WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:10.560 --> 00:00:18.160 Hello, I am Beatriz Sánchez. I am a physicist  with a PhD in Medical Physics and talking to you   00:00:18.160 --> 00:00:24.080 from Chile. I'm currently working as an  associate professor at the Institute of Physics   00:00:25.040 --> 00:00:29.840 at the Pontificial Catholic University Chile. 00:00:34.080 --> 00:00:42.080 Today, I have to talk about what is my daily work  as a medical physics in my case in the university.   00:00:42.640 --> 00:00:50.720 Well, as I held an academic position, I do a lot  of lecturing to pre and postgraduate students.   00:00:50.720 --> 00:00:58.240 I also have to supervise their research when they  are doing their thesis in our medical physics   00:00:58.240 --> 00:01:06.400 master program. I also do my own research with  other colleagues from the institute or colleagues   00:01:06.400 --> 00:01:15.280 from abroad, but also how to spend some time  writing projects to finance our research. But   00:01:15.280 --> 00:01:22.880 also I have to do outreach giving lectures to  students at schools for example and also sometimes   00:01:22.880 --> 00:01:30.640 I have to record videos to talk about what is  my daily life as a medical physicist. Well,   00:01:30.640 --> 00:01:38.960 in particular my research consists of modeling  the doses that a patient under radiotherapy   00:01:38.960 --> 00:01:48.240 treatment receives outside the treatment field.  These doses are relatively low but they can lead   00:01:48.240 --> 00:01:58.720 to second cancer several years later. We are doing  modeling but also we need to test if those models   00:01:58.720 --> 00:02:07.120 are working correctly and for that we should  test those models against experimental data.   00:02:08.320 --> 00:02:15.840 How can I measure the dose received by patients  under radiotherapy treatment? Well, I can use   00:02:15.840 --> 00:02:24.400 very tiny detectors like small crystals of the  order of a millimeter that I can put inside a   00:02:24.400 --> 00:02:31.200 different geometries, simulated a human being.  Sometimes these geometries are very, very simple   00:02:31.200 --> 00:02:42.640 like a cube, filled of water, but sometimes we  are as lucky as having something like Chris. 00:02:43.360 --> 00:02:50.080 Chris is a antropomorphical phantom and  inside him we can find all the complexity   00:02:50.080 --> 00:02:57.840 of the structures and geometries that we can find  in a real human being. So we can place inside him   00:02:57.840 --> 00:03:04.160 these small tiny detectors to measure  the dose outside the treatment fields.   00:03:04.160 --> 00:03:14.320 I can show you for example how Chris looks  inside. I've taken part of the head of Chris   00:03:15.840 --> 00:03:24.320 and inside, I can see the structure simulating  the bones and even the brain. Those numbers   00:03:25.200 --> 00:03:33.360 means or can be used as a reference for  the dosimeters I will plain inside Chris. 00:03:40.000 --> 00:03:48.720 Now, I want to tell you about what are the things  that I do like most in my job. And probably,   00:03:48.720 --> 00:03:57.120 the most important one is thinking that  what I do can have an impact on a cancer   00:03:57.120 --> 00:04:05.760 patient's care but I also really enjoy it when  I see my students enchanted with what they are   00:04:05.760 --> 00:04:12.240 learning or investigating, or when I think on  their progression since they enter in our master   00:04:12.240 --> 00:04:20.400 program and now they are working as professionals  in radiotherapy centers or doing their PhD studies   00:04:20.400 --> 00:04:28.160 or working at the industry. I also enjoy when I  finish my research and I have to write a paper to   00:04:28.160 --> 00:04:35.680 communicate to the Medical Physics community  our results. But all in all, I cannot think   00:04:35.680 --> 00:04:42.560 on a single day in which I get bored what I am  doing in my daily life as a medical physicist. 00:04:48.640 --> 00:04:59.440 One of them is to manage to deliver a good lecture  and when you get that, you really feels it. That's   00:04:59.440 --> 00:05:09.840 really important. But also, another challenge  is to be able to recover from the frustration   00:05:10.960 --> 00:05:20.320 that it happens when you see that your research is  moving slowly than you really thought or planned   00:05:20.320 --> 00:05:30.400 at the beginning. Also, it is difficult when after  a lot of work, you get a result which is different   00:05:30.400 --> 00:05:41.760 from what your intuition as a physicist you get.  Well, I hope you have enjoyed this small video   00:05:41.760 --> 00:05:51.840 recording to celebrate the Virtual International  Day of Medical Physics. Bye from Chile!