GMP & T Cell Therapy

  • Immunology, Infection and Cancer

Prof. Dr. Stefan Eichmüller

Arbeitsgruppenleiter/ group leader

Immunotherapeutics represent promising treatment options against cancer as shown by the therapeutic success of checkpoint inhibitors. The “GMP & T cell therapy” research group explores T cell mediated tumor rejection and develops new concepts for clinical applications.

T cell attacks tumor cell

Image: Created in BioRender.,

Our Research

Our research group investigates various possibilities for optimizing T cell-mediated tumor defense and prepares their application together with clinical cooperation partners. In our translational research, we investigate various aspects of the T cell-mediated immune response.

One important aspect is the detailed analysis of individual T cells from the tumor with regard to their ability to recognize and destroy tumor cells. The Bruker Lightning System enables such single cell analyses on a chip. Here, 1500 T cells in individual chambers of the chip are examined in parallel for their reactivity against autologous tumor cells (i.e. tumor cells from the same patient). Reactive T cells can then be exported individually from the chip to determine the genetic sequence of the reactive T cell receptor. The identified TCR gene is cloned and expressed in autologous T cells. The resulting TCR-T cells are tested for the functional recognition of autologous tumor cells. This approach is currently being used in hematological tumors (multiple myeloma) and in solid tumors such as ovarian cancer (see project “Tumor-specific TCRs”).

Solid tumours in particular are often characterized by an immunosuppressive tumour environment, which is maintained by the accumulation of suppressive cell types and inhibitory factors released by the tumour. Another project of our research group is therefore investigating miRNAs that can influence the immunosuppressive tumor environment (see project “miRNAs”).

The analysis of specific T cell responses requires synthetic peptides, which are produced in our peptide laboratory (see “Peptide Unit”). In parallel, the team of the Peptide Unit is currently establishing GMP-compliant peptide production and quality control for use in patients as part of vaccination studies.

Our GMP team is currently optimizing production lines for the manufacture of cellular products for adoptive T cell transfer. The production lines include the expansion of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, the production of CAR T cells and TCR transgenic T cells (see “GMP Unit”). This is done in close collaboration with Prof. Dirk Jäger's team at the NCT. A new GMP facility with cleanrooms for cell production for clinical trials is currently under construction.



OptoSelect™ Chip

Adoptive T cell transfer is currently considered the most successful treatment strategy in cancer therapy, provided that the transferred T cells recognize mutated epitopes, so-called neo-epitopes, presented by tumor cells. The major challenges of adoptive T cell therapy consitst in the definition of tumor-specific targets and the direct identification of tumor-specific T cells and their T cell receptor (TCR). In this collaborative project, we aim to directly identify myeloma-specific T cells isolated from the bone marrow of patients. Since the bone marrow aspirates contain both tumor cells and T cells, they can be used to screen for autologous, tumor-specific T cells. We use the Bruker “Lightning™ Optofluidic System”, a benchtop device that allows individual analysis of several thousand cells in separate nanopins on a chip. The functional interaction between sorted myeloma cells and individual T cells is analyzed by quantifying the cytokines released by reactive T cells. In a next step, the T cells identified in this way are isolated from the chip for TCR sequencing and DNA vectors are generated that code for the identified TCRs. Finally, the tumor reactivity of these TCRs against the autologous myeloma cells is tested. Ultimately, such strategies could be used to generate autologous TCR-transgenic T cells for the adoptive T cell therapy of patients with multiple myeloma. Meanwhile we have extended the application of the Bruker “Lightning™ Optofluidic System” to solid tumors such as ovarian and colorectal cancer. 

Journal Club Cancer Immunotherapy

We offer a weekly Journal Club on “Cancer Immunotherapy”, which takes place on Mondays at 9.00 am with people from different departments and research programs of the DKFZ and NCT. The seminar participants are Master and PhD students, postdocs and group leaders. Our aim is to constructively discuss the latest literature in the field of cancer immunotherapy. Each participant presents a paper about twice a year in a 30 to 40-minute PowerPoint presentation. The publication is then discussed by all participants. The Journal Club takes place virtually as a video conference followed by a discussion between all participants.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Stefan Eichmüller, who is organizing this seminar. Participation can be confirmed as part of the PhD program.

You can find a list of previously discussed publications here.



Our team is continuously involved in various teaching activities.

Journal Club Cancer Immunotherapy

We offer a weekly Journal Club on “Cancer Immunotherapy” with participants from different departments and research programs of the DKFZ and NCT as well as the University of Heidelberg. Further details can be found in the Journal Club Cancer Immunotherapy section.

Major Cancer Biology

Together with other departments we organize and head the module HP-F11 “Immunological Methods” which is part of the “Focus Bioscience 1&2”. This includes lecture series and tutorials on “Tumor Immunology, Virology and Cancer” as well as the supervision of students during an internship (Prof. S. Eichmüller, Dr. W. Osen). Further details on the Major Cancer Biology can be found here.

Internship/ Master thesis

Students of the “Molecular Bioscience” Master program at the University of Heidelberg, Faculty of Biosciences, can complete an internship in our group. To ensure optimal supervision, this is limited to one student at a time. It is also possible to write a Master thesis in our group.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Eichmüller

Prof. Dr. Stefan Eichmüller

Team GMP & T cell therapy

Our working group consists of different sub-units: a scientific working group and a GMP unit, which are currently located in the main building, as well as a peptide unit in building TP4 of the Technology Park.

For more information please follow the link “Entire team” below.


14 Employees

  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Eichmüller

    Arbeitsgruppenleiter/ group leader

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  • Dr. Yannic Altrichter

    Projektmanager Peptidherstellung/ project manager peptide production

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  • Felix Andres

    PhD Student/ PhD student

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  • Kai Beißer

    Technische Assistenz Peptide/ technician peptides

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  • Chantal Crocoll

    Bachelor Peptide/ B.Sc. peptides

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  • Elke Dickes

    Technische Assistenz Wissenschaft, GMP/ technician research, GMP

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  • Dr. Bettina Meißburger

    Projektmanager GMP, Zelltherapie/ project manager GMP, cell therapy

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  • Robin Mölle

    Technische Assistenz Peptide/ technician peptides

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  • Wolfgang Müller

    Technische Assistenz GMP/ technician GMP

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  • Dr. Wolfram Osen

    Gruppenleiter präklinische Forschung/ group leader preclinical research

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  • Rainer Schell

    Technische Assistenz GMP/ technician GMP

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  • Dr. Patrick Schmidt

    Gruppenleiter transgene T-Zelltherapie/ group leader transgenic T cell therapy

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  • Claudia Sterzik-Luksch

    Technische Assistenz GMP/ technician GMP

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  • Julian Thimm

    Projektmanager GMP Compliance/ project manager GMP compliance

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Entire Team


Alumni of the research group can be found here.



  • Roberti MP, Charoentong P, Lyu Y, Meyer M, Eichmüller SB, Schmidt P, Momburg F, Cetin M, Hartmann F, Valous NA, Stenzinger A, Michel L, Lichter P, Schneeweiss A, Thewes V, Fremd C, Zörnig I, and Jäger D (2025) Isolation of a tumor neoantigen specific CD8+ TCR from a skin biopsy of a vaccination site. Oncoimmunology 14: 2457793. Link to full text
  • Laurent PA, Andre F, Bobard A, Deandreis D, Demaria S, Depil S, Eichmüller SB, Fernandez-Palomo C, Foijer F, Galluzzi L, Galon J, Guckenberger M, Harrington KJ, Herrera FG, Huber PE, Italiano A, Karam SD, Kroemer G, Lambin P, Leuschner C, Mantovani A, Meylan E, Mondini M, Pittet MJ, Pouget JP, Remon J, Sorensen CS, Sotiriou C, Vanpouille-Box C, Weichselbaum RR, Welsh JW, Zitvogel L, Formenti SC, and Deutsch E (2025) Pushing the boundaries of radiotherapy-immunotherapy combinations: highlights from the 7(th) immunorad conference. Oncoimmunology 14: 2432726. Link to full text


  • Wang Y, Lazaridou M-F, Kordaß T, Massa C, Vaxevanis CK, Riemann D, Eichmüller S, and Barbara S (2024) Unconventional microRNA role: Enhancing the human leukocyte antigen class I antigen processing pathway via interacting with a silencer. Clin Transl Med 14: e70010.
  • Schmidt P, Eichmüller SB, Sun Y-F, and Scolnick J (2024) Personalized Immunotherapy: Advancing processes to extend patient collectives. Frontiers Media SA
  • Meyer M, Parpoulas C, Barthelemy T, Becker JP, Charoentong P, Lyu Y, Borsig S, Bulbuc N, Tessmer C, Weinacht L, Ibberson D, Schmidt P, Pipkorn R, Eichmüller SB, Steinberger P, Lindner K, Poschke I, Platten M, Fröhling S, Riemer AB, Hassel JC, Roberti MP, Jäger D, Zörnig I, and Momburg F (2024) MediMer: a versatile do-it-yourself peptide-receptive MHC class I multimer platform for tumor neoantigen-specific T cell detection. Front Immunol 14: 1294565. Link to full text


  • Kordaß T, Chao T-Y, Osen W, and Eichmüller SB (2023) Novel microRNAs modulating ecto-5′-nucleotidase expression. Front. Immunol. 14. Link to full text
  • Pane AA, Kordaß T, Hotz-Wagenblatt A, Dickes E, Kopp-Schneider A, Will R, Seliger B, Osen W, and Eichmüller SB (2023) miRNAs affecting the susceptibility of melanoma cells to CD8+ T cell-mediated cytolysis. Clin Transl Med 13(2): e1186. Link to full text
  • Chao T-Y*, Kordaß T*, Osen W, and Eichmüller SB (2022) SOX9 is a target of miR-134-3p and miR-224-3p in breast cancer cell lines. Mol Cell Biochem 478(2):305-315. Link to full text


  • Hartmann L, Osen W, Eichmüller OL, Kordaß T, Furkel J, Dickes E, Reid C, Debus J, Brons S, Abdollahi A, Moustafa M, Rieken S, and Eichmüller SB (2022) Carbon ion irradiation plus CTLA4 blockade elicits therapeutic immune responses in a murine tumor model. Cancer Lett. 500. Link to full text
  • Kehl N, Kilian M, Michel J, Wagner TR, Uhrig S, Brobeil A, Sester LS, Blobner S, Steiger S, Hundemer M, Weinhold N, Rippe K, Fröhling S, Eichmüller SB, Bunse L, Müller-Tidow C, Goldschmidt H, Platten M, Raab MS, and Friedrich M (2022) IgE type multiple myeloma exhibits hypermutated phenotype and tumor reactive T cells. Journal for ImmunoTherapy for Cancer 10. Link to full text
  • Kustermann M, Dasari P, Knape I, Keltsch E, Liu J, Pfluger S, Osen W, Holzmann K, Huber-Lang M, Debatin KM, and Strauss G (2022) Adoptively Transferred in vitro-Generated Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells Improve T-Cell Function and Antigen-Specific Immunity after Traumatic Lung Injury. J Innate Immun 1-18.
  • Hernández-Malmierca P, Vonficht D, Schnell A, Uckelmann HJ, Bollhagen A, Mahmoud MAA, Landua SL, Salm EVd, Trautmann CL, Raffel S, Grünschläger F, Lutz R, Ghosh M, Renders S, Correia N, Donato E, Dixon KO, Hirche C, Andresen C, Robens C, Werner PS, Boch T, Eisel D, Osen W, Pilz F, Przybylla A, Klein C, Buchholz F, Milsom MD, Essers MAG, Eichmüller SB, Hofmann W-K, Nowak D, Hübschmann D, Hundemer M, Thiede C, Bullinger L, Müller-Tidow C, Armstrong SA, Trumpp A, Kuchroo VK, and Haas S (2022) Antigen presentation safeguards the integrity of the hematopoietic stem cell pool. Cell Stem Cell 29(5):760-75 e10 doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2022.04.007.
  • Kilian M, Friedrich M, Sanghvi K, Green E, Pusch S, Kawauchi D, Löwer M, Sonner JK, Krämer C, Zaman J, Jung S, Breckwoldt MO, Willimsky G, Eichmüller SB, Deimling Av, Wick W, Sahm F, Platten M, and Bunse L (2022) T cell receptor therapy targeting mutant capicua transcriptional repressor in experimental gliomas. Clin Cancer Res 28:378-389.

    (*): equal contribution, members of the research group are listed in bold

Get in touch with us

Two scientists looking at a computer monitor
Prof. Dr. Stefan Eichmüller
Arbeitsgruppenleiter/ group leader
Contact form: Message to Prof. Dr. Stefan Eichmüller

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