Innovation Management
Under the common goal of the DKFZ, the fight against cancer, the objective of the new Innovation Management Organisation is to foster the development of innovative preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic products for maximum societal benefit. Entrepreneurial thinking and a spin-off friendly culture are key elements for future success.
Under the leadership of Dr. Rainer Wessel, the Innovation Management team is working at the interface of research, industry and venture capital. The team supports scientists from securing Intellectual Property through product development towards market introduction.
Innovative research approaches are evaluated and prioritized with regard to their application success, impact probability and funding needs. Investigators' development activities are supported by professional project management, including development plan and business plan generation, as well as funding and matchmaking with industry partners.
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General Terms and Conditions for the execution of research and development orders in the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (German Cancer Research Center) Heidelberg,
Status: January 2019
Download Terms and Conditions (English).
Status: April 2019
Download Terms and Conditions, AGBs (Deutsch).