Pediatric Neurooncology
- Functional and Structural Genomics
- KiTZ

Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfister
Head of Division
Pediatric Neurooncology is currently a vibrant field of research. This is desperately needed, since brain tumors have become the number one cause of cancer-related mortality in children. Our group aims to bridge the gap between generating genomic screening data as well as faithful models for preclinical drug testing, and exploiting these data for the sake of our patients.

Our Research
The first goal includes the identification, validation and clinical application of prognostic and predictive biomarkers in different childhood brain tumors, including genome, transcriptome and epigenome analysis, and integrative bioinformatics approaches. The second major focus involves the generation of suitable in vitro and in vivo models for systematic pre-clinical testing of novel smart drugs, often in combination with established cytotoxic drugs, chemotherapy or immunotherapy. These novel therapies are ultimately translated into patient care, tightly linked with thorough patient selection based on the genetic/molecular signature of the individual tumor (“personalized cancer care”).
Future Outlook
The thorough understanding of the immense biological heterogeneity of childhood brain tumors is a prerequisite for targeted treatment approaches. Thus, we will continue to comprehensively investigate the entire genetic and epigenetic diversity of childhood brain tumors within and across histopathological entities. Many of these novel methods are currently being prepared for routine diagnostic applications in a clinical setting through our nationally and internationally acting molecular diagnostics programs ( Preclinical models will allow us to specifically test biological hypotheses gained from genome-wide primary tumor analyses in vitro and in vivo, before they are recommended for use in patients. Another focus will be the analysis of clonality within tumors, their respective metastases, and tumor relapses, by ultra-deep next-generation and single-cell sequencing techniques. As a third major focus, we have started focusing on the detection of tumor-specific alteration in body fluids, such as cerebrospinal fluid and plasma, which can be exploited for molecular diagnostics, tumor cell clearance (minimal residual disease), detection of molecular targets, and primary resistance mechanisms. Finally, we will evaluate novel as well as many conventional therapies systematically for their inter-individual range in pharmacokinetics. These differences might help explaining successes and failures in individual patients.
90 Employees
Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfister
Head of Division
Olfat Ahmad
MNP Outreach Scientific Coordinator
Michelle Arnet
Dr. Robert Autry
Group Leader
Lindsy Autry
Leonhard Valentin Bamberg
Daniela Bastian
Luisa Becker
Corinna Becki
Dr. Patricia Benites Goncalves da Silva
Enrique Blanco Carmona
Christian Jörg Braun
Carmen Büsken
Alessia Cais
Dr. Aylin Camgöz
Karla Catacora Castaneda
Chun Ho Chan
Dr. Lioba Courth
Scientific Project Management
Hannah Dörsam
Olga Ermakova
Paula Ertel
Selina Faoual
Tom Fischer
Dr. Asta Försti
Larissa Fritzenschaf
Katia Fundter
Neal Geisemeyer
Tobias Gies
Johannes Gojo
Dr. Apurva Gopisetty
Dr. Diego Yair Grinman
Nele Haberstumpf
Michael Hain
Sema Hamurcu
Islam Hassanin
Sophie Henneken
Martin Herdt
Nicola Herrmann-Wichmann
Nina Hofmann
Ines Hofmann
Dr. Natalie Jäger
Dr. Pascal Johann
Dr. Piyush Kumar Joshi
Rolf Kabbe
Carolin Kerber
Dr. Benedikt Kirchner
Eric Konrath
Dr. Marcel Kool
Group Leader
Dr. Kendra Maaß
Group Leader
Norman Mack
Lukas Madenach
Monika Mauermann
Luise Meder
Dennis Metselaar
Sophia Montigel
Dr. Alexandra Moosmann
Jasmin Luisa Müller
Jan Müller
David Norali Ghasemi
Martha O'Brien
Dr. Iris Oezen
Scientific Project Management
Dr. Konstantin Okonechnikov
Dr. Kristian Pajtler
Group Leader
Lena Parzer
Areeba Jamilkhan Patel
Maria Proksch
Franziska Reinelt
Johanna Rettenmeier
Dr. Eva-Maria Rief
Dr. Iman Sadeghi Dehchesmeh
Franziska Schelb
Frederike Scheurer
Mathis Schilling
Svenja Schmitt
Benjamin Schwalm
Nathalie Schwarz
Dr. Martin Sill
Nike Simon
Julia Sundheimer
Niclas Thiebach
Dr. Supat Thongjuea
Group Leader
Elias Ulrich
Torben Wagner
Esther Wahlbrink
Shanzheng Wang
Tatjana Wedig
Samuel Zabel
Eric Zhao
Dr. Wencan Zhu
Dr. Marc Zuckermann
Group Leader
Selected Publications
Active medulloblastoma enhancers reveal subgroup-specific cellular origins.
Lin, C.Y., Erkek, S. et al., …and Pfister, S.M.*, Bradner, J.E.*, Northcott, P.A.*
Molecular Classification of Ependymal Tumors across All CNS Compartments, Histopathological Grades, and Age Groups.
Pajtler KW, Witt H, Sill M et al., …and Kool, M.*, Pfister, S.M.*
Enhancer hijacking activates GFI1 family oncogenes in medulloblastoma.
Northcott, P. et al., …and Peter Lichter, P.*, Korbel, J.O.*, Wechsler-Reya, R*, Pfister, S.M.*
Genome Sequencing of SHH Medulloblastoma Predicts Genotype-Related Response to Smoothened Inhibition.
Kool M et al.,…,and Wechsler-Reya, R.J.*, Lichter, P.*, Pfister, S.M*.
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