Ruth M. Herzog, Ph.D., M.A., CLP
Head of the Office of Technology Transfer,
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
(DKFZ, German Cancer Research Center)
As head of DKFZ’s Office of Technology Transfer Ruth M. Herzog enjoys rich experience and knowledge in technology transfer (including benchmarking technology transfer operations), licensing, intellectual property management and business development, especially in the cancer field. In 2011 she earned an M.A. in economics and management from Technical University of Kaiserslautern and became a Certified Licensing Professional (CLP).
Prior to joining the DKFZ to reorganize its technology transfer operations she built her business career in sales and marketing in oncology at Hoffmann-La Roche from 1991 – 1997. Ruth Herzog received her Ph.D. in molecular tumour biology in 1991 from the University of the Saar and a diploma in biology in 1986 from the University of Bonn.
As an active speaker Ruth Herzog has presented to audiences at ProTon Europe and German biotechnology days and other meetings and has organized workshops e.g. for the annual AUTM meeting in 2011. She is teaching intellectual property management courses regularly within the DKFZ and externally. She is a member of AUTM, LES, ASTP-ProTon, TechnologieAllianz and the Helmholtz committee for technology transfer and intellectual property. She is currently a member of the DKFZ’s Executive Women’s steering committee.