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Tumor Immunology and Tumor Immunotherapy

Prof. Dr. Niels Halama

Prof. Dr. Niels Halama

Prof. Dr. Niels Halama


Head of Department

Phone 1:

+49 6131 9066-100

Phone 2:

+49 151 43170522



Curriculum vitae

Research Field

Tumor Immunology, Tumor inflammation, (Immunological) Biomarker Identification, Imaging Technologies, High-Throughput Processing, Colorectal Cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Breast Cancer, Malignant Melanoma

Education / Training

1999 - 2005    Student at University Heidelberg, Baylor College Houston, Medical College of Ohio

2005 - 2006    Resident and Fellow, NCT

2008 - 2023    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, NCT / TIGA / DKFZ

since 2017      Board Certified Specialist for Internal Medicine and Hematology-Oncology

since 2017      Attending Physician Clinical Cancer Research Program Colorectal Cancer

2018               Habilitation in Internal medicine

2022               Award of the professorship

since 2024     W3-Professor for Tumor Immunology and Tumor Immunotherapy, University Mainz

Positions and Employment

2019 - 2023   Head of the Department of Translational Immunotherapy, German Cancer Research Center

since 2023     Head of the Department Tumor Immunology and Tumor Immunotherapy, HI-TRON Mainz

since 2008     Coordination and program development of the medical student specialty training program in
                       oncology (Sozietaet Czerny), Medical Faculty, University of Heidelberg

2008 - heute   Project leader “Immunological tumor microenvironment program”

2009 - 2014    Project leader systems biology "Differentiation of epithelial tissues”, BIOQUANT, Heidelberg

since 2007     Certified clinical investigator in oncology, clinical trial

2012 - 2014    Principal investigator of the independent (non-pharma funded) MARACON-001 clinical trial
                        (CCR5 blockade in advanced refractory metastatic  colorectal cancer) (trial duration: 11/12-09/14)

2010 - 2011    Development and requirements planning of IT infrastructure for the BMBH tissue bank at the
                       University Heidelberg (application plan for IT infrastructure nominated nationwide
                        "lighthouse project", BMBF)

since 2014    Certified clinical investigator for medicinal products


2003 - 2006     Editor and Author, Section "Endocrinology” and “Neurology", for Medicle (

since 2007       International Cancer Microenvironment Society (ICMS)

2009 - 2012     National Society for Histotechnology (NSH), USA

since 2012      Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immunologie (DGfI)

since 2009       American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), USA (AACR-sponsored membership),
                         member of the Cancer Immunology Working Group (CIMM)

since 2011       International Society for Translational Medicine

Honors and stipends

1998                Scholarship from "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes"

2007                Young Investigator Award, Medical Faculty University of Heidelberg

2009                Scientific Excellence Certificate & Best Poster Award, International Cancer Microenvironment
                        Society (ICMS)

2012                Best Poster Award AACR (highly rated by reviewers among more than 10000 posters)

2012                Cancer Research Award Dr. Feldbausch Stiftung


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