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Thank you and Goodbye!

Group Picture with online and on-site participants

It was a great pleasure to welcome 50 national and international participants at DKFZ in Heidelberg together with 20 online participants. As the local organizing team we would like to thank everyone who contributed to our course! Thanks to our sponsors we could run such an amazing course.

Looking forward to meet everyone in the future, maybe during our next summer school in 2025.

Click here to get some impressions from the hybrid attendance phase in Heidelberg.


We are happy to announce our 6th Summer School in Medical Physics about Radiation Detector Concepts for Medical Physics, to be held in August and September 2024. The course is organized under the auspices of the Heidelberg Institute of Radiation Oncology (HIRO) in close cooperation with our partners (see below).

The 6th Summer School is subdivided into an online phase of about four weeks and an attendance phase of one week. The attendance phase is organized as hybrid model, such that all sessions of the attendance phase are additionally available online as a live online phase via Zoom. Thus, participants can decide to follow the course online and on site or 100% virtually.

The online phase with pre-recorded lectures and online sessions introduces the basics in medical physics for radiation therapy and radiology. The most important mechanisms and applications of radiation detectors for medical physics will be explained in a broad context ranging from high-energy physics to newest developments in medical imaging. The hybrid attendance phase will then focus on specific detector applications for dosimetry & QA in radiotherapy, for image guidance and last but not least for research, e.g. related to FLASH therapy, photon-counting CT or measuring radiation quality for advancements in dosimetry.

Scheduled interactive sessions and discussions, a science slam as well as a poster session during the course will allow the attendees to exchange thoughts and ideas with each other and our teaching experts.

We are happy to receive your applications as well as abstracts for the science slam or the poster session. Please note: you can apply for participation without submitting an abstract for the science slam or the poster session.


We are very happy to announce our prizes for the science slam as well as for the poster session. Read on below in the section "Target Group, Certificate & Awards".

The application deadline expired on June 17th 2024.

We are very pleased to have received over 80 applications and over 20 abstracts for our poster session and science slam. Thank you very much! Following the review process, by mid-July all applicants will be informed whether they have been accepted for participation.

Target Group, Certificate & Awards

© Pixabay

Our 6th summer school is designed for national and international PhD, MSc or BSc students or young scientists with a background in Physics, Medical Physics, Medical Engineering or similar. 

Once successfully completed, participants will get a certificate of attendance including supplement with 4 ECTS points, issued by the German Cancer Research Center and our partners.

We are very happy to announce one prize for the science slam sponsored by ADVACAM and the second prize from DKFZ. Furthermore, there are two prizes for the poster session. Therefore, we invite all applicants to submit abstracts for the science slam or the poster session (in addition to the regular application documents). However, you can also apply without abstracts.

All authors of accepted abstracts have the chance to get one of the following prizes:

Prizes of the Science Slam:

  • 1st Prize of the Science Slam: Imaging the Unseen: ADVACAM Science Slam Prize consisting of €400 plus a 2-day stage at ADVACAM including travel and accommodation costs up to €400
    This prize is kindly sponsored by ADVACAM
  • 2nd Prize of the Science Slam: €200

Prizes of the Poster Session

Dates, Program and Speakers


  • Application period: mid-March - June 17th 2024
  • Confirmation of acceptance: mid-July 2024
  • Online Phase: Aug. 26th - Sep. 22nd 2024
  • 1st mandatory Online Test (Multiple Choice): Sep. 09th - Sep. 22nd 2024
    (During this period participants can do the first online test whenever they have time.)
  • Live Online Session via Zoom (taking place during the online phase)
    1. Sep. 2nd 2024, 4 - 6pm (CEST)
    2. Sep. 9th 2024, 4 - 6pm (CEST)
    3. Sep. 16th 2024, 4 - 6pm (CEST)
    4. Sep. 19th 2024, 4 - 6pm (CEST)
  • Hybrid Attendance in Heidelberg: Sep. 23rd - Sep. 27th 2024
  • 2nd mandatory Online Test (Multiple Choice): Sep. 27th - Oct. 14th 2024
    (During this period participants can do the second online test whenever they have time.)

Please feel free to download the program below.

Online Phase

© Public Domain

Our 6th summer school starts with an online phase of about three weeks. During this period, participants get access to the virtual learning platform Moodle which provides all learning materials such as pre-recorded video lectures and lecture notes as PDFs as well as short tasks. Furthermore, mandatory live online sessions via Zoom with experts from Heidelberg and other national and international experts are scheduled during this online phase (days and times see "Dates and Program").

The online phase is concluded with the first mandatory online test consisting of multiple-choice questions about all topics taught during the online phase. The test can be done during the last two weeks of the online phase whenever participants have time, and its successful completion (50% of points indicated) is a prerequisite to participate in the attendance phase or the live online phase.

Please also download and read our technical requirements to attend our virtual summer school.

Attendance Phase and Live Online Phase

Entrance of Lecture Hall of DKFZ Communication Center
© DKFZ/J. Jung

The attendance phase in Heidelberg is hosted as a hybrid event and thus, all sessions are available as a so-called live online phase to those who attend online only.

Lectures by our national and international experts are scheduled during the morning sessions. Interactive sessions, the science slam and the poster session as well as interactive discussion rounds take place during the afternoon to strengthen active participation and to initiate scientific exchange between experts and participants.

The whole summer school is concluded with the second mandatory online test (multiple-choice questions) about all topics taught during the attendance phase or live online phase (duration see "Dates and Program").

Our networking activities such as Get Together or the Guided Tours (e.g. to the new building "Imaging and Radiology" at the DKFZ or to the Heidelberg University Hospital) are only available to on-site participants.

Once the application is accepted, on-site participants will get a code to book a room themselfs at special rates in a hotel in Heidelberg. Traveling costs for on-site participants such as train tickets, costs for accommodation as well as living expenses have to be covered by on-site participants themselfs.


Main Entrance of DKFZ, Communication Center on the left-hand side
© DKFZ/T. Schwerdt

The hybrid attendance phase takes place simultaneously on Zoom and on site in Heidelberg at the following venue: 

The address of the venue is:

German Cancer Research Center
Communication Center, Seminar room K1/K2 (1st floor)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
DE-69120 Heidelberg
Google Maps: 
How to get there:

Fee & Application

© Public Domain

Fees for online/on-site participation:

PhD students and young scientists: €125
Master's & Bachelor's students: €75

Fee for online attendance:

€60 for all online participants

Payments can only be done either by Credit Card or Wire Transfer/Invoice. The candidates will receive all relevant information to initiate the payment by email once their participation is accepted and confirmed. Please only register for the course, if you can use one of our two payment options. Please note: Neither on-site/cash payments nor payments by Paypal are possible.

Application Procedure

Start of Application: mid-March 2024

Application Deadline: June 17th 2024 (expired)

Confirmation of acceptance: mid-July 2024

The application deadline expired, it is no longer possible to apply.

Once the application is accepted, each participant gets further instructions on how to pay the fees either by Credit Card or by wire transfer based on an invoice.

EURADOS Young Scientist Conference Support

We are very happy to announce that there is one EURADOS Young Scientist Conference Support up to € 500 available for one participant with accepted abstract. Once your participation and your abstract is accepted by the course leaders of the summer school by beginning of July 2024, please submit all relevant application documents to EURADOS if you are interested in this financial support.

Therefore, please carefully check the information and the specific deadlines on the EURADOS website below when you consider to apply for this financial support.




Prof. Oliver Jäkel, PhD, Prod. Jürgen Debus, MD, PhD

Prof. Oliver Jäkel, PhD

Head of the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology, DKFZ, Heidelberg
Head of Medical Physics at the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center (HIT)
Professor for Medical Physics at the Medical Faculty Heidelberg of Heidelberg University

Prof. Jürgen Debus, MD, PhD

Medical Director of the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center (HIT) and of the Department of Radiation Oncology and Radiation Therapy at the Heidelberg University Hospital
Vice Dean at the Medical Faculty Heidelberg of Heidelberg University

Course Leaders

From left to right: Laurent Kelleter, Mária Martišíková, José Vedelago, Tim Gehrke

Mária Martišíková, PhD

Group Leader of the Research Group: Novel Detection Techniques for Ion Beams

Tim Gehrke, PhD

Deputy Group Leader of the Research Group: Novel Detection Techniques for Ion Beams

Laurent Kelleter, PhD

Post-Doc in the Research Group: Novel Detection Techniques for Ion Beams

José Vedelago, PhD

Group Leader of the Research Group: Translation Research for Ion Beam Therapy


Anna Moshanina, Marcel Schäfer, Simone Barthold-Beß, PhD

Please feel free to contact us by email to if you have any questions.

Local Organizing Team

Anna Moshanina, Dr. Simone Barthold-Beß, Marcel Schäfer
Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology

German Cancer Research Center
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
DE-69120 Heidelberg, Germany

Phone: +49-6221/42-3481


IBA Dosimetry invites all on-site participants and speakers for the Summer School Dinner on Wednesday, Sep. 25th 2024 up to €2000. The dinner will directly be paid by IBA Dosimetry at the restaurant.


© IBA Dosimetry

ADVACAM offers the Imaging the Unseen: ADVACAM Science Slam Prize consisting of €400 plus a 2-days-stage at ADVACAM including travel and accommodation costs up to €400. Once awarded, the winner gets directly paid by ADVACAM to schedule the 2-day stage.



The Dosimetry School by PTW The Dosimetry Company kindly sponsors the 1st and the 2nd prize of the poster session (250€ & 150€, respectively). Once awarded, both winners get directly paid by The Dosimetry School. 


© The Dosimetry School






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