Additives in Tobacco Products / EU-Project PITOC
Information on Health Hazards of Tobacco Additives
Tobacco manufacturers add numerous additives to their products. Tobacco additives make a harmful product more attractive and palatable. The EU-Project Public Information Tobacco Control (PITOC) informs policy makers, journalists, and Non Governmental Organisations in a comprehensive report as well as the general public in a series of factsheets on the mode of action of selected additives and explains their impact on health.
Seven of these fact sheets have been created by the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, and seven by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, the Netherlands. The introduction is a common product.
The World Health Organization Framework Convention Tobacco Control (FCTC) is in response to the world-wide tobacco epidemic and aims to contribute to the reduction of smoking-related morbidity and mortality. Article 9 and 10 of the FCTC are concerned with the regulation of tobacco product composition, including dissemination of information on tobacco products to the general public. The partial guideline of FCTC article 9 states that regulating ingredients aimed at reducing tobacco product attractiveness can contribute to reducing the prevalence of tobacco use and dependence among new and continuing users.
The EU Tobacco Products Directive 2001/37/EC prescribes that data on tobacco additives, submitted by manufacturers, needs to be disseminated to the consumers.
Additives in Tobacco Products
Contribution of carob bean extract, cellulose fibre, guar gum, liquorice, menthol, prune juice concentrate and vanillin to attractiveness, addictiveness and toxicity of tobacco smoking
Additives in Tobacco Products
English Factsheets (pdf files)
Report and factsheets on 2-furfural, ammonium compounds, cocoa, glycerol, propylene glycol, sorbitol, sugars, and acetaldehyde in English available on RIVM website
German Factsheets (pdf files)
- combined pdf (PDF | 2,67 MB)
- Einführung (PDF | 195,67 KB)
- Ammoniumverbindungen (PDF | 453,52 KB)
- Dörrpflaumensaftkonzentrat (PDF | 532,16 KB)
- 2-Furfural (PDF | 446,78 KB)
- Glyzerin (PDF | 400,18 KB)
- Guarkernmehl (PDF | 435,23 KB)
- Johannisbrot (PDF | 514,20 KB)
- Kakao (PDF | 450,64 KB)
- Lakritz (PDF | 497,76 KB)
- Menthol (PDF | 432,55 KB)
- Propylenglykol (PDF | 423,64 KB)
- Sorbit (PDF | 396,80 KB)
- Vanillin (PDF | 422,08 KB)
- Zellulose (PDF | 428,16 KB)
- Zucker (PDF | 392,44 KB)
- Acetaldehyd (smoke component) (PDF | 451,45 KB)