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Science at DKFZ

SCIENCE@DKFZ - The DKFZ Internal Seminar



SCIENCE@DKFZ is a monthly internal seminar series and forms a regular platform for presenting cutting-edge research going on at our center. It aims at increasing the dissemination of scientific results generated at the DKFZ and NCT in Heidelberg. Each edition will feature a comprehensive lecture by a DKFZ division head or junior group leader. These speakers will also give a general overview of their research field. In addition, recent DKFZ publication highlights will be presented as short talks. In this season, we also plan to scatter in tech talks from leaders of our core facilities. In each edition and over each season, all six research programs of the DKFZ will be covered, with the goal to show not only the excellence but also the bandwidth of research performed at the DKFZ.

Colleagues from the Heidelberg Campus are warmly welcomed to all events.

Upcoming SCIENCE@DKFZ In-Person Event



The next event of Season VIII SCIENCE@DKFZ lecture series has been scheduled for Monday, 16 September 2024 at 4 pm. It will feature a keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Tian Qiu⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢. This event will be held in-person only at the DKFZ lecture hall.

We invite you to join us!

Before and after the keynote, young scientists will present outstanding recently published publications. Please see the detailed program below.

Program 2024-09-16 4:00 pm:

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Oliver Jäkel⁢

Short Talk: Dr. Brian Clarke Integration of variant annotations using deep set networks boosts rare variant association genetics

Short Talk: Dr. Agne Krilaviciute Risk-adjusted screening for prostate cancer — defining the low-risk group by data from the PROBASE trial

Main Talk: Prof. Dr. Tian Qiu⁢⁢⁢ Micro-/Nanorobots for minimally-invasive medicine⁢

Short Talk: Dr. Zhe Li Memory B cells dominate the early antibody-secreting cell response to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in naïve individuals independently of their antibody affinity

Short Talk: Dr. Avantika Ghosh Suppressive cancer nonstop extension mutations increase C-terminal hydrophobicity and disrupt evolutionarily conserved amino acid patterns

Program Season VIII

4:00 pm, DKFZ Lecture Hall

Thursday, 15 February 2024
Andreas Trumpp⁢ (FSP A) From stem cells in leukemia to neurons in pancreatic cancer

Tuesday, 12 March 2024
Oliver Jäkel⁢ (FSP E) Helium ion radiotherapy: from Berkeley to Heidelberg

Wednesday, 10 April 2024
Aurélie Ernst (FSP B) Chromothripsis in cancer⁢

Tuesday, 14 May 2024
Wilhelm Palm⁢ (FSP A) Metabolic stress adaptations in cancer

Tuesday, 11 June 2024
Duncan Odom⁢ (FSP B) DNA lesion segregation in cancer evolution

Tuesday, 09 July 2024
Frank Lyko⁢ (FSP A) Environmental epigenetics

Monday, 16 September 2024
Tian Qiu⁢ (FSP E) Micro-/Nanorobots for minimally-invasive medicine

Tuesday, 08 October 2024
Rudolf Kaaks⁢ (FSP C) Lung cancer screening: risk-stratified approaches, and status report for Germany

Tuesday, 12 November 2024
Guy Ungerechts (FSP F) Immunovirotherapy - clinical translation

Tuesday, 03 December 2024
Felix Hartmann⁢ (FSP D) Spatial imaging of metabolic regulation in human cancer

Jointly organized by the DKFZ Research Programs (FSPs)

Contact the Organizers


Poster Season VIII


Poster Season VIII

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