Junior Research Group

Mechanisms of Genome Control

  • Functional and Structural Genomics
  • Junior Research Group

Dr. Angelika Feldmann

Group Leader

We investigate how genes are regulated in space and time and how these mechanisms are misdirected in cancer.

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Image: [Translate to English:] Image: Visualization of 3D genome structure as Hi-C (top), Capture-C (middle) and cartoon (bottom),

Our Research

The Feldmann lab studies how genes are regulated in time and space, and how these programs become corrupted in cancers. One of the most fascinating processes in biology is the development of a multicellular organism with >200 different cell types from just one single cell. This means that most of these cell types have exactly the same genetic content despite being highly diverse in their appearance and function. Such diversity is only possible if genes are precisely regulated in space and time. To achieve this, gene promoters must integrate inputs from distal gene regulatory elements (DREs), such as enhancers. Despite extensive studies, we still lack a general understanding about the mechanisms behind DRE-driven gene activation. 

Often located hundreds of kilobases away, DREs are thought to come into close physical proximity to their target genes, which involves folding of the DNA and is regulated by a number of proteins (Schoenfelder et al., 2019, Feldmann et al., 2020, Rhodes et al., 2020). Such physical interactions correlate with gene activity and are frequently altered in cancer, suggesting that they may be required for transcriptional alterations observed in normal development and carcinogenesis. Recent data, however, reveal that physical contacts between DREs and gene promoters can occur independently of gene activity (Ghavi-Helm et al., 2014; Benabdallah et al., 2019, Feldmann et al., 2020, Mahara et al., 2024), indicating that other mechanisms underlie their function in gene activation. 

Our mission is to understand the precise mechanisms by which DREs communicate with gene promoters during activation and maintenance of transcription, with a specific focus on the role of the 3D genome structure in this process. We combine state-of-the-art genomic, proteomic and computational biology approaches with high-throughput genetic engineering to dissect gene regulatory mechanisms in health and disease. We use embryonic stem cell differentiation and cancer cell lines, which are ideally suitable for genetic manipulation, as models for gene activation.

Selected Publications

2024 - bioRxiv
2023 - Developmental Cell

Scientific and other news


November: Congratulations to our new postdoc Ann-Kristin for receiving the Dr. Rurainski Fellowship

October: The first paper of the lab is out!!!! Congratulations to our first author Sylvia, all the present and past members of the lab, as well as our collaborators from Christoph Plass' lab for this truly collaborative effort! We celebrate with a glass of champagne!

October, 1st: Our lab is 3 years old! We celebrate with a potluck lunch, Escape Room challenge and a dinner

June: Ali, our Erasmus Summer student joins the lab.

June: Official start of our ERC project TimedEnhancer. We are looking forward to make important contributions to the field and are grateful for the trust!

April: Welcome to Belinda, our 3rd PhD student!

March: Double-celebration: Congratulations to our amazing PhD students Vici for receiving the DKFZ PhD Fellowship and Valeriia for receiving the prize for best participation and presentation at the Paris Course of Epigenetics!!!

February: We are saying goodbye to Sylvia on her new adventure in Australia after a productive postdoc! Your work was fundamental for the beginnings of our lab, thank you!

February: Welcome to our newest PhD student Vici!


December: The very first paper with our lab as coauthors is out. Happy to have contributed to this beautiful study by Maja Funk from Michael Boutros' lab!

December: We recieve the ERC Starting grant!

September: Welcome back to Valeriia, who is starting her PhD with us!

April: We celebrate Valeriia's Master thesis the first thesis defense of the lab

February: We say goodbye to Chloe and welcome our first Erasmus student Sam


July: We welcome our first Master student, Valeriia, and our new technician, Sonja, with the first joint lab retreat together with Pei-Chi Wei's and Lena Kutscher's labs.

June: Goodbye to the very first member of the lab, Helena. It was apleasure setting up the lab with you!

March: Welcome to the first postdoc of the lab, Sylvia!

February: Welcome to Chloe!


October: Our lab opens its doors with its first member, Helena!




Lab Resources

Our lab seeks to understand how genome structure and function are connected. In order to decipher causal relationships we will develop unique methods that will allow us to manipulate genome structure in healthy and cancerous cells with the future goal to transform personalised cancer treatment. An important focus of the lab is to mentor the next generation of scientists. We will create a collaborative, respectful atmosphere, conductive of independent learning and thinking. We want to be known in the community as fair, rigorous and innovative.


8 Employees

  • Dr. Angelika Feldmann

    Group Leader

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  • Belinda Blum

    PhD student

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  • Sarah-Victoria Dachtler

    PhD student

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  • Dr. Ann-Kristin Dicke


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  • Samuel Krall


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  • Dr. Sylvia Mahara


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  • Sonja Prüssing


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  • Valeriia Smialkovska

    PhD student

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Entire Team

Open Positions

We are continously looking for motivated people to join our lab and we offer positions in various stages.

Postdocs: Please email your application to Dr. Angelika Feldmann and include a cover letter stating your research interest, your CV with a complete list of publications as well as contact details of 3 references. Also check out the International Postdoc Program at the DKFZ.

PhD students: Please apply through the International PhD Program of the DKFZ and also send your application directly to Dr. Angelika Feldmann.

Master students: Please send a cover letter, your CV and transcripts directly to Dr. Angelika Feldmann.

Get in touch with us

Two scientists looking at a computer monitor
Dr. Angelika Feldmann
Group Leader
Contact form: Message to Dr. Angelika Feldmann

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