WEBVTT Kind: subtitles Language: en 00:00:10.560 --> 00:00:15.920 Hi, I'm Emily and I'm currently doing my Master's  Thesis at the German Cancer Research Center. 00:00:21.440 --> 00:00:25.280 At the moment I'm doing a lot of cell  culture because my project includes biology   00:00:25.840 --> 00:00:30.880 and I'm working on combination therapies so I  try to combine the irradiation with different   00:00:30.880 --> 00:00:36.480 concentrations of DNA repair inhibitors  to create a synergistic effect of both   00:00:37.200 --> 00:00:42.720 and for that I'm doing so-called  clonogenic assays. I plate cells and   00:00:44.240 --> 00:00:49.200 I can fix and stain them in the end and  then I can count the surviving colonies   00:00:49.200 --> 00:00:54.400 and for that I can determine the survival  fraction in the end and see how many cells   00:00:54.400 --> 00:00:59.440 survive with the different concentrations  and in combination with the irradiation.   00:01:00.640 --> 00:01:06.480 These are some examples of my plates and this one  here for example is from a pancreatic cancer cell   00:01:06.480 --> 00:01:13.600 line where I tried to irradiate at two Gray and I  used a first concentration which was higher than   00:01:13.600 --> 00:01:20.080 the second one and here in the first concentration  there are lots more of colonies. It means the   00:01:20.080 --> 00:01:26.720 second concentration worked in combination with  the irradiation. Additionally, I will do this in   00:01:26.720 --> 00:01:32.800 3D because tumors are also growing in 3D so I'm  going to create so-called spheroids and I will   00:01:32.800 --> 00:01:39.840 observe the increase and the shrinkage of their  size and this is called a growth delay essay.   00:01:45.280 --> 00:01:50.640 I like most about my project that it includes a  lot of practical work. I really have to plan my   00:01:50.640 --> 00:01:57.360 own experiments. I have to look after the cells  and I have to look if my experiments work or not   00:01:57.360 --> 00:02:03.600 and in the end I have to do my own analysis. And  I really like that in medical physics a lot of   00:02:03.600 --> 00:02:09.280 different fields work together. I really get  to know how to apply physics and biology here.   00:02:09.280 --> 00:02:14.720 I have a lot of colleagues who are biologists  chemists physicists and medical students as well.   00:02:21.360 --> 00:02:27.920 My daily challenges include the work with the  cells because if you slightly change something   00:02:27.920 --> 00:02:33.280 in the environment of the experiment, it can  happen that the cells behave totally different so   00:02:33.280 --> 00:02:41.520 you have to be very accurate at working with the  experiment. And the biological experiments, they   00:02:41.520 --> 00:02:49.840 take a lot of time so in the end if it didn't work  you have to repeat the whole experiment again. 00:03:04.960 --> 00:03:05.040 you