Junior Research Groups

Promoting Excellence: Junior Research Groups and Junior Clinical Cooperation Units at DKFZ

Zwei Forschende im Labor

The DKFZ recruits promising early-career scientists each year to establish independent research groups and strengthen the next generation of leaders in cancer research. This recruitment is conducted through an international symposium where selected postdoctoral researchers present their independent scientific vision. Tenure-track research group leaders receive core funding and are typically evaluated by an international expert committee after six years of independent research.

To further strengthen its translational research goals, the DKFZ has launched an innovative program supporting a growing number of Junior Clinical Cooperation Units (CCUs). These units provide clinically active researchers with financial resources and protected research time to establish a translationally focused research group. Since 2021, these CCUs have enabled scientific independence and fostered the development of experienced clinician-scientists before they assume leadership roles in clinical practice. Currently, several Junior Clinical Cooperation Units at the DKFZ work closely with specific programs at the University Hospitals in Heidelberg and Mannheim, including medical oncology, surgery, neurology, and imaging.


On December 13, 2024, we had a Christmas get-together. It was a great opportunity to bring the year to a festive and enjoyable end together.

Get in touch with us

Dr. Carina Thomé
Koordination Nachwuchsgruppen
Contact form: Message to Dr. Carina Thomé

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