Research group on neuroscience
The aim of this research group is to develop and introduce innovative neuroradiology techniques.
This includes work on risk stratification of tumors, to better define the tumor borders and to investigate neuropathological processes.
Working groups include topics like neuro-oncology, psychiatry and neuronal regeneration. Close cooperation with radiotherapy department (AV-malformation, astrozytoma, ENT-tumor), psychiatry department of the University clinic Heidelberg (psychosis, dementia), University clinic Mannheim (stroke, brainstem tumor characterization) and DKFZ internal departemtnts (apoptosis).
Pre clinical research
- tumor grading (e.g. pharmacocinetic analysis)
- differentiation (e.g. DTI – edema, tumor)
- cognition (e.g. functional MRI)
- connectivity (structural and functional)
Clinic application
- neuro-oncology (diagnostic and therapeutic progression)
- high-precision radiotherapy planning
- psychiatry
Animal studies
- stroke
- spinal cord
- neuro-oncology
- contrast materials
Imaging Techniques
- Diffusion-Tensor-Imaging
- Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI (DCE MRI)
- T2*-Perfusion-MRI (DSC-MRI)
- Functional BOLD-MRI
- Contrast material Evaluation
- Animal study imaging