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Stieltjes B, Brunner RM, Fritzsche K, Laun FB: Diffusion Tensor Imaging: Introduction and Atlas. 2012. Springer, 2013.


2012    nach oben

Baeuerle T, Semmler W: Molecular imaging. In: Encyclopedia of cancer. Schwab,M., Springer, 2012.

Baeuerle T: Non-invasive imaging for assessment of treatment response in a rat model of breast cancer bone metastasis. In: The rat in cancer research. Pouliquen,D., Research Signpost, 2012.

Heimann T, Eichinger M, Bauman G, Bischoff A, Puderbach M, Meinzer HP: Automated scoring of regional lung perfusion in children from contrast enhanced 3D MRI. In: Medical Imaging 2012: Computer-Aided Diagnosis. Bram van Ginneken, Carol L. Novak, SPIE Bellingham, Washington, 2012.


2011      nach oben


2010    nach oben

Fritzsche K.H., Laun F.B., Stieltjes B., Meinzer H.P.: Directional assessment of fiber integrity in Q-ball imaging. In: Medical Imaging 2010: Image Processing. Benoit,B.M., Haynor,D.R., Editors, 76231G, Proceedings Vol. 7623, 2010.

Fritzsche, K.H., Stieltjes B., Laun F.B., Meinzer H.P.: On the behavior of DTI and Q-ball derived anisotropy indices. In: Proceedings 19th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Pesonance in Medicine. Internat. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medici, 2010.

Bock,M., Delorme,S., Gerigk,L.: High-field MR imaging. In: Oncology. Hennig,J., Speck,O., Springer Verlag, 2010.

2009      nach oben

Fritzsche K., Stieltjes B., Laun F.B., Meinzer H-P.+: Towards Reliable Quantification of Fiber Integrity in Q-Ball Imaging. In: DMFC Workshop, MICCAI. Guang-Zhong Yang, David Hawkes, Daniel Rueckert, A, Springer, 2009.

Rata,M., Cotton,F., Paquet,C., Birlea,V., Bock,M., Salomir,R.: Endocavitary phased array applicator of therapeutic ultrasound with an integrated opposed-solenoid coil for high resolution MRI-guided thermotherapy: an in vivo study. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Rauschenberg,J., de Oliveira,A., Maier,F., Semmler,W., Bock,M.: Comparison of Two Real Time Tracking Methods for a Robotic Assistance System. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Rigotti,D., Hovener,J., Amann,M., Bachert,P., Gass,A., Gonen,O.: Whole-Brain N-Acetylaspartate Quantification: Performance Comparison of NAA Versus Lipid Nulling. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Schmitter,S., Mueller,M., Semmler,W., Bock,M.: A VERSE algorithm with additional acoustic noise constraints. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Schmitter,S., Mueller,M., Semmler,W., Bock,M.: Maximum sound pressure levels at 7 Tesla - what's all this fuss about?. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Stafford,R., Krafft,A., McNichols,R., Gowda,A., Bock,M., Hazle,J.: Localized FFT phase-correction algorithm for improved real-time PRF shift thermometry. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Umathum,R., Krafft,A., de Oliveira,A., Bock,M.: Inductively Coupled Coils for Local SNR-Enhancement during MR-guided Prostate Biopsy. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Unholtz,D., Semmler,W., Dössel,O., Peter,J.: Object surface extraction with a microlens-based optical detector. In: Proceedings 4th Int.Conf.on Optical Measurement Techniques for Structures & Systems. 2009.

Alt,S., Umathum,R., Semmler,W., Bock,M.: Active Catheter Tracking in Air Cavities using a Semisolid Signal Source. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Bock,M., Homagk,A., Krafft,A., Maier,F., Schulz,J., Umathum,R., Semmler,W., Hallscheidt,P.: Towards fully MR-guided TACE Procedures: Perfusion MRI and Real-time MRA Protocols. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Cao,L., Semmler,W., Peter,J.: Integration and Co-Calibration of an Optical Tomographic Imaging System into a Single-Gantry SPECT-CT Small Animal Imager. In: Proceedings of the SMI/AMI World Molecular Imaging Conference. 2009.

Essig,M., Giesel,F., Dinkel,J., Bock,M.: Comparision of high temporal resolution 2D time resolved blood bolus tagging MRA and 3D time resolved contrast enhanced MRA for the assessment of hemodynamics in patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformations. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Giesel,F., Bock,M., Gerigk,L., Komm,N., Bergmann,K., Mehndiratta,A., Essig,M.: Optimizing flip angle and injection rate for combined first pass and steady state imaging of the supraaortic vasculature using gadofosveset trisodium at 1.5 T MRI - a volunteer study. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Homagk,A., Umathum,R., Korn,M., Weber,M., Hallscheidt,P., Semmler,W., Bock,M.: An Expandable Catheter Loop Coil for Intravascular MRI in Larger Blood Vessels. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Kirsch,S., Bachert,P.: Numerical study of the distant dipolar field. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Korn,M., Umathum,R., Schulz,J., Krafft,A., Semmler,W., Bock,M.: An Optically Detunable Coil for Improved Self Gating in Small Animals. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Krafft,A., Jenne,J., Maier,F., Krause,M., Martin-Villalba,A., Huber,P., Semmler,W., Bock,M.: Contrast Enhanced MRI Signal Dynamics of FUS-induced BBB Opening in Mouse Brain. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Krafft,A., Maier,F., Zamecnik,P., de Oliveira,A., Jenne,J., Stafford,R., Ahrar,K., Winkel,A., Semmler,W., Bock,M.: Automatic Passive Tracking of an Manually Steerable Instrument Holder for MR-guided Interventions Applied in LITT. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Maier,F., Krafft,A., de Oliveira,A., Semmler,W., Bock,M.: MRPen - 3D Marker Tracking for Percutaneous Interventions. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009

Matthies,C., Nagel,A., Schad,L.R., Bachert,P.: Optimal choice of pulse phases in triple-quantum filtered sodium imaging in the presence of B0 inhomogeneities. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Nagel,A., Schmitter,S., Bock,M., Moser,E., Semmler,W., Schad,L.R.: Parameter Optimization for 7T 23Na-MRI. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Patil,S., Anders,J., Umathum,R., Bock,M., Boero,G., Scheffler,K.: The Interventioal Device Tracking Using Miniaturized Micro Coils. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Peter,J.: Instrumentierungskonzepte zur multimodalen optischen Bildgebung im Kleintier. In: Proceedings Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft - Frühjahrstagung. 2009.

Rauschenberg,J., Zamecnik,P., Semmler,W., Bock,M.: Outer Volume Suppression for Three Different Steady State Sequences used in Percutaneous Interventions. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Schmitt,B., Amara,C., von Both,I., Bachert,P., Schulze,A.: New Insights into Mouse Brain Maturation as Assessed by 1H MRS at 7 Tesla. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Senkbeil,T., Unholtz,D., Breithaupt,M., Semmler,W., Peter,J.: Experimental Evaluation of a Microlens Array Based Optical Detector. In: Proceedings of the SMI/AMI World Molecular Imaging Conference. 2009.

Snyder,S., Schmitter,S., Nagel,A., Bachert,P.: In vivo Fourier Shifted Two-Dimensional Zero-Quantum Coherence 1H NMR Spectroscopy of Glutamate and Glutamine. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Stafford,R., Fetics,B., Roth,A., Lorenz,C., Krafft,A., Bock,M., Ahrar,K.: Tracking system for real-time MR-guided percutaneous interventions at 1.5T. In: Proceedings 17th Scientific Meeting, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2009.

Peter,J.: Dual-modality preclinical PET-OI concepts and instrumentation. In: Multimodality Molecular Imaging of Small-Animals: Instrumentation and Applications. Springer, 2009.

Zechmann,C.M., Zamecnik,P., Bachert,P.: V - 2.13.1 Radiologische Diagnostik des Prostatakarzinoms. In: Onkologie - Grundlagen. Diagnostik. Therapie. Entwicklungen. Zeller,W.J., zur Hausen,H., Verlagsgruppe Hüthig Jehle Reh, 1-23, 2009.

2008     nach oben

Bäuerle T, Fechtner K, Hillengass J, Kauczor HU, Goldschmidt H, Grenacher L, Delorme S
Spinal versus whole body MRI in patients with multiple myeloma and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance.
Proc. of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto (2008)

Bock M
Technical Components
In: Magnetresonanztomographie, english edition (4. Auflage). eds.: Reiser M; Semmler W, Hricak H.: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg : 76-91 (2008)

Bock M
Flow Phenomena and MR Angiographic Techniques
In: Magnetresonanztomographie, english edition (4. Auflage). eds.: Reiser M; Semmler W, Hricak H.: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg : 114-128 (2008)

Bock M, Wacker, F
Interventional MRI
In: Magnetresonanztomographie, english edition (4. Auflage). eds.: Reiser M; Semmler W, Hricak H.: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg :1257-1274 (2008)

Bock M, Wacker F
Interventional MR Imaging.
In: Leiner T, Goyen M, Schönberg SO, Rohrer M, editors.
Clinical Bloodpool MR-Imaging, Springer (2008) (in print)

Bock M, Speier P, Nielles-Vallespin S, Szimtenings M, Leotta K, Rühli F
MRI of an Egyptian Mummy on Clinical 1.5 and 3 T Whole Body Imagers.
Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008)

Bock M, Wönne EC, Kiessling F, Semmler W, Umathum R. High-resolution MRI of Implanted Skin Chambers with Integrated Coils.
Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008)

Chen Y, Peter J, Semmler W, Schulz RB
On the Transition from Ballistic to Diffusive Transport in Highly Scattering Turbid Slabs as observed in the Angular Spectrum: Monte Carlo Simulations.
Proceedings of the Optical Society of America, BSuE50. St. Petersburg (2008)

de Oliveira A, Rauschenberg J, Beyersdorff D, Semmler W, Bock M
A New System for Passive Tracking of a Prostate Biopsy Device with Automatic 3D Needle Position Estimation.
Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008)

Ganten MK, Krautter U, von Tengg-Kobligk H, Böckler D, Schumacher H, Stiller, W, Delorme S, Kauczor HU, Kauffmann GW, Bock M
Quantification of aortic distensibility in abdominal aortic aneurysm using ECG-gated multi-detector computed tomography.
Eur Radiol 18 (5) : 966-73 (2008)

Hintze C, Stemmer A, Bock M, Kuder T, Risse F, Dinkel J, Puderbach M, Fink C, Kauczor H-U, Biederer J
Lung Cancer Perfusion: Hybrid acquisition technique for 3D MRI to overcome breath hold limitations and minimize motion-related displacement.
Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008)

Homagk A-K, Müller S, Hallscheidt P, Weber MA, Semmler W, Bock M
Motion-Corrected Intravascular MRI with an Active Tracking Catheter.
Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008)

Kirsch S, Hull WE
Time-zero signal truncation in CRAZED experiments due to rephasing gradient delays leads to incorrect frequency-domain lineshapes.
Proceedings of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM (2008)

Korn M, Umathum R, Müller S, Semmler W, Bock M
A 6-Element Coil Array for Parallel Imaging in Arbitrary Directions.
Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008)

Krafft A, Jenne J, Rauschenberg J, Semmler W, Stafford RJ, Bock M
MR-guided HIFU Thermotherapy with a Robotic Assistance System.
Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008)

Kubo, T, Lin P-J P, Ohno Y, Stiller W, Takahashi W, Kauczor H-U, Hatabu H
Radiation dose reduction in chest CT: A review.
American Journal of Roentgenology, Vol. 190, No. 2, February, pp. 335-343 (2008)

Maier CS, Kellman P, Bock M, Semmler W, Lorenz CH
Image Based Real-Time Monitoring of Cardiac Parameters for Stress Testing or Interventions.
Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008)

Maier CS, Bock M, Semmler W, Lorenz CH
Real-Time M-Mode MRI Monitoring of Regional Wall Thickening.
Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008)

Nagel AM, Laun FB, Weber MA, Schad LR
Sodium MRI using a density adapted 3D Radial Acquisition.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med Toronto 16:3254 (2008)
Peter J, Umathum R, Schneider K, Schlosser G, Korn M, Bock M, Semmler W
Fully-Integrated MR-Optical Imaging Concept for Pre-Clinical Applications. Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008)

Rata M, Salomir R, Umathum R, Jenne J, Cotton F, Lafon C, Bock M
Endoluminal Ultrasound Applicator with an Integrated RF Coil for High-Resolution MRI-guided HICU Thermotherapy.
Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008)

Rauschenberg J, Semmler W, Bock M
PSIF Imaging with Outer Volume Suppression for Percutaneous Interventions. Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008)

Rauschenberg J, Oliveira A, Müller S, Semmler W, Bock M
Comparison of Two Real Time Tracking Methods for a Robotic Assistance System.
Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008)

Risse F, Kuder TA, Hintze C, Fink C, Kauczor HU, Semmler W
Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Contrast-enhanced MRI in Lung Tumors: Comparison to a model-free approach.
ISMRM (2008), Toronto

Risse F, Eichinger, M, Kauczor HU, Semmler W, Puderbach M
Improved visualization of delayed contrast agent bolus onset in pulmonary perfusion MRI.
ISMRM (2008), Toronto

Schad LR
Functional MRI
In: Magnetresonanztomographie, english edition (4. Auflage). eds.: Reiser M; Semmler W, Hricak H.: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg : 1291-1306 (2008)

Schad LR
Computer Aided 3D Radiation Planning Using MRI
In: Magnetresonanztomographie, english edition (4. Auflage). eds.: Reiser M; Semmler W, Hricak H.: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg : 1323-1329 (2008)

Schulz J, Hengerer A, Semmler W, Bock M
A Fast Flow Compensation Technique for Self-Gated Sequences.
Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto (2008)

Schulz J, Wönne EC, Hengerer A, Semmler W, Bock M
Measurement of R1 Dynamics using a 3D FLASH Variable Flip Angle Sliding Window Technique.
Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008)

Semmler W
Molecluar Imaging
In: Magnetresonanztomographie, english edition (4. Auflage). eds.: Reiser M; Semmler W, Hricak H.: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg :1381-1407 (2008)

Semmler W, Schlemmer H-P
Clinical Spectroscopy
In: Magnetresonanztomographie, english edition (4. Auflage). eds.: Reiser M; Semmler W, Hricak H.: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg : 1331-1339 (2008)

Umathum R, Bock M
Rubber Materials for Active Device Tracking.
Proc of the 16th Scientific Meeting of the Int Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008)

Unholtz D, Schulz RB, Semmler W, Peter J
A Method for Improving the Spatial Resolution of Images Acquired with a Flat Microlens-Coupled Detector.
Proceedings of the Optical Society of America, BSuE89. St. Petersburg (2008)

2007     nach oben

Bachert P
MR Spectroscopy.
In: "Magnetism in Medicine", a handbook Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim Andrä W, Nowak H, eds. (Hrsg), : 456-476 (2007)

Brix G, Griebel J, Delorme S, Kiessling F
Quantification of dynamic microcirculation by MRI and CT: Comparative Analysis of signal-time courses measured in muscle tissue
Advances in Medical Engineering Springer New York Buzog TM (Hrsg), : 48-52 (2007)

Chen Y, Schulz RB, Peter J, Semmler, W
Observation of Transition from Ballistic to Diffusive Transport in Highly Scattering Turbid Slabs Based on High-Resolution Angle-Resolved Transmission Measurement Technique.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine : (2007)

Heiler PM, Schmitter S, Schad LR
A time efficient high resolution multi-echo FLASH sequence.
ISMRM 15 : 1940 (2007)

Kiessling F, Krix M
Imaging of tumor angiogenesis and antiangiogenesis.
Marme D, Fusenig N. Tumor Angiogenesis. Springer, New York: 529-544 (2007)

Laun FB, Stieltjes B, Huff S, Schad LR
Investigations of a DTI-phantom with properties similar to in vivo neuronal tissue.
ISMRM 15 : 1526 (2007)

Laun FB, Stieltjes B, Schad LR
Influence of the Noise Floor: Paradoxical Effects on DTI.
ISMRM 15 : 1594 (2007)

Laun FN, Stieltjes B, Schad LR
Optimale Diffusionswichtung und Gradientenanzahl für isotrope DWI.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik 2007 Manser P, Mini R (Hrsg), : 350-351 (2007)

Nagel AM, Weber MA, Schad LR
23Na mit 3D-Radial- und 3D-Cones-Trajektorien.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik 2007 Manser P, Mini R (Hrsg), : 12-13 (2007)

Peter J, Schulz RB, Unholtz D, Semmler W
A novel optical detector concept for dedicated and multi-modality in vivo small animal imaging.
Novel Optical Instrumentation for Biomedical Applications III. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging.
Christian D. Depeursinge (Hrsg), 6631 : 10-1 10-8 (2007)

Peter J, Szelpal D, Bock M, Umathum R
Simultaneous Optical and Magnetic Resonance Small Animal Imaging in vivo.
Proceedings of the Joint Molecular Imaging Conference : 134 (2007)

Schad LR
Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
3D Conformal Radiation Therapy - A Multimedia Introduction to Methods and Techniques Springer Schlegel W, Mahr A (Hrsg), : 38-49 (2007)

Schmitter S, Amann M, Schad LR
Benefit of parallel imaging techniques for silent EPI.
ISMRM 15 : 1761 (2007)

Schmitter S, Schad LR
Der Vorteil von parallelen Akquisitionstechniken für die geräuscharme echoplanare Bildgebung.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik 2007 Manser P, Mini R (Hrsg), : 350-351 (2007)

Schulz RB, Peter J, Semmler W, D'Andrea C, Valentini G, Cubeddu R, Schweiger M, Arridge S
Applying Time-Dependent Data in Fluorescence Tomography.
ProcOSA Progress in biomedical Optics and Imaging Christian D. Depeursinge (Hrsg), : (2007)

Sohlin MC, Bongers A, Schad LR
Quantitative mapping of oxygen extraction fraction using MRI.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik 2007 Manser P, Mini R (Hrsg), : 10-11 (2007)

Weber MA, Stieltjes B, Henze M, Tüttenberg J, Combs SE, Vogt-Schaden M, Meissner M, Remme H, Schad LR, Kauczor HU, Essig M
Comparison of functional MRI- and PET-techniques to assess tumor heterogeneity in malignant gliomas.
ISMRM 15 : 837 (2007)

Wiedemair W, Kroll A, Kindl P, Schad LR
Improvement of perfusion imaging of the human lung using retrospective gating.
ISMRM 15 : 1505 (2007)

Wiedemair W, Weber MA, Kroll A, Kindl P, Schad LR
Measurement of skeletal muscle perfusion at rest and its change after exercise using Arterial Spin-Labelling.
ISMRM 15 : 2666 (2007)

2006     nach oben

Bock M
Fast Sequences for Dynamic and Time-resolved Imaging.
Parallel Imaging in Clinical MRI. Springer Schönberg SO, Dietrich O, Reiser M (Hrsg), : 125-137 (2006)

Bock M
Artefakte und Limitationen der MR Angiographie.
Vasovist - das erste intravaskuläre Kontrastmittel für die MR-Angiographie. ABW Verlag Goyen M eds (Hrsg), : 38-52 (2006)

Bock M
Alles andere als Kunst!
Wer erklärt den Menschen? Hirnforscher, Psychologen und Philosophen im Dialog. Fischer Taschenbuch Könneker C. ed. (Hrsg), : 176-178 (2006)

Bongers A, Schroeder H, Schad LR
Dependency of Oxygen Extraction Calculations from a Static Dephasing Model on Capillary-Radius and Volume Fraction.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2006 Seattle, USA International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) (Hrsg), 14 : 2489 (2006)

Bongers A, Schroeder H, Schad LR
Investigation of Susceptibility-Induced MR Signal Dephasing in Phantom Measurements and Model Simulations for Oxygen Extraction Mapping.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2006 Seattle, USA International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) (Hrsg), 14 : 2509 (2006)

Doster F, Puderbach M, Bachert P
Quantifizierung der Sauerstoffkonzentrationsänderung in wässriger Lösung mit Hilfe der sauerstoffverstärkten MR-Bildgebung.
Medizinische Physik 2006 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik 2006 Bogner L, Dobler B, Hrsg (Hrsg), : 75-76 (2006)

Hengerer A, Newiger F, Kiessling F
Molecular Imaging – Bildgebung für die molekulare Medizin
Molecular Imaging Health Academy Niederlag W., Lemke H.U., Semmler W., Bremer C (Hrsg), : 15-34 (2006)

Jenne JW, Risse F, Häcker A, Peters K, Wilzbach Divkovic D, Siegler P, Fink C, Michel MS, Huber PE
Investigation of high intenstiy focused ultrasound abaltion in isolated Kidenys by MRI - Preliminary Results.
5th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound American Institute of Physics Clement, T. C., McDannold, N. J., and Hynynen, K eds. (Hrsg), : 486-490 (2006)

Kalhor RF, Kirsch S, Bachert P
Methode zur Bestimmung der relativen Konzentration des gesamten N-Acetyl-L-Aspartats (NAA) im menschlichen Gehirn.
Medizinische Physik 2006 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik 2006 Bogner L, Dobler B, Hrsg (Hrsg), : 347-348 (2006)

Laun F, Stieltjes B, Schad LR
Das grüne Phantom: Paradoxe Effekte des Rauschens auf Diffusionstensoren bei hohen b-Werten.
Medizinische Physik 2006 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik 2006 Bogner L, Dobler B, Hrsg (Hrsg), : 95-96 (2006)

Laun FB, Stieltjes B, Schad LR
Twice Refocused Inner Volume EPI DTI of the Spinal Cord: Initial Findings.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2006 Seattle, USA International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) (Hrsg), 14 : 3467 (2006)

Lohberger F, Amann A, Schad LR
Radial MRI of the human lung.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2006 Seattle, USA International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) (Hrsg), 14 : 1300 (2006)

Palmowski M, Morgenstern B, Hauff P, Mäurer M, Delorme S, Peter J, Grenacher L, Kiessling F
Pharmacodynamics of polymer-stabilized microbubbles designed for specific molecular ultrasound imaging.
Proceedings of the Molecular Imaging Workshop Jena : (2006)

Schad LR
Magnetic resonance imaging for radiotherapy planning.
New Technologies in Radiation Oncology. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York W. Schlegel, T. Bortfeld et. al. (Hrsg), : 99-111 (2006)

Schad LR, Lundervold A
Influence of resolution and signal to noise ratio on MR image texture.
Analysis for Magnetic Resonance Imaging HRaNa Hajek M. Dezortova M, Materka A, Lerski R, eds. (Hrsg), : 129-149 (2006)

Scheenen T, Weiland E, Roell S, van Hecke P, LeMort M, Bachert P, Schlemmer H-P, Lu J, Broome D, Villeirs G, Futterer J, Barentsz J, Heerschap A
Intermediate results of IMAPS: An international multi-centre assessment of prostate MR spectroscopy.
Proceedings, 14th Annual Meeting, ISMRM Seattle : (2006)

Schmitter S, Amann M, Schad LR
Determination of acoustic noise characteristics and development of silent EPI for auditory fMRI.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2006 Seattle, USA International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) (Hrsg), 14 : 2814 (2006)

Schmitter S, Amann M, Schad LR
Entwicklung einer leisen EPI Sequenz für auditorische fMRT.
Medizinische Physik 2006 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik 2006 Bogner L, Dobler B, Hrsg (Hrsg), : 66-67 (2006)

Stiller W, Höss A, von Tengg-Kobligk H, Kauczor H-U, Schlegel W, Semmler W
Integration des Toshiba "Aquilion16" in die extracranielle stereotaktische Strahlentherapieplanung.
Medizinische Physik 2006 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik 2006 Bogner L, Dobler B, Hrsg (Hrsg), : 269-70 (2006)

Ulrich M, Wokrina T, Bachert P, Ende G
In vivo 31P-1H echo-planar spectroscopic imaging of the human brain.
Proceedings, 14th Annual Meeting, ISMRM Seattle : (2006)

Zechmann C, Wönne EC, Brix G, Radzwill N, Ilg M, Bachert P, Peschke P, Kirsch S, Kauczor H-U, Delorme S, Semmler W, Kiessling F
Influence of local environment and differentiation on tumor metabolism and vascularisation in experimental prostate cancers.
Proceedings, 14th Annual Meeting, ISMRM Seattle : (2006)

Zhang Y, Schuff N, Jahng GH, Bayne W, Mori S, Schad L, Mueller S, Kramer J, Yaffe K, Chui HC, Jagust WJ, Miller BL, Weiner MW+
Regional Degradation of White Matter Ultrastructure in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease by Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2006 Seattle, USA International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) (Hrsg), : 721 (2006)

2005     nach oben

Amann M, Becker S, Kleinboehl D, Schad LR.
Resting-state functional connectivity of the cortical pain matrix.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2005 Miami, USA 13 : 2678 (2005)

Bock M
Vom Spin zum Spin-Echo-Bild: Kernspin, T1- und T2-Kontrast, Ortskodierung, Messsequenzen.
Arbeitsbuch MR-Grundkurs. MR 2005 Garmisch 11th International MRI Symposium München Reiser F, Schönberg SO, Wagner S (Hrsg), : 27-35 (2005)

Bock M
Fast Sequences for Dynamic and Time-resolved Imaging.
Parallel Imaging in Clinical MRI. Springer Schönberg SO, Dietrich O, Reiser M (Hrsg), : (2005)

Doll J, Nix O, Stiller W, Schulz R, Peter J, Semmler W
High Resolution Fully 3D Reconstruction Imaging Using a Modified 3D-OSEM Algorithm for a Whole Body Clinical PET-Scanner.
Proc. IOMP/DGMP Int. Conf. Med. Phys, Nuremberg, Biomedizinische Technik Kalender W, Hahn EG, Schulte AM (Hrsg), : 1444-5 (2005)

Häcker A, Risse F, Peters T, Knoll T, Jenne J, Michel MS
Magnetic resonance imaging appearance of RF lesion volume in ex vivo porcine tissue.
Journal of Endourology 19 (Suppl 1) : (2005)

Hövener J, Bachert P
Experimental approach to determine noninvasively the total content of N-acetylaspartate (NAA) in the human brain.
Proc. IOMP/DGMP Int. Conf. Med. Phys, Nuremberg, Biomedizinische Technik Kalender W, Hahn EG, Schulte AM (Hrsg), 50 : 1178-79 (2005)

Hub M, Karger C, Schad LR
Analysis of distortions in MR images and quality assurance of MR images for treatment planning in radiotherapy.
Proc. IOMP/DGMP Int. Conf. Med. Phys, Nuremberg, Biomedizinische Technik Kalender W, Hahn EG, Schulte AM (Hrsg), 50 : 1180-1 (2005)

Jahng GH, Stables L, Muller S, Weiner MW, Meyerhoff DJ, Schad LR, Schuff N
Analysis of the local susceptibility effects in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) on Alzheimer's disease.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2005 Miami, USA 13 : 1387 (2005)

Kiessling FM, Heilmann M, Peschke P, Ulbrich K, Subr V, Lamers T, Schad L, Semmler W
Characterization of HE-24.8: a new contrast agent for experimental magnetic resonance angiography.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2005 Miami, USA 13 : 173 (2005)

Kirsch S, Bachert P
Intermolecular multiple-quantum coherences yield 1H NMR signals that depend on the mutual distances of coupled spins.
Proc. IOMP/DGMP Int. Conf. Med. Phys, Nuremberg, Biomedizinische Technik Kalender W, Hahn EG, Schulte AM (Hrsg), 50 : 1176-77 (2005)

Kroll A, Risse F, Schad LR
Validation of pulsed arterial spin labeling technique using a perfusion phantom.
Proc. IOMP/DGMP Int. Conf. Med. Phys, Nuremberg, Biomedizinische Technik Kalender W, Hahn EG, Schulte AM (Hrsg), 50 (1) : 1174-1175 (2005)

Lohberger F, Amann M, Schad LR
Two dimensional k-space trajectory measurements for optimised image reconstruction in spiral MRI.
Proc. IOMP/DGMP Int. Conf. Med. Phys, Nuremberg, Biomedizinische Technik Kalender W, Hahn EG, Schulte AM (Hrsg), 50 (1) : 241-242 (2005)

Lohberger F, Amann M, Warmuth C, Schad LR
On-line deblurring in spiral imaging.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2005 Miami, USA 13 : 2255 (2005)

Menze BH, Kelm BM, Lichy MP, Bachert P, Schlemmer H-P, Hamprecht FA
Optimal processing in the automatic detection and localization of brain tumors using MRSI.
Proceedings of International Magnetic Resonance in Medicine USA ISMRM (Hrsg), : (2005)

Menze BH, Wormit M, Bachert P, Lichy MP, Schlemmer H-P, Hamprecht FA
Classification of in vivo magnetic resonance spectra.
Classification, the ubiquitous challenge: Proceedings of GfKl 2004, Studies in Classification, Data Springer Verlag : (2005)

Nielles-Vallespin S, Weber MA, Bock M, Combs S, Schad LR
Comparison of cartesian and radial 23Na MRI for visualization of intracellular sodium concentration in patients with intracerebral gliomas.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2005 Miami, USA 13 : 2567 (2005)

Nielles-Vallespin S, Weber MA, Huttner H, Bankamp A, Bock M, Woehrle J, Meinck HM, Schad LR
Comparison of cartesian and radial 23Na MRI for visualization of intracellular sodium accumulation in patients with a uscular 23Na channelopathy.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2005 Miami, USA 13 : 2566 (2005)

Nix O, Doll J, Schulz R, Semmler W, Stiller W, Peter J
Development of a Flexible STIR Based Software Environment for PET Image Reconstruction.
Proc. IOMP/DGMP Int. Conf. Med. Phys, Nuremberg, Biomedizinische Technik Kalender W, Hahn EG, Schulte AM (Hrsg), 50 : 1242-3 (2005)

Peter J
Optical Imaging - New Shoes for Emission Tomographic Imaging.
Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik : (2005)

Peter J, Schulz R, Semmler W
Ray-Tracing Pixelated and Phoswitch Detectors in Monte Carlo Simulation of PET/SPECT Systems.
Proc. IOMP/DGMP Int. Conf. Med. Phys, Nuremberg, Biomedizinische Technik Kalender W, Hahn EG, Schulte AM (Hrsg), 50 : 1223-24 (2005)

Peter P, Ruehle H, Stamm V, Semmler W
On the Use of Asymmetrical Pinhole Collimators for Small Animal SPECT Imaging.
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine : (2005)

Risse F, Fink C, Peters T, Vallo S, Häcker A, Michel MS, Huber PE, and Jenne JW
Investigation of radio-frequency (RF) abaltion in istolated kidneys by Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Preliminary results.
Proc. IOMP/DGMP Int. Conf. Med. Phys, Nuremberg, Biomedizinische Technik Kalender W, Hahn EG, Schulte AM (Hrsg), : 1164-65 (2005)

Schad LR
Magnetic resonance imaging for radiotherapy planning.
New Technologies in Radiation Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer Schlegel W, Bortfeld T, Groscu AL, eds. (Hrsg), : 99-111 (2005)

Scheenen T, Weiland E, Futterer J, van Hecke P, Bachert P, Villeirs G, Lu J, Lichy M, Holshouser B, Roell S, Heerschap A
Preliminary results of IMAPS: An international multi-centre assessment of prostate MR spectroscopy.
Proceedings of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Med., Vol. 1 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : (2005)

Schröder H, Bongers A, Schad LR
Nested multi-echo EPI acquisition technique for oxygen extraction mapping.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2005 Miami, USA 13 : 2190 (2005)

Schulz RB, Peter J, Semmler W, DAndrea C, Valentini G, Cubeddu R
Quantifiability and Image Quality in Noncontact Fluorescence Tomography.
Proc. SPIE Photon Migration and Diffuse-Light Imaging II Kai Licha, Rinaldo Cubeddu; Eds. (Hrsg), 5859 : 141-8 (2005)

Siegler P, Jenne JW, Divkovic G, Schad LR
Temperature effect in high intensity focused ultrasound therapy control using dynamic MR elastography.
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2005 Miami, USA : 2363 (2005)

Turek M, Schulz RB, Stiller W, Doll J, Nix O, Semmler W, Peter J
Experimental Exploration ans Analysis of Tracerkinetic Models.
Proc. IOMP/DGMP Int. Conf. Med. Phys, Nuremberg, Biomedizinische Technik Kalender W, Hahn EG, Schulte AM (Hrsg), : 1198-90 (2005)

Viehl K, Eisenmenger A
Organbezogene schadstoffanalytische Untersuchungen an Gewebeproben ehemaliger Beschäftigter im Uranbergbau der SAG/SDAG WISMUT.
Schriftenreihe Reaktorsicherheit und Strahlenschutz BMU-2005-653 (Hrsg), : (2005)

Weiland E, Scheenen T, Futterer J, van Hecke P, Bachert P, Villeirs G, Lu J, Schlemmer H-P, Holshouser B, Roell S, Heerschap A
Towards an automatic quality assessment of in vivo MR spectroscopy data from the prostate.
Proceedings of International Magnetic Resonance in Medicine USA ISMRM (Hrsg), : (2005)

Wesch H, Eisenmenger A, Müller M, Wiethege T
Radiologische Erfassung, Untersuchung und Bewertung bergbaulicher Altlasten - Gesundheitliche Bewertung.
Schriftenreihe Reaktorsicherheit und Strahlenschutz BMU-2005-652 (Hrsg), : (2005)

2004     nach oben

Bachert P, Semmler W, Schlemmer H-P
Magnetresonanzspektroskopie in der klinischen Onkologie.
Onkologie - Grundlagen Diagnostik Therapie Entwicklungen ecomed Medizin, Verlagsgruppe Hüthig Jehle Rehm, Heidelberg Zeller WJ, zur Hausen H, 18. Erg. Lfg. 12/04, S1-39 (Hrsg), : (2004)

Bock M, Müller S, Zuehlsdorff S, Speier P, Semmler W
Interactive Parallel-Imaging Pulse Sequences for Active Catheter Tracking with Real-Time Image Reconstruction.
MRA Workshop 2004 London, Ontario : 46 (2004)

Bock M, Umathum R, Sikora J, Semmler W
Ein Faraday-Effekt-Positionssensor für die interventionelle Magnetresonanztomographie.
Verhandlungen der DPG VI 39 : 166 (2004)

Bock M, Umathum R, Zuehlsdorff S, Volz S, Fink C, Hallscheidt P, Zimmermann H, Semmler W
Interventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: An Alternative without Ionising Radiation.
International Workshop on Optimisation of dose and performance in interventional and digital imaging Leuven, Belgium : 53 (2004)

Bock M, Volz S, Zuehlsdorff S, Umathum R, Fink C, Hallscheidt C, Semmler W
Catheter-based Real-time Flow Measurement.
Proceedings of the 2004 International Workshop on Flow and Motion : 27-28 (2004)

Bock M, Zimmermann H, Gutmann B, Melzer A, Fischer H, Semmler W
Combination of a Fully MR-compatible Robotical Assistance System for Closed-bore High-field MRI Scanners with Active Device Tracking and Automated Image Slice Positioning.
Radiological Society of North America scientific assembly and annual meeting program Oak Brook, Ill : 398 (2004)

Bock M, Zuehlsdorff S, Volz S, Umathum R, Zimmermann H, Müller S, Fink C, Hallscheidt P, Nitz W, Semmler W
Magnetresonanztomographie: Ein Werkzeug für Diagnostik und Therapie.
Verhandlungen der DPG VI 39 : 165 (2004)

Bock M, Zimmermann H, Gutmann B, Melzer A, Fischer H, Semmler W
Kombination eines MR-kompatiblen Assistenzsystems mit aktiven Markierungsspulen und automatischer Schichtnachführung für MR-geführte perkutane Interventionen.
Medizinische Physik 2004 DGMP Wolf U (Hrsg), : 170-171 (2004)

Bongers A, Schad LR
Oxygen extraction mapping from susceptibility difference measurements: Comparison of data evaluation strategies in a phantom.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1083 (2004)

Doll J, Bendl R, Henze M, Höss A, Haberkorn U, Schlegel W
Integration of biological information in precision radiotherapy planning of meningiomas
Proceedings of the XIVth International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR Jeong Publishing, Seoul, Korea B.Y. Yi u.a. (Hrsg), : 608-611 (2004)

Ebert M, Henze M, Hipp P, Schad L
Imaging - Nuclear Medicine.
3D Conformal Radiation Therapy - Multimedia Introduction to Methods and Techniques Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 2001; 2nd Edition Schlegel W, Mahr A (Hrsg), : (2004)

Essig M, Bock M
Non-enhanced dynamic digital subtraction MRA in cerebral arterio-venous malformations.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1174 (2004)

Fink C, Bock M, Kroeker R, Requardt M, Ley S, Kauczor H-U
Contrast-enhanced MRA with elliptic-centric view ordering and view sharing: Theoretical considerations and application in patients with cardiopulmonary disease.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 6 (2004)

Kiessling F, Greschuss S, Lichy M, Fink C, Vosseler S, Moll J, Fusenig N, Traupe H, Semmler W
Initial experiances with flat-panel-volume computed tomography (VCT) for imaging tumor angiogenesis in nude mice: Comparison with micro MR-angiography.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1977 (2004)

Kiessling F, Lichy M, Grobholz R, Heilmann M, Farhan N, Michel MS, Trojan L, Ederle J, Delorme S, Kauczor HU, Semmler W
Comparison of physiological and descriptive parameters of intensity-time-curves derived from Gd-DTPA enhanced dynamic MRI for the assessment of prostate cancers in patients.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 2069 (2004)

Kirsch S, Bachert P
Probing dimensions of periodic microstructures using intermolecular multiple-quantum coherences at 1.5 T.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 2341 (2004)

Kroll A, Risse F, Bongers A, Schad LR
A perfusion phantom for the validationof arterial spin labeling measurements.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1376 (2004)

Kuder T, Risse F, Schad L, Kauczor HU, Fink C
Dreidimensionale Visualisierung von MR-Lungenperfusionsmessungen.
Medizinische Physik 2004 DGMP Wolf U (Hrsg), : 252-253 (2004)

Maßner J, Bongers A, Schad LR
Optimierung von Sättigungspulsen in der MRT - Vergleich Standardpulse vs. optimierte Pulse.
Medizinische Physik 2004 DGMP Wolf U (Hrsg), : 270-271 (2004)

Menze BH, Wormit M, Lichy MP, Bachert P, Schlemmer H-P, Hamprecht FA
Classification of MR spectra by means of pattern recognition.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 2261 (2004)

Mueller S, Semmler W, Bock M
A parallel image reconstruction for real-time MRI: Neither SMASH nor SENSE.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 2248 (2004)

Müller S, Speier P, Zühlsdorf S, Semmler W, Bock M
Parallele MR-Bildgebung mit interaktiver Schichtnachführung und Echtzeitrekonstruktion.
Medizinische Physik 2004 DGMP Wolf U (Hrsg), : 156-157 (2004)

Neff T, Bachert P, Lichy M, Schlemmer H-P, Bendl R
Einsatz der Protonen-MR-spektroskopischen Bildgebung zur Zielvolumenbestimmung in der Strahlentherapieplanung bei glialen Hirntumoren
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2004, Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York T. Tolxdorff; J. Braun; H. Handels; A. Horsch; H.-P. Meinzer (Hrsg), : 145-149 (2004)

Neff T, Bachert P, Lichy M, Schlemmer H-P, Bendl R, Schlegel W
Methods for quantification of tumor probability in radiotherapy planning based on MR-spectroscopic data.
Proceedings of the XIVth International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR Jeong Publishing, Seoul, Korea B.Y. Yi u.a. (Hrsg), : 340-342 (2004)

Nielles-Vallespin S, Bock M, Bankamp A, Thiel T, Bongers A, Umathum R, Schad LR
Conventional and radial k-space sampling for 23Na MRI at 1.5T and 4T.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1697 (2004)

Peter J, Nix O
Hybrid Phantom Representation for Simulation of CT Systems Using Intrinsic Shapes.
Proc. IEEE Medical Imaging Conf., Rome IEEE-NSS/MIC, Seibert T [Ed.] (Hrsg), : M5-242 (2004)

Peter J, Schulz RB
Investigation of Combined Optical and PET Small Animal Imaging Systems Using a Fully Integrated Monte Carlo Approach.
Molecular Imaging 3 : 258-259 (2004)

Peter J, Schulz RB
Time-Resolved Monte Carlo Simulation of Optical and Isotopic Photons in Hybrid Phantoms.
Proc. IEEE Medical Imaging Conf., Rome IEEE-NSS/MIC, Seibert T [Ed.] (Hrsg), : M5-78 (2004)

Razavi K, Wacker CM, Schad LR
Myocardial perfusion imaging with arterial spin labeling using saturation-prepared TrueFISP.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1843 (2004)

Risse F, Fink C, Kuder TA, Buhmann R, Schad LR
Minimierung des Gefäßsignals in der quantitativen Perfusions MRT der Lunge mittels Korrelationsanalyse.
Medizinische Physik 2004 DGMP Wolf U (Hrsg), : 174-175 (2004)

Risse F, Fink C, Ley S, Kauczor H-U, Schad LR
Perfusion quantification of the whole lung using singular value decomposition with otimized threshold.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 2611 (2004)

Schröder L, Schmitz C, Bachert P
Molecular dynamics and information on possible sites of interaction of intramyocellular metabolites in vivo from resolved dipolar couplings in localized 1H MR spectra.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 788 (2004)

Schulz RB, Ripoll J, Yessayan D, Ntziachristos V
Non-contact fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) of small animals.
OSA, Biomedical Topical Meeting Optical Society of America (Hrsg), : (2004)

Schulz RB, Bangerth W, Peter J, Semmler W
Independent modeling of fluorescence excitation and emission with the finite element method.
OSA, Biomedical Topical Meeting Optical Society of America (Hrsg), : (2004)

Siegler P, Divkovic G, Jenne J, Schad LR
Darstellung von hochfokussiertem Ultraschall erzeugten Scherwellen mittels dynamischer Magnetresonanz-Elastographie.
Medizinische Physik 2004 DGMP Wolf U (Hrsg), : 56-57 (2004)

Stieltjes B, Klussmann S, Bock M, Martin-Villalba A, Essig M
Transient increased permeability of the blood spinal cord brain barier after spinal cord injury in mice visualized using Gadolinium-enhanced MRI.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1443 (2004)

Volz S, Zuehlsdorff S, Fink C, Hallscheidt P, Semmler W, Bock M
Evaluation of real-time flow measurements with catheter coils by simulations.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 960 (2004)

Zimmermann H, Gutmann B, Melzer A, Fischer H, Semmler W.
Kombination eines MR-kompatiblen Assistenzsystems mit aktiven Markierungsspulen und automatischer Schichtnachführung für MR-geführte perkutane Interventionen.
Medizinische Physik 2004 DGMP Wolf U (Hrsg), : 170-171 (2004)

Zimmermann H, Gutmann B, Melzer A, Nitz W, Semmler W, Bock M.
Nadelpositionierung durch das Assistenzsystem INNOMOTION in Kombination mit Targeted HASTE (TASTE) Bildgebung für Interventionen am geschlossenen 1,5 T Tomographen.
Medizinische Physik 2004 DGMP Wolf U (Hrsg), : 168-169 (2004)

Zimmermann H, Zuehlsdorff S, Volz S, Umathum R, Semmler W, Bock M
Local-look HASTE MRI with interactive slice positioning for an active needle system.
Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 955 (2004)

2003     nach oben

Amann M; Kleinböhl D; Schad LR
A simulation on motion artifacts in segmented spiral ecent-related fMRI
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1747 (2003)

Bankamp A; Ramm U; Spielberger B; Schad LR
Genauigkeit der Dosisverifikation von hoch-LET-Bestrahlungen mit Hilfe der MR-Polymergeldosimetrie
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 294-295 (2003)

Bankamp A; Schad L
Verifikation einer IMRT-Bestrahlung mit Hilfe der MR-Polymergeldosimetrie
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 292-293 (2003)

Bankamp A; Schad LR
Verification of an IMRT-delivered dose distribution using a modified turbo-spin-echo sequence
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1104 (2003)

Berg A; Wolber G; Bankamp A; Moser E
MR-basierte Polymergel-Dosimetrie: Neutronen- und Photonen-Antwort
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 104-105 (2003)

Bock M; Hallscheidt P; Fink C; Volz S; Zuehlsdorff S; Umathum R; Nitz W; Wiesel M; Semmler W
MR-guided intravascular angiography of the abdominal arteries using automatic image slice posirioning
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1194 (2003)

Bock M; Sikora J; Umathum R; Semmler W
A fiber-optical position sensor for interventional MRI
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 231 (2003)

Bock M; Umathum R; Sikora J; Semmler W
Ein optischer Faraday-Effekt-Sensor für die interventionelle MR-Tomographie
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 168-169 (2003)

Bock M; Zühlsdorff S; Volz S; Umathum R; Fink C; Hallscheidt P; Semmler W
MR catheter tracking for interventional renal artery imaging
MR 2003: MRI - reinventing its novelty M. Reiser, H. Hricak, S.O. Schönberg, K. Nikolaou, C. Zech (Hrsg), : 128-130 (2003)

Bongers A; Schad LR
Gradientenmodulierte adiabatische RF-Pulse zur schichtselektiven Magnetisierungsinversion
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 380-381 (2003)

Felzmann CU; Bachert P
Natrium-MR-Bildgebung mit Tripel-Quanten-Filter
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 378-379 (2003)

Fink C; Bock M; Kiessling F; Lichy MP; Krissak R; Zuna I; Schmähl A; Delorme S
Comparison of 1.0 M gadobutrol versus 0.5 M gadopentate dimeglumine (Gd-DTPA) for time-resolved pulmonary MR-angiography
European Journal of Radiology, Suppl. 1 13 : 439 (2003)

Fink C; Bock M; Kiessling F; Lichy MP; Krissak R; Zuna I; Schmähl A; Delorme S
Vergleich von 1.0 M Gadobutrol und 0.5 M Gadopentate Dimeglumine für die zeitlich-aufgelöste pulmonale MR-Angiographie (MRI)
Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet d. Röntgenstrahlen u.d. bildgeb. Verfahren 175(Suppl) : 287 (2003)

Fink C; Bock M; Puderbach M; Schmähl A; Lodemann KP; Delorme S
Contrast-enhanced 3D MR perfusion imaging of the lungs using parallel imaging techniques
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1366 (2003)

Fink C; Hallscheidt P; Volz S; Zuehlsdorff S; Umathum R; Galmbacher R; Semmler W; Wiesel M; Nitz W; Bock M
MR-guided renal embolisation using intra-arterial CE-MRA and active catheter tracking
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1188 (2003)

Giesel FL; Hempel A; Wuestenberg T; Amann M; Bongers A; Seidl U; Schonknecht P; Kauczor HU; Schroeder J; Essig M
Age-related changes of brain perfusion and haemodynamic response
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain : in press (2003)

Giesel FL; Wuestenberg T; Hempel A; Amann M; Huebener M; Kauczor HU; Schroeder J; Essig M
Influence of training effects on cerebral activation in a functional magnetic resonance imaging paradigm
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain : in press (2003)

Jenne JW; Rastert R; Rademaker G; Divkovic G; Debus J; Huber PE
MRT-überwachte Chirurgie mit hochenergetischem fokussiertem Ultraschall
Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik 13 : 193-197 (2003)

Kiessling F; Boese J; Corvinus C; Mahnegold C; Brix G; Schoenberg SO; Essig M
Perfusion CT in patients with bronchial carcinomas: Initial results
European Journal of Radiology, Suppl. 1 13 : 162 (2003)

Kiessling F; Boese J; Corvinus C; Mahnegold C; Brix G; Schoenberg SO; Essig M
Perfusion CT in patients with primary lung tumors
American Journal of Roentgenology 180(3) Suppl : 62 (2003)

Kiessling F; Farhan N; Heilmann M; Lichy M; Vosseler S; Krix M; Fusenig N; Delorme S
Monitoring einer antiangiogenen VEGF-Rezeptor-Antikörpertherapie mit dynamischer MRT
Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet d. Röntgenstrahlen u.d. bildgeb. Verfahren 175(Suppl) : 218 (2003)

Kiessling F; Huber P; Grobholz R; Heilmann M; Meding J; Lichy M; Krix M; Peschke P; Schlemmer H-P
Dynamic MR-tomography and poton MR sectroscopy of orthotopic grown prostate cancers in rats treated by radiotherapy
European Journal of Radiology, Suppl. 1 13 : 451 (2003)

Kiessling F; Krix M; Heilmann M; Vosseler S; Lichy M; Farhan N; Kleinschmidt K; Fusenig NE; Delorme S
Comparing dynamic parameters of tumor vascularisation in nude mice revealed by MRI and intermittent power Doppler sonography
European Journal of Radiology, Suppl. 1 13 : 235 (2003)

Kiessling F; Lichy MP; Vosseler S; Heilmann M; Fusenig NE; Delorme S
Effect of Anti-VEGF Receptor II Antibody (DC101) on Vascularisation of Human Squamous Cell Carcinomas in Nude Mice Monitored by Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Proceedings of the Scientific Assembly of The Radiological Society of North America : submitted (2003)

Kinscherf R; Schmidt K; Hoffend A; Altmann A; Strauss LG; Peter J; Dengler TJ; Vorwald S; Eskerski H; Metz J; Haberkorn U
Überexpression von humanem Angiostatin bzw. Troponin I erhöht die Perfusion und Apoptose bei Rattenhepatomen
Proceedings der Deutschen Anatomischen Gesellschaft 2003 : in press (2003)

Kirsch S; Bachert P
Neuartiger Gewebekontrast in MR-Bildern durch intermolekulare Zweiquantenkohärenz-MR-Bildgebung bei 1,5 T
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 370-371 (2003)

Krix M; Kiessling F; Delorme S; Essig M
Liver metastases show an homogeneous arterial enhancement in intermittent; low MI sonography using SonoVue
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Suppl. 5 29 : 23-24 (2003)

Krix M; Kiessling F; Hof H; Karcher A; Delorme S; Essig M
Liver metastases show an homogenous arterial enhancement in intermittent; low MI sonography using SonoVue
European Journal of Radiology, Suppl. 1 13 : 270 (2003)

Krix M; Kiessling F; Hof H; Karcher A; Delorme S; Essig M
Homogenous arterial enhancement of liver metastases in intermittent; low-MI sonography using SonoVue
American Journal of Roentgenology 180(3) Suppl : 35 (2003)

Lichy MP; Plathow C; Bachert P; Zuna I; Debus J; Schlemmer HP
Proton MR spectroscopic follow-up of irradiated gliomas: assessment of intra-reader and inter-reader agreement
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1300 (2003)

Loukianiouk S; Peter J
Eine Java-basierte Arbeitsumgebung zur Steuerung von Monte Carlo Simulationen emissionstomographischer Systeme
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 354-355 (2003)

Nielles-Vallespin S; Bock M; Bankamp A; Jerecic R; Umathum R; Schad LR
Indication of 23Na quadrupolar splitting in the human calf in-vivo using 23Na NMR imaging
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 860 (2003)

Peter J; Loukianiouk S; Doll J; Semmler W
Integration von Modellen zur Simulation von Tumorwachstum in die MC Simulation von ECT Systemen
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 120-121 (2003)

Peter J; LoukianioukS; Semmler W
Fully integrated compartmental kinetic models in Monte Carlo simulation of PET and SPECT systems
Proceedings of the IEEE Medical Imaging Conference 2003 : in press (2003)

Peter J; Semmler W
Integrating kinetic models for simulating tumor growth in Monte Carlo simulation of ECT systems
Proceedings of IEEE Medical Imaging Conference : in press (2003)

Plathow C; Lichy MP; Schulz-Ertner D; Zuna I; Bachert P; Debus J
Prognostic factors in astrocytoma WHO II after radiotherapy - role of MRI follow-up in therapy outcome
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 527 (2003)

Rademaker G; Daecke W; Schad LR
Problemstellung mit LITT am Knochentumormodell bei Monitoring mit MRT
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 358-359 (2003)

Risse F; Boese JM; Kroll A; Schad LR
Vergleich von Methoden zur Perfusionsquantifizierung mittels T2-gewichteter dynamischer Magnetresonanztomographie
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 366-367 (2003)

Schlemmer HP; Schlemmer W; Huber P; Grobholz R; Heilmann M; Meding J; Lichy M; Fink C; Krix M; Peschke P; Kiessling F
Monotoring of orthotopic prostate cancers in rats by dynamic MR-tomography and proton MR spectroscopy
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1286 (2003)

Schmitz C; Bachert P
31-P-31-P-magnetization transfer studies in human calf in vivo
Proceedings of the 44th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC) : submitted (2003)

Schröder L; Bachert P
Residual dipolar couplings of anisochronous spin in carnosine in human leg muscle in vivo
Proceedings of the 44th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC) : submitted (2003)

Schröder L; Bachert P
Von der Atomuhr zur Molekulardynamik im Muskelgewebe: Anwendung der Hyperfein-Wechselwirkung in der In-vivo-1H-MR-Spektroskopie
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 62-63 (2003)

Siegler P; Boese JM; Schad LR
Stimulated echo sequence for parallel acquisition of two displacement directions in static MR elastography
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 583 (2003)

Siegler P; Schad LR
Parallele Aufnahme von zwei Verschiebungsrichtungen für statische MR-Elastographie mit einer stimulierten Echosequenz
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 208-209 (2003)

Volz S; Zuehlsdorff M; Bock M; Semmler W
Automated near real-time flow velocity measurements with active intravascular catheters
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1195 (2003)

Volz S; Zühlsdorff S; Semmler W; Bock M
Schnelle und automatische Messung der lokalen Flussgeschwindigkeit mit aktiven Kathetern
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 174-175 (2003)

Wacker CM; Hartlep AW; Pfleger S; Schad LR; Bauer WR
Susceptibility sensitive magnetic resonance imaging detects human myocardium supplied by a stenotic coronary artery
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1653 (2003)

Wolber G
Was bringt die Bor-Neutronen-Einfang-Therapie (BNCT) in Feldern schneller Neutronen?
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 308-309 (2003)

Zimmermann H; Zuehlsdorff S; Umathum R; Volz S; Semmler W; Bock M
Use of fiducial markers for motion corrected MRI
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1059 (2003)

Zimmermann H; Zühlsdorff S; Volz S; Umathum R; Semmler W; Bock M
Ein aktiver Nadelhalter für MR-geführte Punktionen mit automatischer Schichtnachführung
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 184-185 (2003)

Zuehlsdorff S; Ferrari S; Umathum R; Volz S; Semmler W; Bock M
Catheter tip tracking and visualization with a single receiver coil
Proceedings of the 11th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 2401 (2003)

Zühlsdorff S; Umathum R; Dillenberger B; Volz S; Semmler W; Bock M
Entwicklung eines aktiven MR-Katheters zur Spitzenvisualisierung und -detektion
Medizinische Physik 2003 DGMP Semmler W, Schad L (Hrsg), : 172-173 (2003)

2002     nach oben

Amann M; Warmuth C; Zimmer C; Günther M; Schad LR
Dynamische Spin-Labeling MR-Angiographie der Hirngefäße mit Spiral-Look-Locker Akquisition
Medizinische Physik 2002 ÖGMP, DGMP, SGSMP H. Mandl, H. Gfirtner (Hrsg), : 50315 (2002)

Amann M; Warmuth C; Günther M; Zimmer C; Schad LR
Dynamic spin labeling cerebral 2D-agiography; A comparison between FLASH and spiral readout
Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 629 (2002)

Bachert P
Medizinische Physik II Springer Schlegel W, Bille J (Hrsg), : 297-314 (2002)

Bankamp A; Schad L
Schnelle MR-Polymergel-Dosimetrie
Medizinische Physik 2002 ÖGMP, DGMP, SGSMP H. Mandl, H. Gfirtner (Hrsg), : 10116 (2002)

Bankamp A; Schad LR
Improved performance of gel-dosimetry by means of modified T2-measurement-strategies
Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 2296 (2002)

Bock M
Diagnosis improvements with fast magnetic resonance imaging
Current Cancer Research 2002 Steinkopff, Springer Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (Hrsg), : 130-136 (2002)

Bock M
Technische Komponenten klinischer Magnetresonanztomographen
Medizinische Physik II Springer Schlegel W, Bille J (Hrsg), : 315-329 (2002)

Bock M
Technische Komponenten
Magnetresonanztomographie Springer M Reiser; W Semmler (Hrsg), : 82-96 (2002)

Bock M
Verbesserte Diagnose - die schnelle MR-Bildgebung
Krebsforschung heute - Berichte aus dem Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum Steinkopff Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (Hrsg), : 140-147 (2002)

Bock M; Fink C; Hallscheidt P; Volz S; Zuehlsdorff S; Umathum R; Semmler W
Intravascular CE-MRA and projection MR-DSA in an animal model using active catheter tracking and automatic slice positioning
Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Workshop on MR Angiography : 97 (2002)

Bock M; Volz S; Zühlsdorff S; Umathum R; Semmler W
Whole-body MRI: A simple approach using automatic table movement and dedicated post-processing
Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 562 (2002)

Bock M; Volz S; Zühlsdorff S; Zimmermann H; Umathum R; Semmler W
Medizinische Physik 2002 ÖGMP, DGMP, SGSMP H. Mandl, H. Gfirtner (Hrsg), : 50319 (2002)

Bock M; Weber MA; Thüngerthal S; Schmähl S; Schönberg S
Asbestos-induced pleural lesions: A comparison between radial MRI, conventional MRI, and CT
Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1991 (2002)

Boese JM; Ganten M; Leitermann D; Semmler W
Messung der Elastizität der Aorta mittels EKG-korrelierter Multischicht-Computertomographie
Medizinische Physik 2002 ÖGMP, DGMP, SGSMP H. Mandl, H. Gfirtner (Hrsg), : 2054 (2002)

Brix G; Doll J; Hauser H; Bellemann ME
Experimentelle und theoretische Bestimmung von Recovery-Koeffizienten zur Quantifizierung der arteriellen Inputfunktion aus dynamischen PET-Messungen
Medizinische Physik 2002 ÖGMP, DGMP, SGSMP H. Mandl, H. Gfirtner (Hrsg), : 4021 (2002)

Doll J; Saffrich R; Peter J; Hauser G; Brix G; Semmler W
Auswirkungen zusätzlicher Bleiabschirmungen bei PET-Messungen im 3D- und 2D-Modus auf den Einfluss externer Aktivitäten
Medizinische Physik 2002 ÖGMP, DGMP, SGSMP H. Mandl, H. Gfirtner (Hrsg), : 4024 (2002)

Fink C; Bock M; Heckl S; Kießling F; Delorme S
Interstitial MR-lymphography with gadobutrol: Intial results in rats
Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 496 (2002)

Fink C; Eichhorn J; Bock M; Delorme S
Ultraschnelle 3D-Multiphasen Magnetresonanztomographie zur Beurteilung von Anomalien des pulmonalen Gefäßsystems bei pädiatrischen Patienten
Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet d. Röntgenstrahlen u.d. bildgeb. Verfahren 174(S1) : S295 (2002)

Fink C; Eichhorn J; Bock M; Zuna I; Delorme S
Assessment of aortic coarctation after surgical repair; Value of contrast-enhanced 3D-magnetic resonance angiography and 2D-phase velocity mapping
Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 274 (2002)

Heilmann M; Kiessling F; Vosseler S; Fusenig N; Schad LR
Assessment of tumor microvessel-density in small animals by dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI at 1.5 T
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the ESMRMB MAGMA European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (Hrsg), 15(Suppl 1) : 49 (2002)

Jenne JW; Rastert R; Röder D; Rademaker G; Huber PE; Debus J
Zeitliche Optimierung der MRT überwachten Therapie mit hochenergetischem Ultraschall
Medizinische Physik 2002 ÖGMP, DGMP, SGSMP H. Mandl, H. Gfirtner (Hrsg), : 5021 (2002)

Jerecic R; Bock M; Nielles-Vallespin S; Umathum R; Schad LR
Detektion der kurzen T2-Komponente in der 23Na-Bildgebung
Medizinische Physik 2002 ÖGMP, DGMP, SGSMP H. Mandl, H. Gfirtner (Hrsg), : 50316 (2002)

Jerecic R; Bock M; Umathum R; Wacker C; Bauer W; Schad LR
ECG-gated 23Na-MRI using a 3D-radial projection technique with short echo times
Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1695 (2002)

Kiessling F; Fink C; Hansen M; Bock M; Sinn H; Schrenk HH; Krix M; Fusenig NE; Delorme S
Accumulation of a low loaded covalently bound Gd-HSA in highgrade Squamous cell carcinomas of nude mice visualized by MRI
European Journal of Radiology 12(Suppl 1) : 400 (2002)

Kiessling F; Heilmann M; Lichy M; Krix M; Fink C; Vosseler V; Fusenig NE; Delorme S
Funktionelles MR-Monitoring von Plattenepithelkarzinomen in Nacktmäusen mit T1-Dynamiken
Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet d. Röntgenstrahlen u.d. bildgeb. Verfahren 174(Suppl 1) : 242 (2002)

Kirsch S; Bachert P
Dipolar contrast in vivo by magic sandwich echo imaging
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the ESMRMB MAGMA European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (Hrsg), 15 (Suppl 1) : 47 (2002)

Krix M; Kiessling F; Bohlen P; Kiessling I; Vosseler S; Fusenig NE; Delorme S
Monitoring antiangiogener Therapie durch die kontrastmittelunterstützte variable intermittierende Powerdoppler-Sonographie
Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet d. Röntgenstrahlen u.d. bildgeb. Verfahren 174(Supl 1) : 242 (2002)

Krix M; Kiessling F; Fusenig NE; Delorme S
Quantifizierung von Tumorvaskularisation durch die kontrastmittelunterstützte; variable intermittierende Powerdoppler-Sonographie
Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet d. Röntgenstrahlen u.d. bildgeb. Verfahren 174(Suppl 1) : 248 (2002)

Krix M; Kiessling F; Fusenig NE; Delorme S
Quantifizierung von Tumorperfusion durch die intermittierende; bolus-kontrastverstärkte Sonographie
Ultraschall in der Medizin S1-S82 : 41 (2002)

Krix M; Kiessling F; Heilmann M; Vosseler S; Farhan N; Kleinschmidt K; Fusenig NE; Delorme S
Vergleich von Perfusionsparameternaus dynamischer MRT und intermittierender Sonographie
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology S1-S82 : 41 (2002)

Krix M; Kiessling F; Hoffend J; Huber P; Bohlen P
Monitoring antiangiogener Therapien mit der intermittierenden bolus-kontrastverstärkten Sonographie
Ultraschall in der Medizin S1-S82 : 40 (2002)

Krix M; Kiessling F; Kiessling I; Vosseler S; Fusenig NE; Delorme S
Monitoring antiangiogenic therapy with contrast enhanced intermittent powerdoppler-sonography
European Journal of Radiology 12(Suppl 1) : 140 (2002)

Lichy MP; Henze M; Sammet S; Maudsley AA; Bachert P; Debus J; Schlemmer HP
Clinical decision making in irradiated gliomas: Value of proton MR spectroscopy compared to FDG-PET and IMT-SPECT
Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), 1 : 575 (2002)

Lorenz A; Delorme S
Sonographie - Physikalische und technische Grundlagen
Handbuch der Radiologie Springer T.J. Vogl, J. Freyschmidt, T. Schmidt (Hrsg), : in press (2002)

Michaely H; Schönberg SO; Heiss J; Günther M; Bock M
Umfassende MR-Untersuchung der Nieren
Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet d. Röntgenstrahlen u.d. bildgeb. Verfahren 174 : S180 (2002)

Michaely HJ; Bock M; Günther M; Schönberg S
Funktional differentiation of healthy kidneys from damaged kidneys
Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1892 (2002)

Moldenhauer G; Egerer G; Wesch H; Eisenmenger A; Nikula T; Apostolidis C; Janssens W; Brechbiel M; Haberkorn U; Ho AD; Haas P
Treatment of B-lineage non-hodgkin's lymphoma using a 213-Bi-labeled anti-CD20-CHX-A-DTPA antibody conjugate
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine The Journal of Nuclear Medicine SNM (Hrsg), 43(5) : 116P (2002)

Peter J
Modellierung und Simulation der Kinetik radiopharmazeutischer Verteilungen mittels anthropomorphischer Phantome
Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstr.u. neuen bildgeb. Verfahren DRG Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft (Hrsg), : 261 (2002)

Peter J; Bock M
Disign study of a novel dual-modality emission micro-imaging tomograph for radiopharmaceutical and bioluminescent/fluorescent molecular approaches
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging ISBI : 797-800 (2002)

Peter J; Doll J; Saffrich E; Semmler W
Der Einfluss von Akquisitions- und Rekonstruktionsparametern auf die Güte tracerkinetischer Modelle in der Emissionstomographie - Eine Monte Carlo Simulationsstudie
Medizinische Physik 2002 ÖGMP, DGMP, SGSMP H. Mandl, H. Gfirtner (Hrsg), : 4081 (2002)

Peter J; Doll J; Semmler W
Design und Anwendung hybrider Phantome zur Modellierung nichtstatischer Geometrien und dynamischer Aktivitätsverteilungen in PET und SPECT Monte Carlo Simulation
Proceedings der 40. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin : (2002)

Rademaker G; Rastert R; Jenne J; Röder D; Daecke W; Schad LR
Nichtinvasive Temperaturmessung mit der MRT für den Einsatz bei medizinischen Hyperthermieverfahren
Medizinische Physik 2002 ÖGMP, DGMP, SGSMP H. Mandl, H. Gfirtner (Hrsg), : 50317 (2002)

Saffrich E; Semmler W; Doll J; Peter J
Analytisches Mausphantom unter Verwendung superquadratischer Körper zur Simulation von Kleintiertomographen
Medizinische Physik 2002 ÖGMP, DGMP, SGSMP H. Mandl, H. Gfirtner (Hrsg), : 4093 (2002)

Sammet S; Rehm C; Bock M; Strechenbach M; Bachert P
T1rho-gewichtete MR-Bildgebung an Hirntumorpatienten bei 1,5 T
Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet d. Röntgenstrahlen u.d. bildgeb. Verfahren 174 : S278 (2002)

Schad LR
Bildkorrelation/Registrierung von MRT, CT und PET in der stereotaktischen Operations- und Bestrahlungsplanung
Magnetresonanztomographie, 3. Auflage Springer M. Reiser; W. Semmler (Hrsg), : 1049-1056 (2002)

Schad LR
Anwendung und Techniken der MRT in der Strahlentherapieplanung
Medizinische Physik 2 Springer W. Schlegel, J. Bille (Hrsg), : 395-416 (2002)

Schad LR; Baudendistel K; Wenz F
Funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT)
Magnetresonanztomographie, 3. Auflage Springer M. Reiser; W. Semmler (Hrsg), : 967-1000 (2002)

Schlegel W; Schad LR; Herfarth K
Computerunterstützung 3D-Bestrahlungsplanung mit MRT
Magnetresonanztomographie, 3. Auflage Springer M. Reiser; W. Semmler (Hrsg), : 1047-1061 (2002)

Schlemmer HP; Lichy MP; Henze H; Sammet S; Maudsley AA; Debus J; Bachert P
Proton MR spectroscopy in irradiated brain tumors
Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), 3 : 2040 (2002)

Schlemmer HP; Sawatzki T; Sammet S; Dornacher I; Bachert P; Seitz HK
Proton-decoupled 31P MR spectroscopy in patients with alcoholic liver disease
Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), 3 : 1914 (2002)

Schoenberg SO; Kiessling F
Multislice spiral computer tomography: New opportunities for adiagnostic approach in oncology
Current Cancer Research 2002 Steinkopff, Springer Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (Hrsg), : 125-129 (2002)

Schoenberg SO; Michaely H; Bock M
Neue Ansätze in der Diagnostik von Nierenerkrankungen - der Einsatz der Magnetresonanztomographie
Krebsforschung heute - Berichte aus dem Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum Steinkopff Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (Hrsg), : 130-134 (2002)

Schoenberg SO; Michaely H; Bock M
One stop shopping - morphological and functional diagnostics in a single session shown exemplary for the examination of the kidney
Current Cancer Research 2002 Steinkopff, Springer Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (Hrsg), : 121-124 (2002)

Schönknecht P; Pantel J; Essig M; Amann M; Schad LR; Schröder J
Quantitative Magnetresonanztomographie und klinischer Schweregrad im Verlauf der Alzheimer-Demenz
Die Gerontopsychiatrie und ihre Nachbardisziplinen Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gerontopsychiatrie und -psychotherapie H. Gutzmann, R.D. Hirsch, M. Teising, R. Kortus (Hrsg), 3 : 478-480 (2002)

Schröder L; Bachert P
Residual dipolar couplings in 1H spectra of intact muscle in vivo reveal information about differences in molecular mobility of carnosine and creatine
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the ESMRMB MAGMA European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (Hrsg), 15 (suppl 1) : 270 (2002)

Semmler W; Bachert P; Schlemmer HP
Klinische MR-Spektroskopie
Magnetresonanztomographie, 3. Auflage Springer M. Reiser; W. Semmler (Hrsg), : 1001-1045 (2002)

Siegler P; Boese JM; Jenne JW, Rastert R; Schad LR
Static MR-elastography for improved characterization of high-intensity focused ultrasound lesions
Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), 10 : 41 (2002)

Siegler P; Boese JM; Jenne JW; Schad LR
Charakterisierung von hochfokusierten Ultraschall-Läsionen mittels statischer MR-Elastographie
Medizinische Physik 2002 ÖGMP, DGMP, SGSMP H. Mandl, H. Gfirtner (Hrsg), : 50318 (2002)

Volz S; Zühlsdorff S; Semmler W; Bock M
Fast intravascular flow measurements with active tip tracking catheters
Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Workshop on MR Angiography : 106 (2002)

Volz S; Zühlsdorff S; Semmler W; Bock M
Schnelle Flussquantifizierung in einem Kaetheter mit Mikrospulen
Medizinische Physik 2002 ÖGMP, DGMP, SGSMP H. Mandl, H. Gfirtner (Hrsg), : 50320 (2002)

Wacker CM; Wiesmann F; Bock M; Jakob P; Sandstede JJW; Lehning A; Ertl G; Schad LR; Haase A; Bauer WR
Determination of regional blood volume and intra-extracapillary water exchange in human myocardium using feruglose: First clinical results in patients with coronary artery disease
Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), 10 : 221 (2002)

Weber-Fahr W; Ende G; Bachert P
Signal enhancement through heteronuclear polarisation transfer in vivo 31 P MR spectroscopy
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the ESMRMB MAGMA European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (Hrsg), 15 (suppl 1) : 72 (2002)

Zühlsdorff S; Umathum R; Volz S; Semmler W; Bock M
Reduzierung der Hochfrequenzerhitzung bei aktiven Kathetern mit Mantelwellensperre
Medizinische Physik 2002 ÖGMP, DGMP, SGSMP H. Mandl, H. Gfirtner (Hrsg), : 50321 (2002)

Zühlsdorff S; Volz S; Thesen S; Meyer H; Nitz W; Semmler W; Bock M
Interactive catheter tracking: Automatic slice repositioning controlled by the catheter
Proceedings of the 10th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 2272 (2002)

Zühlsdorff S; Volz S; Thesen S; Meyer H; Semmler W; Bock M
Automatic slice positioning and interactive parameter control for active device tracking: Implementational highlights and pitfalls
Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Workshop on MR Angiography : 107 (2002)

2001     nach oben

Amann M; Bock M; Schad LR
Deblurring of multiphase spiral 3D CE-MRA data: Dynamic changes of susceptibility during contrast media transit
Proc. of the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), 9 (2) : 740 (2001)

Amann M; Bock M; Schad LR
Einfluß der k-Raumwichtung auf das Artefaktverhalten von segmentierter Spiral-MRT
Medizinische Physik 2001 DGMP Welker K, Zink K (Hrsg), : 395-396 (2001)

Bock M
K-space and resolution
Magnetic Resonance Angiography Springer Arlart IP, Bongartz GM, Marchal G (Hrsg), : 57-73 (2001)

Bock M; Bachert P
Nachträgliche Korrektur linearer Frequenzbeschreibungen in der Magnetresonanzspektroskopie
Medizinische Physik 2001 DGMP Welker K, Zink K (Hrsg), : 413-414 (2001)

Bock M; Umathum R; Zabel H-J; Semmler W
Messungen des Sendeprofils von Hochfrequenzantennen mit Hilfe der Magnetresonanzbilgebung
Medizinische Physik 2001 DGMP Welker K, Zink K (Hrsg), : 393-394 (2001)

Bock M; Volz S; Zabel H-J; Umathum R; Semmler W
Localization of Active MR Devices: A Comparison between Different Postproceessing Methods
Proc. of the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM Interational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), 9 (2) : 788 (2001)

Bock M; Volz S; Zuehlsdorff S; Zabel HJ; Umathum R; Semmler W
Optimised real time catheter tracking on a conventional MR scanner
Proc. of the 15th Int. Congress and Exhibition CARS 2001 CARS Lemke HU, Vannier MW, Inamura K, Farman AG, Doi K (Hrsg), : 1031-1035 (2001)

Boese J; Ebert M
Computed tomography (Chapter 3.1)
3D Conformal Radiation Therapy - A Multimedia Introduction to Methods and Techniques Springer Schlegel W, Mahr A (Hrsg), : (2001)

Boese J; Ebert M; Henze M; Hipp P; Schad L
Chapter 3: Imaging.
3D Conformal Radiation Therapy - A Multimedia Introduction to Methods and Techniques Springer Schlegel W, Mahr A (Hrsg), : (2001)

Boese JM; Siegler P; Jenne J; Rastert R; Simiantonakis I; Schad LR
MR-elastography for the detection of lesions induced by high intensity focused ultrasound
Proc. of the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM Interational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), 9 (2) : 1643 (2001)

Bowsher JE; Tornai MP; Metzler SD; Peter J; Jaszczak RJ
SPECT breast imaging using sufficient orbits and combined pinhole-parallel-beam collimation
IEEE Medical Imaging Conference IEEE NPSS Hoffman EJ (Hrsg), : 1-5 (2001)

Braun K; Wolber G; Pipkorn R; Waldeck W; Braun I; Debus J
Modular peptide carrier for efficient drug delivery and targeting into living cells
Proceeding: Re-Evaluation of Peptide Research for the 21st Century's Bioscience : 12-13 (2001)

Doll J; Brückner TC; Bendl R; Henze M; Hipp P; Brix G; Semmler W
Interaktionsfreie Überlagerung von CT-und PET-Volumendaten des Schädels durch Maximierung der mutual information
Medizinische Physik 2001 DGMP Welker K, Zink K (Hrsg), : 433-434 (2001)

Doll J; Werling A; Bublitz O; Hauser H; Semmler W; Brix G
Auswirkung von Aktivitäts- und Dichteverteilungen außerhalb des Gesichtsfeldes auf die Genauigkeit von 3D-PET-Messungen
Medizinische Physik 2001 DGMP Welker K, Zink K (Hrsg), : 345-346 (2001)

Ebert M; Henze M; Hipp P; Schad L
Chapter 3: Imaging - nuclear medicine
3D Conformal Radiaiton Therapy - Multimedia Introduction to Methods and Techniques (CD-ROM) Springer Verlag Schlegel W; Mahr A (Hrsg), : (2001)

Günther M; Warmuth C; Schad LR
Non-invasive dynamic 3D angiography with ITS-3D-FAIR
Proc. of the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM Interational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), 9 (2) : 1565 (2001)

Krug R; Boese JM; Bahner ML; Schad LR
Bestimmungen der Elastizität der Aorta aus dynamischen CT-Datensätzen mit Hilfe von aktiven Konturen
Medizinische Physik 2001 DGMP Welker K, Zink K (Hrsg), : 437-438 (2001)

Lysaker M; Lundervold A; Tai XC; Bock M; Schad LR
Noise removal with tissue boundary preservation using fourth-ordner partial differential equations
Proc. of the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM Interational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), 9 (2) : 126 (2001)

Rademaker G; Rastert R; Jenne J; Simiantonakis I; Rumpf C; Röder D; Daecke W; Schad LR
Schnelle MR-Temperaturbildgebung zur Kontrolle von fokussiertem Ultraschall (HIFU) und laserinduzierter Thermotherapie (LITT)
Medizinische Physik 2001 DGMP Welker K, Zink K (Hrsg), : 407-408 (2001)

Risse F; Boese JM; Hess T; Mory M; Schäfer M; Preuß M; Schad LK
MR-kompatibler Aufbau zur Perfusionsmesung an isolierten Hundelebern
Medizinische Physik 2001 DGMP Welker K, Zink K (Hrsg), : 373-374 (2001)

Sammet S; Bock M; Rehm C; Bachert P
T1p-gewichtete MR-Bildgebung des menschlichen Gehirns bei 1,5 Tesla: Vergleich unterschiedlicher Bildauslesetechniken
Medizinische Physik 2001 DGMP Welker K, Zink K (Hrsg), : 441-442 (2001)

Schlemmer H_P; Henze M; Herfarth K; Debus J; Bachert P; Kaick G van
Porton MR spectroscopy and FDG-PET for the assessment of suspicious lesions after brain tumor radiotherapy
Proc. of the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM Interational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 2288 (2001)

Siegler P; Boese JM; Jenne J; Rastert R; Schad LR
Enrwicklung einer Multi-Echo-Sequenz für die statische Methode der Magnetresonanz-Elastographie
Medizinische Physik 2001 DGMP Welker K, Zink K (Hrsg), : 385-386 (2001)

Siegler P; Boese JM; Schad LR
Development of a multi echo sequence for static MR-elastography
Proc. of the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM Interational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), 9 (2) : 1637 (2001)

Simiantonakis I; Rastert R; Röder D; Rademaker G; Debus J; Huber P; Jenne J
Kernspin überwachte Therapie mit hochenergetischem fokussiertem Ultraschall
Medizinische Physik 2001 DGMP Welker K, Zink K (Hrsg), : 391-392 (2001)

Thesen S; Mülller E; Schad LR
Reduction of motion artefacts using prospective acquisition correction for fMRI
Proc. of the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM Interational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), 9 (2) : 1235 (2001)

Thesen S; Schad LR; Bongers A; Müller E
Experimental determination of accuracy in image-based motion detection for fMRI
Proc. of the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM Interational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), 9 (2) : 1203 (2001)

Tornai MP; Bowsher JE; Archer CA; Peter J; MacDonald LR; Patt BE; Iwaczyk JS; Jaszczak RJ; Coleman RE
A novel application specific emission tomograph (ASET) for breast imaging
IEEE Medical Imaging Conference IEEE NPSS Hoffman EJ (Hrsg), : 1-4 (2001)

Volz S; Bock M; Zühlsdorff S; Semmler W
Eine einfache Methode zur aktiven Katheterverfolgung an einem klinischen MR-Tomographen
Medizinische Physik 2001 DGMP Welker K, Zink K (Hrsg), : 387-388 (2001)

Wacker CM; Wiesmann F; Bock M; Jakob P; Sandstede J; Hoffmann V; Schad L; Bauer W
The regional blood volume in human myocardium: Determination with MRI using NC100150 (CLARISCANtm)
Proc. of the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM Interational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), 9 (2) : 1902 (2001)

Weber M-A; Schlemmer H-P; Günter M; Thilmann CH; Lichy M; Debus J; Zuna I; Schad L; Delorme S; van Kaick G
Determination of perfusion changes in brain metastases undergoing stereotactic radiotherapy using a noninvasive quantitative MRI arterial spin labeling technique
Proc. of the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM Interational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), 9 (2) : 1603 (2001)

Werling A; Doll J; Bublitz O; Brix G; Semmler W
Evaluierung einer iterativen, simulationsbasierten Streukorrektur für §D-PET mittels Phantommessungen
Medizinische Physik 2001 DGMP Welker K, Zink K (Hrsg), : 337-338 (2001)

Wolber G; Braun K; Eisenmenger A; Sobkowiak T; Bankamp A; Semmler W
Untersuchungen zur Bor-Neutronen-Einfang-Therapie (BNCT) in Feldern schneller Neutronen
Medizinische Physik 2001 DGMP Welker K, Zink K (Hrsg), : 273-274 (2001)

Yeung D; Chan Y-L; Schlemmer H-P; Leung S-F; Bachert P
Proton-decoupled 31P MR spectroscopic imaging of radiation-induced temporal lobe necrosis
Proc. of the 9th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ISMRM Interational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1005 (2001)

Zühlsdorff S; Bock M; Volz S; Semmler W
Präparationsverfahren für den dynamischen Gleichgewichtzustand in der interventionellen MR
Medizinische Physik 2001 DGMP Welker K, Zink K (Hrsg), : 389-390 (2001)

2000     nach oben

Amann M; Bock M; Schad LR
Phasenkorrektur bei Spiral-MRA: Vergleich von automatisierter Korrektur (Deblurring) mit der Korrektur durch eine gemessene Feldverteilung
Medizinische Physik 2000 DGMP P Kneschaurek (Hrsg), (2) : 119-120 (2000)

Amann M; Floemer F; Bock M; Schoenberg SO; Schad LR
Multiphase 3D contrast enhanced renal MR angiography: a comparison between cartesian and spiral readout
Proc. of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 3 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), (2) : 1788 (2000)

Bankamp A; Bock M; Ramm U; Jäkel O; Schad LR
BANG(TM) gel dosimetry in carbon ion beams
Proc. of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 3 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), (2) : 1985 (2000)

Bankamp A; Bock M; Schad LR
Optimierung der T2-Messtechnik zur MR-Gel-Dosimetrie mit Schwerionen
Medizinische Physik 2000 DGMP P Kneschaurek (Hrsg), (2) : 199-200 (2000)

Baudendistel K; Schad LR
Correction of EPI distortion in phantoms using FLASH and EPI fieldmap techniques
Proc. of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 3 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), (2) : 1525 (2000)

Bock M; Essig M
FLAIR MRI contrast optimization in patients with high CSF blood or protein content
Proceedings of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 3 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1690 (2000)

Bock M; Sammet S; Bankamp A; May S; Ramm U; Weber U; Bachert P; Schad LR
Fast T(1rho) measurements for MR gel dosimetry
Proc. of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 3 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), (2) : 1979 (2000)

Bock M; Zabel HJ; Volz S; Semmler W
MR-Bildgebung mit aktiven intravaskulären Kathetern: Phantomexperimente an einem konventionellen MR-Tomographen
Medizinische Physik 2000 DGMP P Kneschaurek (Hrsg), (2) : 121-122 (2000)

Boese JM; Bock M; Bahner ML; Albers J; Schad LR
In vivo validation of aortic compliance estimation by MR pulse wave velocity measurement
Proc. of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 1 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), (2) : 357 (2000)

Bohris C; Rastert R; Jenne J; Simiantonakis I; Spoo J; Hlavac M; Huber P; Brix G; Debus J
MR monitoring of focused ultrasound surgery (FUS)
Proceedings of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 3 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), (2) : 1355 (2000)

Brix G; Bellemann ME; Haberkorn U
Tierexperimentelle 19F-MR-Untersuchungen zur Modulation des Metabolismus von 5-Fluoruracil durch 5-Bromvinyluracil
Medizinische Physik 2000 DGMP P Kneschaurek (Hrsg), (2) : 19-20 (2000)

Brix G; Henze M; Knopp MV; Lucht R; Doll J; Junkermann H; Hawighorst H; Haberkorn U
Wertigkeit der dynamischen MRT und der FDG-PET in der Mammadiagnostik
Medizinische Physik 2000 DGMP P Kneschaurek (Hrsg), (2) : 21-22 (2000)

Bublitz O; Doll J; Werling A; Brix G; Semmler W
Entwicklung eines modularen, graphisch steuerbaren Systems zur Integration von Programmen in der PET-Datenverarbeitung
Medizinische Physik 2000 DGMP P Kneschaurek (Hrsg), (2) : 131-132 (2000)

Doll J; Bublitz O; Henze M; Bellemann ME; Werling A; Brix G
Hochauflösende schnelle Bildrekonstrultion mit dem OSEM-Algorithmus
Medizinische Physik 2000 DGMP P Kneschaurek (Hrsg), (2) : 133-134 (2000)

Fenstad AM; Lundervold A; Bock M; Schad LR
How does the signal-to-noise ratio influence texture measures?
Proc. of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 1 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), (2) : 668 (2000)

Günther M; Schad LR
Computer model of heterogeneous arterial trees: simulation of arterial spin labeling sequences
Proc. of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 1 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), (2) : 168 (2000)

Jerecic R; Bock M; Schad LR
Zeitaufgelöste Natrium-23-Herz-Bildgebung bei 1.5 T
Medizinische Physik 2000 DGMP P Kneschaurek (Hrsg), (2) : 125-126 (2000)

Jerecic R; Bock M; Zabel HJ; Schad LR
Time resolved sodium imaging of the human heart at 1.5 T
Proc. of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 3 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), (2) : 1651 (2000)

Knopp MV; Floemer F; Schoenberg SO; Tengg-Kobligk H von; Bock M; Wunsch C; Richter G; Hoffmann V; McGill S
Dose response of a superparamagnetic contrast agent for MR angiography: qualitative and quantitative in vivo assessment of Clariscan
Proc. of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 3 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1819 (2000)

Knopp MV; Tengg-Kobligk H von; Floemer F; Giesel F; Bock M; Schoenberg SO
Intraindividual comparison of two contrast agents - Gd-DTPA and Gd-BOPTA - for multiphasic MR angiography
Proc. of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 1 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 182 (2000)

Marey A; Doll J; Trojan H; Brix G
Bestimmung von Recovery-Koeffizienten für die Ermittlung der arteriellen Inputfunktion bei PET-Messungen aus der Aorta
Medizinische Physik 2000 DGMP P Kneschaurek (Hrsg), (2) : 137-138 (2000)

Materka A; Strzelecki M; Lerski R; Schad L
Feature evaluation of texture test objects for magnetic resonance imaging
Texture Analysis in Machine, Series in Machine Percept. & Artificial Intelligence World Scientific Pietikainen MK (Hrsg), 40 : 197-206 (2000)

Meyer H; Baudendistel K; Bock M; Kleinböhl D; Schad LR
Randomized fMRI-design with event-related FLASH: a technique for monitoring cerebral pain processing
Proc. of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 2 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), (2) : 916 (2000)

Rademaker G; Baudendistel K; Bock M; Schad LR
MR-Temperaturmonitoring mittels schneller diffusionsgewichteter HASTE-Sequenz und Vergleich zu T1-gewichteter FLASH-Sequenz
Medizinische Physik 2000 DGMP P Kneschaurek (Hrsg), (2) : 239-240 (2000)

Ramm U; Bankamp A; Weber U; Bock M; Krämer M; Damrau M; Kraft G; Schad LR; Böttcher HD
Polymer-Gel-Dosimetrie zur Verifikation konformierender Schwerionentherapie
Medizinische Physik 2000 DGMP P Kneschaurek (Hrsg), (2) : 107-108 (2000)

Ramm U; Bock M; Weber U; Krämer M; Bankamp A; Damrau M; Böttcher HD; Schad LR; Kraft G
BANG(TM) polymer gels applied to the verification of conformal heavy ion radiotherapy
The Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy, 13th ICCR 2000 Springer W Schlegel; T Bortfeld (Hrsg), : 359-361 (2000)

Reichenbach JR; Wurdinger S; Bock M; Kaiser WA
Dynamic magnetic resonance mammography using interleaved dual-echo 3D gradient echo imaging
Proceedings of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 3 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 2172 (2000)

Sammet S; Bock M; Schlemmer HP; Bachert P
Fast T1rho-NMR imaging and relaxometry of brain tumors in patients at 1.5 T
Proc. of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 2 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 1097 (2000)

Sammet S; Bock M; Schlemmer HP; Bachert P
T1rho-gewichtete MR-Bildgebung bei 1,5T bei Patienten mit Hirntumoren
Medizinische Physik 2000 DGMP P Kneschaurek (Hrsg), (2) : 29-30 (2000)

Schlicker A; Mier W; Brix G; Bellemann ME; Peschke P
Biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of a macromolecular conjugated anticancer drug assessment with 19F NMR imaging
27th Int. Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials Controlled Release Society, Inc. V Torchilin et al (Hrsg), : 6340-6341 (2000)

Thesen S; Heid O; Mueller E; Schad LR
Prospective acquisition correction for head motion with image-based tracking for real-time fMRI
Proc. of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 1 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), (2) : 56 (2000)

Wegmann K; Brix G
Single-Photonen-Transmissionsmessungen in der PET: Evaluierung eines Streukorrekturalgorithmus anhand von Monte-Carlo-Rechnungen
Medizinische Physik 2000 DGMP P Kneschaurek (Hrsg), (2) : 144-145 (2000)

Werling A; Doll J; Bublitz O; Brix G; Semmler W
Effiziente, simulationsbasierte Streukorrektur für die iterative 3D-Bildrekonstruktion von PET-Daten
Medizinische Physik 1999 DGMP H Gfirtner (Hrsg), (2) : 31-32 (2000)

Wilhelm T; Sammet S; Bachert P
Schnelle NMR Spektroskopie an der Wade mittels 1H und 31P Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging
Medizinische Physik 2000 DGMP P Kneschaurek (Hrsg), (2) : 33-34 (2000)

Wilhelm T; Wacker C; Aisenbrey C; Bauer W; Bachert P
1H echo-planar spectroscopic imaging of the human heart in vivo
Proc. of the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Int. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol. 1 ISMRM International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Hrsg), : 138 (2000)

Wolber G
Fluenzen thermalisierter Neutronen in Feldern schneller Neutronen
Medizinische Physik 2000 DGMP P Kneschaurek (Hrsg), (2) : 109-110 (2000)

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