meeting, Heidelberg, Germany (2009) p. 141
M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Gafchromic EBT film for ion beam dosimetry, Abstract book of the 11th Symposium on Neutron and Ion Dosimetry, Cape Town, South Africa (2009)
M. Martišíková, B. Hesse, J. Engelke, B. Hartmann and O. Jäkel: Performance of a pixelized amorphous silicon detector in medical ion beams, Abstract book of the Physics for Health workshop, CERN (2010) p. 74
B. Hartmann, M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Evaluation of different detectors for homogeneity measurements in scanned ion beams, Abstract book of the Physics for Health workshop, CERN (2010) p. 73
J. Engelke, M. Martišíková, B. Hesse and O. Jäkel: Investigation of an Amorphous Silicon Detector for Ion Radiography, Abstract book of the Physics for Health workshop, CERN (2010) p. 48
M. Martišíková, B. Hesse, J. Engelke, B. Hartmann and O. Jäkel: 2D detectors for scanned ion beams, Abstract book of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group meeting, Gunma, Japan (2010) p. 125
M. Martišíková, B.M. Hesse, J. Engelke, B. Hartmann and O. Jäkel: Flat-panel detector for quality assurance measurements in therapeutic ion beams, Abstract book of the 3rd Polish-German Cancer Workshop, Heidelberg, Germany (2010)
J. Engelke, M. Martišíková, B. Hesse and O. Jäkel: Modulation Transfer Function of a Flat-Panel Detector in Photon and Ion Beams, Presentation at the IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA (2010)
B. Hartmann, C. Granja, L. Opalka, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Towards ion spectroscopy for hadron beam therapy - finding optimal settings of the Timepix detector, Abstract book of the 13th International Workshop on Imaging Detectors, Zürich, Switzerland (2011) p. 189
M. Martišíková, J. Jakubek, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, L. Opalka, S. Pospisil and O. Jäkel: Measurement of secondary radiation during ion beam therapy with the pixel detector Timepix, Abstract book of the 13th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Zürich, Switzerland (2011)
J. Jakubek, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková, L. Opalka and S. Pospisil: Selective Detection of Secondary Particles and Neutrons produced during ion beam therapy with 3D sensitive voxel detector, Abstract book of the 13the International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Zürich, Switzerland (2011)
L. Opalka, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková and S. Pospisil: 3D measurement of radiation distribution in a water-phantom in hadron therapy beam, Abstract book of the 13th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Zürich, Switzerland (2011)
M. Martišíková, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann, J. Telsemeyer, L. Huber, S. Pospíšil and O. Jäkel: Benefit of two-dimensional silicon-based detectors for ion beam therapy Abstract book of the ”3-Länder-Tagung der ÖGMP, DGMP und SGSMP”, Vienna, Austria, (2011)
B. Hartmann, C. Granja, L. Opalka, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Evaluation of Timepix as dE/dx detector for hadron therapy, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia, Spain (2011) (poster)
B. Hartmann, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Distinguishing between carbon ions and their fragments in therapeutic ion beams using the pixel detector Timepix, Physics for Health in Europe Conference in Geneva (2012), abstract published in Radiotherapy and Oncology 102 p. S126
L. Opalka, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, M. Martišíková and J. Solc: Measurement of composition of secondary radiation in hadron therapy using the pixel detector Timepix, Abstract book of the 14th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Figueira da Foz, Portugal (2012) p. 202
K. Gwosch, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, C. Granja, P. Soukup, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Investigations of Secondary Ion Distributions in Carbon Ion Therapy Using the Timepix Detector, Annual meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Charlotte, USA (2012), abstract published in Medical Physics 39 p. 3614
K. Gwosch, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: 3D Beam Monitoring for 12C Radiotherapy by Tracking of Secondary Ions Using the Timepix Detector, Conference record of IEEE NSS/MIC, Anaheim, California, USA (2012)
M. Martišíková, K. Gwosch, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann, C. Granja and O. Jäkel: Experimental studies towards carbon ion therapy monitoring using tracking of secondary ions, Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group meeting, Essen, Germany (2013)
B. Hartmann, C. Granja, P. Soukup, K. Gwosch, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková, Direct particle energy loss measurements in therapeutic ion beams using a small set-up, Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group meeting, Essen, Germany (2013)
M. Reinhart, T. Gaa, G. Arico, L. Opalka, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Direct measurement of the secondary ion track yield during carbon ion and helium irradiation of a PMMA phantom, Abstract book of the 33th ESTRO Congress, Vienna, Austria (2014)
T. Gaa, M. Reinhart, G. Arico, B. Hartmann, L. Opalka, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Visualization of inhomogeneities in a phantom irradiated by carbon ion beams using prompt secondary ions, Abstract book of the 33th ESTRO Congress, Vienna, Austria (2014)